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Natars (

Name: Natars
Rank: 14 (10 raised)
Villages: 123 (+9)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 31,026 (+5,596)
Registered since: 02/09/21
Playtime: 67 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 1575)
Log: (Entries: 1575)
02/09/21Village (-50|50) settled.
02/09/21Village (0|50) settled.
02/09/21Village (50|50) settled.
02/09/21Village (-1|6) settled.
02/09/21Village (6|3) settled.
02/09/21Village (-6|1) settled.
02/09/21Village (-50|0) settled.
02/09/21Village (0|0) settled.
02/09/21Village (50|0) settled.
02/09/21Village (5|-4) settled.
02/09/21Village (-3|-6) settled.
02/09/21Village (-50|-50) settled.
02/09/21Village (0|-50) settled.
02/09/21Village (50|-50) settled.
03/09/21(-10|64) conquered by kalemci9.
03/09/21(10|60) conquered by ARESS.
03/09/21(-9|55) conquered by Raty.
03/09/21(-38|52) conquered by Бадабум.
03/09/21(35|48) conquered by tolgareis.
03/09/21(-34|47) conquered by therion.
03/09/21(12|47) conquered by Manodai.
03/09/21(43|43) conquered by Menemen.
03/09/21(-41|40) conquered by cocholate.
03/09/21(-33|40) conquered by Aetius.
03/09/21(13|39) conquered by haavoittuva (FD-HC).
03/09/21(-9|38) conquered by anastithika (minio).
03/09/21(-53|29) conquered by Picibangos.
03/09/21(-15|29) conquered by tolg.
03/09/21(-66|20) conquered by Alduin.
03/09/21(-35|18) conquered by Barbudo.
03/09/21(-40|0) conquered by Anger.
03/09/21(-55|-1) conquered by altiyuzotuzyedi.
03/09/21(-72|-5) conquered by I can.
03/09/21(-64|-6) conquered by sad1.
03/09/21(-52|-9) conquered by Predatorka.
03/09/21(-37|-12) conquered by Bambi.
03/09/21(-54|-13) conquered by seytantozu.
03/09/21(41|-13) conquered by TheHook.
03/09/21(-30|-14) conquered by Coucou.
03/09/21(43|-14) conquered by abracadabra.
03/09/21(63|-14) conquered by Golem.
03/09/21(41|-20) conquered by HutHor.
03/09/21(37|-21) conquered by jgabor35.
03/09/21(-43|-22) conquered by KereZ.
03/09/21(-36|-23) conquered by what.
03/09/21(45|-25) conquered by baka.
03/09/21(59|-25) conquered by Pampalini1.
03/09/21(48|-26) conquered by illidan.
03/09/21(-11|-28) conquered by Ecum3.
03/09/21(-60|-30) conquered by daenerys.
03/09/21(-4|-30) conquered by mairinausse.
03/09/21(-54|-31) conquered by Pizza85.
03/09/21(-17|-33) conquered by Origami.
03/09/21(-12|-33) conquered by Krep.
03/09/21(-11|-35) conquered by Lola.
03/09/21(32|-36) conquered by lalapo.
03/09/21(59|-41) conquered by luDOTApa.
03/09/21(56|-46) conquered by ALF.
03/09/21(-35|-48) conquered by bilgetolga.
03/09/21(39|-50) conquered by Chapo.
03/09/21(3|-53) conquered by Gloves.
03/09/21(18|-54) conquered by cokoman.
03/09/21(-1|-55) conquered by yasinreis.
03/09/21(3|-55) conquered by qay.
03/09/21(8|-55) conquered by vavava.
03/09/21(24|-56) conquered by Chibryx.
03/09/21(-16|-58) conquered by kalemci8.
03/09/21(19|-60) conquered by Cualquieras.
03/09/21(21|-63) conquered by Krisztián.
03/09/21(-13|-66) conquered by Berg10.
04/09/21(15|82) conquered by Eter.
04/09/21(28|79) conquered by Spiridusul..
04/09/21(-37|72) conquered by pehliONE.
04/09/21(44|25) conquered by cactus.
04/09/21(-80|12) conquered by Manfred.
04/09/21(47|7) conquered by BezeJména.
04/09/21(42|-5) conquered by DragoDD.
04/09/21(-72|-16) conquered by lordmiguel.
04/09/21(-70|-23) conquered by BrunoBomBaGaRai.
04/09/21(73|-33) conquered by Yho.
04/09/21(10|-40) conquered by Žampion (Shift).
04/09/21(59|-56) conquered by Fat.
04/09/21(53|-60) conquered by a1212.
04/09/21(-39|-61) conquered by Nordvei.
04/09/21(12|-62) conquered by Julius Caesar.
04/09/21(39|-64) conquered by heisenberg01.
04/09/21(-14|-72) conquered by Tolghi.
04/09/21(-11|-73) conquered by ShaharStyle1.
04/09/21(-24|-76) conquered by Makhai.
04/09/21(4|-80) conquered by Vad.
05/09/21(-10|76) conquered by axel.
05/09/21(0|75) conquered by devil.
05/09/21(-57|71) conquered by TheMan.
05/09/21(8|69) conquered by Lana.
05/09/21(58|65) conquered by kokot.
05/09/21(22|58) conquered by خزنة جهنم.
05/09/21(-12|57) conquered by LA SCIMMIA (A.H.).
05/09/21(-70|56) conquered by Nevermore.
05/09/21(-82|36) conquered by kaito865.
05/09/21(82|28) conquered by raider.
05/09/21(82|6) conquered by Mr. G.
05/09/21(-83|3) conquered by Bunnys.
05/09/21(-81|-4) conquered by KIko.
05/09/21(-31|-50) conquered by sj31.
05/09/21(-3|-51) conquered by Peasant29.
05/09/21(5|-61) conquered by nier.
05/09/21(36|-67) conquered by Irys.
05/09/21(26|-70) conquered by chansson7.
05/09/21(-5|-77) conquered by Piona.
06/09/21(-8|94) conquered by ZUX_11111.
06/09/21(44|83) conquered by Siewca Pokoju.
06/09/21(-29|82) conquered by Frax39.
06/09/21(-47|42) conquered by gterron.
06/09/21(75|41) conquered by elcoca.
06/09/21(-67|29) conquered by KuRap.
06/09/21(-29|27) conquered by BretonFire.
06/09/21(33|25) conquered by ملك الحب.
06/09/21(-34|-12) conquered by skibbo.
06/09/21(-33|-23) conquered by God.
06/09/21(66|-32) conquered by Shiva.
06/09/21(34|-37) conquered by vegeta (FAUNA).
06/09/21(-65|-63) conquered by amandaK.
06/09/21(-27|-68) conquered by Thanos.
07/09/21(-59|63) conquered by Bumblebee.
07/09/21(-37|49) conquered by Sapo (OFF).
07/09/21(70|37) conquered by Cherry.
07/09/21(79|33) conquered by DAMDAM.
07/09/21(-27|32) conquered by yasser.
07/09/21(95|26) conquered by mufasa.
07/09/21(-25|22) conquered by Dreamy Teenage.
07/09/21(-67|11) conquered by DrakenDK.
07/09/21(-61|10) conquered by JianEnem (OFF).
07/09/21(-39|9) conquered by baropulu.
07/09/21(-89|8) conquered by PLASTIK.
07/09/21(59|1) conquered by Industrious.
07/09/21(-88|-3) conquered by perkinsolas.
07/09/21(-70|-9) conquered by karakafa.
07/09/21(89|-13) conquered by Lightning.
07/09/21(97|-15) conquered by Tset.
07/09/21(45|-16) conquered by Lee.
07/09/21(-94|-22) conquered by Bojack Horseman.
07/09/21(-91|-22) conquered by Acc. Removed.
07/09/21(-26|-24) conquered by masterviktoriy.
07/09/21(32|-27) conquered by Robertus (4gto).
07/09/21(-57|-32) conquered by Ribolovac77 (LBEC).
07/09/21(-24|-48) conquered by mito.
07/09/21(-38|-62) conquered by ZIRTAPOZ.
07/09/21(24|-73) conquered by fajter.
07/09/21(60|-73) conquered by GhZvDj.
07/09/21(29|-90) conquered by Almtery.
07/09/21(2|-95) conquered by rel.
07/09/21(1|-97) conquered by woltiux.
08/09/21 (19|-60) conquered by Antero (UC).
08/09/21(-36|90) conquered by tabah.
08/09/21(-52|77) conquered by Teemo.
08/09/21(-84|49) conquered by diar.
08/09/21(-30|44) conquered by Krueger.
08/09/21(-36|34) conquered by KnatteN.
08/09/21(-79|-54) conquered by mazar.
08/09/21(-57|-77) conquered by aram.
08/09/21(18|-84) conquered by ROOSTER.
09/09/21(15|95) conquered by _germanoff_ (SPAIN).
09/09/21(49|89) conquered by Periskop.
09/09/21(33|87) conquered by razorMC.
09/09/21(3|61) conquered by tim.
09/09/21(-73|57) conquered by Alihanpbd.
09/09/21(-25|57) conquered by Osiris.
09/09/21(-76|50) conquered by Thijs.
09/09/21(99|20) conquered by Jacek991.
09/09/21(91|14) conquered by Stanislas (DEATH).
09/09/21(56|-7) conquered by jesusMX (travs).
09/09/21(-99|-8) conquered by dope.
09/09/21(-82|-9) conquered by OUKI.
09/09/21(-88|-47) conquered by binas.
09/09/21(7|-52) conquered by Keyzer Soze.
09/09/21(-76|-70) conquered by lupa.
09/09/21(38|-96) conquered by Dağ.
09/09/21(-13|-102) conquered by GrooT_DE.
10/09/21 (-35|18) conquered by sir-crocodile.
10/09/21(-8|58) conquered by cagada.
10/09/21(12|51) conquered by God Of War.
10/09/21(-49|-7) conquered by Death Barrows.
10/09/21(-20|-25) conquered by Libero.
10/09/21(-59|-42) conquered by Gawrill.
10/09/21(81|-66) conquered by VINGADOR.
10/09/21(-50|-71) conquered by crixonk (MnR).
10/09/21(64|-85) conquered by dova.
10/09/21(53|-90) conquered by sadness.
10/09/21(21|-94) conquered by tom123098.
11/09/21(51|95) conquered by Kortres.
11/09/21(18|92) conquered by Letsgobebeh.
11/09/21(23|85) conquered by HeraZeus (G€).
11/09/21(81|70) conquered by VEDO.
11/09/21(75|62) conquered by Ruozinis.
11/09/21(-75|53) conquered by icq Liusy.
11/09/21(-70|29) conquered by dieguz.
11/09/21(-101|10) conquered by BlackDemon.
11/09/21(76|-21) conquered by Türk34.
11/09/21(-97|-47) conquered by Rifirope.
11/09/21(51|-54) conquered by Matatudo.
11/09/21(45|-63) conquered by Shpaloukladchik.
11/09/21(24|-104) conquered by Chillon.
12/09/21 (-20|-25) conquered by Tortank (PKM).
12/09/21 (-57|-32) conquered by TheStromp (НУ По).
12/09/21 (39|-50) conquered by Indijanac666 (travs).
12/09/21 (-38|-62) conquered by Lokhlass (PKM).
12/09/21 (24|-73) conquered by Droopy (13).
12/09/21(9|85) conquered by Kns (-RO).
12/09/21(40|73) conquered by INTR5SKIL.
12/09/21(-14|56) conquered by athlete.
12/09/21(97|31) conquered by GodSmack (SOUL).
12/09/21(76|-24) conquered by lhucas00.
12/09/21(38|-61) conquered by FuKhan44.
12/09/21(6|-62) conquered by AFIGIENAS.
12/09/21(70|-63) conquered by xpn.
12/09/21(84|-72) conquered by ayk (TURAN).
13/09/21 (40|73) conquered by LUCIOILBOSS (ARPHO).
13/09/21 (-73|57) conquered by SPQR (IMP).
13/09/21 (-67|29) conquered by m7tar1 (TNT).
13/09/21 (-29|27) conquered by sir-crocodile.
13/09/21 (59|1) conquered by DARK Knights (~RO~).
13/09/21(23|110) conquered by Clausro (-RO-).
13/09/21(32|98) conquered by zizer0g (DEATH).
13/09/21(38|90) conquered by Show.
13/09/21(-61|88) conquered by dorman.
13/09/21(-47|83) conquered by Metin4736.
13/09/21(35|61) conquered by covid 20.
13/09/21(-41|60) conquered by Voltamos (WAR @).
13/09/21(-48|46) conquered by Jescas.
13/09/21(-46|41) conquered by Marvado.
13/09/21(-108|31) conquered by Thomas Shelby.
13/09/21(-94|27) conquered by spak.
13/09/21(102|26) conquered by IzNoGood.
13/09/21(29|9) conquered by Alcor-MIzar.
13/09/21(-33|-62) conquered by Greenleaf (CTR).
13/09/21(54|-62) conquered by TheBest.
13/09/21(82|-77) conquered by Phoenix212.
13/09/21(7|-107) conquered by Equitoris.
14/09/21 (32|98) conquered by Anonimul (-RO).
14/09/21 (-70|29) conquered by m7tar1 (TNT).
14/09/21 (56|-7) conquered by JustAsterix (FD-HC).
14/09/21 (5|-61) conquered by Rexx (TURAN).
14/09/21 (-33|-62) conquered by Lokhlass (PKM).
14/09/21 (-50|-71) conquered by REYOSCURO.
14/09/21(-15|101) conquered by KeijoQ.
14/09/21(-23|88) conquered by Safari.
14/09/21(38|75) conquered by Tester.
14/09/21(73|43) conquered by Bakunin.
14/09/21(-8|42) conquered by NUCLEAR (WAR ©).
14/09/21(89|28) conquered by dedelerindedesi (YÖRÜK).
14/09/21(87|8) conquered by ACM (DEATH).
14/09/21(0|-56) conquered by Kau98.
14/09/21(-18|-99) conquered by NondKip.
15/09/21 (0|75) conquered by Gotfry (JF).
15/09/21 (-25|57) conquered by Flip (LBEC).
15/09/21 (-9|55) conquered by Homar (WAR ©).
15/09/21 (-76|50) conquered by HussainAhmed (WAR ©).
15/09/21 (12|47) conquered by Lolek (HLS).
15/09/21 (-30|44) conquered by kelly (WAR @).
15/09/21 (-8|42) conquered by Msa (LEGIO).
15/09/21 (97|31) conquered by Focamonaca (ARPHO).
15/09/21 (66|-32) conquered by Losimpostores (FAUNA).
15/09/21 (-27|-68) conquered by timberwolf1958 (MnR).
15/09/21(-68|128) conquered by MarioCota.
15/09/21(17|111) conquered by serkan.
15/09/21(65|67) conquered by ÆØÅ.
15/09/21(-60|64) conquered by GLADIO.
15/09/21(99|58) conquered by Asia.
15/09/21(-103|52) conquered by CuFCuF.
15/09/21(-82|39) conquered by dahaka (WAR).
15/09/21(-95|28) conquered by aris.
15/09/21(86|7) conquered by Joram (DEATH).
15/09/21(122|5) conquered by Mrga (HLS).
15/09/21(88|3) conquered by Cristi (ВАО).
15/09/21(-111|1) conquered by EspalhaBrasas.
15/09/21(112|-9) conquered by Cregig.
15/09/21(-97|-14) conquered by Atenea.
15/09/21(-53|-16) conquered by Jan (Punks).
15/09/21(-19|-31) conquered by 5N1K (LBEC).
15/09/21(86|-36) conquered by Samet bağcı (TURAN).
15/09/21(-39|-59) conquered by Burhis (RTF).
15/09/21(-96|-62) conquered by alFa.
15/09/21(30|-63) conquered by Benvenuto.
15/09/21(67|-68) conquered by cicak.
15/09/21(18|-94) conquered by Koekjesmonster (SOUL).
16/09/21 (22|58) conquered by szupernagyi (THC).
16/09/21 (29|9) conquered by VRC (~RO~).
16/09/21 (76|-21) conquered by P4sSwOrD (ВАО).
16/09/21 (-19|-31) conquered by Tortank (PKM).
16/09/21 (-11|-35) conquered by Davy Jones (NLX).
16/09/21 (34|-37) conquered by Idem (TCS).
16/09/21 (18|-54) conquered by Antero (UC).
16/09/21 (51|-54) conquered by German217 (FAUNA).
16/09/21 (24|-56) conquered by Maria (UC™).
16/09/21 (-39|-59) conquered by Lokhlass (PKM).
16/09/21 (38|-96) conquered by josip-jole (*S_Q*).
16/09/21(-24|96) conquered by estopa46 (SOUL).
16/09/21(-41|86) conquered by Heisenberg (A.H.).
16/09/21(52|55) conquered by SPN.
16/09/21(11|23) conquered by Pretoriano.
16/09/21(13|22) conquered by Otaku Fedido.
... All (1575)
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  since 02/09/21  (68 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (100 entries)
Natarson Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 316)
Natarson Server 7 ( (Villages: 151)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 172)
Natarson Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 139)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 407)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 315)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 148)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 149)
Natarson Server 6 ( (Villages: 647)
Natarson ( (Villages: 124)
Natarson ( (Villages: 217)
Natarson ( (Villages: 81)
Natarson ( (Villages: 175)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 228)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 553)
Natarson Server 100 ( (Villages: 40)
Natarson Server 31 ( (Villages: 107)
Natarson Server 5 ( (Villages: 958)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 468)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 249)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 112)
Natarson ( (Villages: 70)
Natarson ( (Villages: 302)
Natarson Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 94)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 709)
Natarson Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 57)
Natarson ( (Villages: 311)
Natarson ( (Villages: 236)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 317)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 291)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 73)
Natarson Server 4 ( (Villages: 1033)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 363)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 158)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 854)
Natarson ( (Villages: 219)
Natarson ( (Villages: 76)
Natarson ( (Villages: 83)
Natarson ( (Villages: 56)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 237)
Natarson Server 3 ( (Villages: 589)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 95)
Natarson ( (Villages: 413)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 267)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 151)
Natarson Server 2 ( (Villages: 707)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 177)
Natarson ( (Villages: 156)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 267)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 404)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 204)
Natarson Server 1 ( (Villages: 474)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 190)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 233)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 345)
Natarson ( (Villages: 116)
Natarson ( (Villages: 76)
Natarson ( (Villages: 65)
Natarson ( (Villages: 14)
Natarson Server 9 ( (Villages: 138)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 189)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 221)
Natarson Server 10 [] ( (Villages: 284)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 158)
Natarson Server 8 ( (Villages: 265)
Natarson ( (Villages: 53)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 25)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 122)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2024) (Villages: 139)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 68)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2024) (Villages: 90)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 59)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 96)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2023) (Villages: 199)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 104)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2023) (Villages: 50)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2023) (Villages: 182)
Natarson Server 5 ( (2023) (Villages: 101)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 15)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 7)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 91)
Natarson Server 4 ( (2023) (Villages: 262)
Natarson Server 3 ( (2023) (Villages: 357)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 267)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 259)
Natarson Server 2 ( (2023) (Villages: 1048)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 231)
Natarson Server 1 ( (2023) (Villages: 534)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 257)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 46)
Natarson Server 9 ( (2023) (Villages: 2194)
Natarson Glory of Sparta x2 ( (2023) (Villages: 196)
Natarson Server 8 ( (2023) (Villages: 1438)
Natarson Server 31 ( (2023) (Villages: 142)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 60)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2023) (Villages: 694)
Natarson Server 21 ( (2023) (Villages: 214)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2023) (Villages: 876)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 88)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 140)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 50|0 )ROMANIA1213(+428)(settledThu 02/09/21
( -82|39 )Conquista mickey26 21113(+11)(G.v. dahakaWed 15/09/21
( -36|-23 )16 Mike1048(+17)(G.v. whatFri 03/09/21
( -34|-12 )13 Louteur1020(+19)(G.v. skibboMon 06/09/21
( -31|-50 )12 Chris Poney1020(+19)(G.v. sj31Sun 05/09/21
( -33|-23 )11 Skyriix1020(+19)(G.v. GodMon 06/09/21
( -54|-31 )19 Ecum31006(+31)(G.v. Pizza85Fri 03/09/21
( -59|-42 )07 *1003(+33)(G.v. GawrillFri 10/09/21
( -40|0 )Élektek tonique1001(+14)(G.v. AngerFri 03/09/21
( -75|53 )10.NIETZSCHE1000(+27)(G.v. icq LiusySat 11/09/21
( 81|70 )15.Barion Mode999(+82)(G.v. VEDOSat 11/09/21
( -43|-22 )52 *998(+45)(G.v. KereZFri 03/09/21
( 13|22 )OH NOT AGAIN997(G.v. Otaku FedidoThu 16/09/21
( 36|-67 )Roma986(G.v. IrysSun 05/09/21
( 3|-53 )Aldea LOKETES 15959(G.v. GlovesFri 03/09/21
( -14|56 )07 deff952(+9)(G.v. athleteSun 12/09/21
( -36|34 )12 BINZIN949(+32)(G.v. KnatteNWed 08/09/21
( -46|41 )09 EMERSON FEDA946(+35)(G.v. MarvadoMon 13/09/21
( -41|40 )10 ALFRAN SARU945(+34)(G.v. cocholateFri 03/09/21
( 1|-97 )17.LeDo & LeGris #943(+10)(G.v. woltiuxTue 07/09/21
( 0|-56 )08 Diego *-* x940(+8)(G.v. Kau98Tue 14/09/21
( -70|-23 )13 Sedmi grad938(+24)(G.v. BrunoBomBaGaRaiSat 04/09/21
( -65|-63 )15. Phapha930(G.v. amandaKMon 06/09/21
( -29|82 )06R929(+53)(G.v. Frax39Mon 06/09/21
( 7|-52 )Aldea LOkETES 14925(G.v. Keyzer SozeThu 09/09/21
( -48|46 )10.P&W921(+4)(G.v. JescasMon 13/09/21
( -37|49 )08 THIAGO MALDADE919(+15)(G.v. SapoTue 07/09/21
( -38|52 )07 LORD ARRAB916(+6)(G.v. БадабумFri 03/09/21
( -3|-51 )08 Québec913(+8)(G.v. Peasant29Sun 05/09/21
( 18|-94 )Igiazu908(+63)(G.v. KoekjesmonsterWed 15/09/21
( 0|0 )Natars905(+43)(settledThu 02/09/21
( -49|-7 )12. Phapha905(G.v. Death BarrowsFri 10/09/21
( -55|-1 )17. Phapha904(G.v. altiyuzotuzyediFri 03/09/21
( 10|-40 )Aldea LOKETES 07903(G.v. ŽampionSat 04/09/21
( -52|-9 )16. Phapha902(G.v. PredatorkaFri 03/09/21
( 63|-14 )12-Requesón901(+10)(G.v. GolemFri 03/09/21
( 13|39 )Baloteasca900(+15)(G.v. haavoittuvaFri 03/09/21
( -47|42 )11.GODS898(G.v. gterronMon 06/09/21
( -76|-70 )19. Phapha896(G.v. lupaThu 09/09/21
( 112|-9 )5895(+99)(G.v. CregigWed 15/09/21
( 41|-20 )09 Nezuko888(+4)(G.v. HutHorFri 03/09/21
( 29|-90 )12 Jazz887(+2)(G.v. AlmteryTue 07/09/21
( 8|-55 )Aldea LOKETES 09887(G.v. vavavaFri 03/09/21
( -41|86 )Киев885(+20)(G.v. HeisenbergThu 16/09/21
( -5|-77 )12 Colorado883(G.v. PionaSun 05/09/21
( 44|25 )Delta881(G.v. cactusSat 04/09/21
( -17|-33 )11. Stop Attack881(+8)(G.v. OrigamiFri 03/09/21
( 21|-94 )Ngorongoro879(+85)(G.v. tom123098Fri 10/09/21
( 2|-95 )20. Tikiii & Poney877(+15)(G.v. relTue 07/09/21
( -26|-24 )18. phapha875(G.v. masterviktoriyTue 07/09/21
( -11|-28 )15 Pyrobut870(-103)(G.v. Ecum3Fri 03/09/21
( -82|-9 )Tarado 06870(+84)(G.v. OUKIThu 09/09/21
( -10|76 )a8870(+15)(G.v. axelSun 05/09/21
( 122|5 )07868(G.v. MrgaWed 15/09/21
( -12|57 )08 WhiskyX868(G.v. LA SCIMMIASun 05/09/21
( -15|101 )10.1 Montanhosa Guar867(+41)(G.v. KeijoQTue 14/09/21
( 53|-60 )07..866(+2)(G.v. a1212Sat 04/09/21
( 4|-80 )012865(+28)(G.v. VadSat 04/09/21
( -16|-58 )Lugia864(G.v. kalemci8Fri 03/09/21
( -12|-33 )10. Stop Attack862(+4)(G.v. KrepFri 03/09/21
( -10|64 )11859(+30)(G.v. kalemci9Fri 03/09/21
( -4|-30 )015 - Forge857(+4)(G.v. mairinausseFri 03/09/21
( 58|65 )[06]856(+43)(G.v. kokotSun 05/09/21
( 47|7 )Gamma854(G.v. BezeJménaSat 04/09/21
( -1|-55 )11 Zaira T-F x848(-2)(G.v. yasinreisFri 03/09/21
( -60|-30 )14. Phapha846(-70)(G.v. daenerysFri 03/09/21
( 15|82 )b9845(+31)(G.v. EterSat 04/09/21
( 89|-13 )17.N-R843(+109)(G.v. LightningTue 07/09/21
( -37|72 )RED STAR BELGRADE841(+12)(G.v. pehliONESat 04/09/21
( 3|-55 )Aldea LOKETES 08840(G.v. qayFri 03/09/21
( -30|-14 )010 -840(G.v. CoucouFri 03/09/21
( -18|-99 )10836(G.v. NondKipTue 14/09/21
( 76|-24 )25-VVLV835(+19)(G.v. lhucas00Sun 12/09/21
( -57|-77 )5-Chinese835(+32)(G.v. aramWed 08/09/21
( -81|-4 )The Rock835(-109)(G.v. KIkoSun 05/09/21
( 59|-25 )14 Noob destiny :)834(+8)(G.v. Pampalini1Fri 03/09/21
( 45|-25 )09 sero nueve832(+4)(G.v. bakaFri 03/09/21
( -70|56 )05. Красный провал832(+2)(G.v. NevermoreSun 05/09/21
( -34|47 )01.Chatonix832(+8)(G.v. therionFri 03/09/21
( 59|-56 )06..829(G.v. FatSat 04/09/21
( -33|40 )Dede 5828(+18)(G.v. AetiusFri 03/09/21
( -61|10 )[09] PABY CHORONA826(G.v. JianEnemTue 07/09/21
( -97|-47 )18-Xx Bast xX824(G.v. RifiropeSat 11/09/21
( 30|-63 )4-Naselje816(+3)(G.v. BenvenutoWed 15/09/21
( 12|51 )04. WYN814(G.v. God Of WarFri 10/09/21
( 6|-62 )Aldea LOKETES 11804(G.v. AFIGIENASSun 12/09/21
( 48|-26 )**13 nezuko 01803(G.v. illidanFri 03/09/21
( 75|41 )07]°°CrOmO801(+34)(G.v. elcocaMon 06/09/21
( 81|-66 )09 BunnY PooP799(G.v. VINGADORFri 10/09/21
( 9|85 )20. Carbid798(G.v. KnsSun 12/09/21
( 51|95 )13. Ti-as Da SteLele797(G.v. KortresSat 11/09/21
( 33|25 )10.Baryon Mode796(G.v. ملك الحبMon 06/09/21
( 41|-13 )9.-PEÑA AL VINO795(+2)(G.v. TheHookFri 03/09/21
( 37|-21 )6.-LOS K-NELOS795(G.v. jgabor35Fri 03/09/21
( -53|-16 )32 Romaine792(+178)(G.v. JanWed 15/09/21
( 10|60 )a04792(G.v. ARESSFri 03/09/21
( 11|23 )24.783(+17)(G.v. PretorianoThu 16/09/21
( -89|8 )Mickey conquest 6782(+6)(G.v. PLASTIKTue 07/09/21
( -11|-73 )09 Minnesota778(G.v. ShaharStyle1Sat 04/09/21
( 75|62 )04.DSA774(+3)(G.v. RuozinisSat 11/09/21
( 15|95 )03csam771(G.v. _germanoff_Thu 09/09/21
... All (223)

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 19|-60 )Natars 19|-6087(c.t. Antero Wed 08/09/21
( -35|18 )Natars -35|18253(c.t. sir-crocodile Fri 10/09/21
( -20|-25 )Natars -20|-25404(c.t. Tortank Sun 12/09/21
( -57|-32 )Natars -57|-32355(c.t. TheStromp Sun 12/09/21
( 39|-50 )Natars 39|-50129(c.t. Indijanac666 Sun 12/09/21
( -38|-62 )Natars -38|-62431(c.t. Lokhlass Sun 12/09/21
( 24|-73 )Natars 24|-73315(c.t. Droopy Sun 12/09/21
( -29|27 )Natars -29|27189(c.t. sir-crocodile Mon 13/09/21
( 59|1 )Natars 59|1396(c.t. DARK Knights Mon 13/09/21
( -67|29 )Natars -67|29255(c.t. m7tar1 Mon 13/09/21
( -73|57 )Natars -73|57313(c.t. SPQR Mon 13/09/21
( 40|73 )Natars 40|73323(c.t. LUCIOILBOSS Mon 13/09/21
( 32|98 )Natars 32|98453(c.t. Anonimul Tue 14/09/21
( -70|29 )Natars -70|29224(c.t. m7tar1 Tue 14/09/21
( 56|-7 )Natars 56|-7357(c.t. JustAsterix Tue 14/09/21
( 5|-61 )Natars 5|-61396(c.t. Rexx Tue 14/09/21
( -33|-62 )Natars -33|-62669(c.t. Lokhlass Tue 14/09/21
( -50|-71 )Natars -50|-71302(c.t. REYOSCURO Tue 14/09/21
( -8|42 )Natars -8|42474(c.t. Msa Wed 15/09/21
( -27|-68 )Natars -27|-68201(c.t. timberwolf1958 Wed 15/09/21
( 66|-32 )Natars 66|-32425(c.t. Losimpostores Wed 15/09/21
( 97|31 )Natars 97|31422(c.t. Focamonaca Wed 15/09/21
( -25|57 )Natars -25|57404(c.t. Flip Wed 15/09/21
( -30|44 )Natars -30|44317(c.t. kelly Wed 15/09/21
( 12|47 )Natars 12|47245(c.t. Lolek Wed 15/09/21
( -76|50 )Natars -76|50238(c.t. HussainAhmed Wed 15/09/21
( -9|55 )Natars -9|55398(c.t. Homar Wed 15/09/21
( 0|75 )Natars 0|75207(c.t. Gotfry Wed 15/09/21
( 22|58 )Natars 22|58341(c.t. szupernagyi Thu 16/09/21
( 29|9 )Natars 29|9300(c.t. VRC Thu 16/09/21
( 76|-21 )Natars 76|-21316(c.t. P4sSwOrD Thu 16/09/21
( -19|-31 )Natars -19|-31523(c.t. Tortank Thu 16/09/21
( -11|-35 )Natars -11|-35216(c.t. Davy Jones Thu 16/09/21
( 34|-37 )Natars 34|-37436(c.t. Idem Thu 16/09/21
( 18|-54 )Natars 18|-54275(c.t. Antero Thu 16/09/21
( 51|-54 )Natars 51|-54351(c.t. German217 Thu 16/09/21
( 24|-56 )Natars 24|-56208(c.t. Maria Thu 16/09/21
( -39|-59 )Natars -39|-59501(c.t. Lokhlass Thu 16/09/21
( 38|-96 )Natars 38|-96130(c.t. josip-jole Thu 16/09/21

Player statistics