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Vortex (

Name: Vortex
Rank: 120 (9 fallen)
Alliance: WILD
Villages: 20
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 13,428 (-190)
Registered since: 07/06/11
Playtime: 253 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 42)
Log: (Entries: 42)
07/06/11Village (-40|74) settled.
27/06/11Village (-298|228) settled.
10/07/11Village (-298|229) settled.
20/07/11Village (-296|229) settled.
31/07/11Village (-299|226) settled.
07/08/11Village (-292|229) settled.
15/08/11Village (-301|239) settled.
24/08/11Village (-297|230) settled.
31/08/11Village (-294|228) settled.
10/09/11Village (-298|220) settled.
19/09/11Village (-300|220) settled.
29/09/11Village (-306|216) settled.
12/10/11(-156|166) conquered by Grueniii (W|Heart).
16/10/11Village (-303|235) settled.
17/10/11 (-297|230) conquered by silvergrim (W|CoW).
18/10/11 (-156|166) conquered by Hip Abe (W|West).
21/10/11Village (-297|243) settled.
31/10/11Village (-310|217) settled.
03/11/11(-308|223) conquered by Caliban (W|Wolves).
12/11/11Village (-295|243) settled.
15/11/11 (-308|223) conquered by wildwesty (W|CoW).
01/12/11(-190|222) conquered by Capt Kaos (W|CoW).
02/12/11Village (-15|16) settled.
05/12/11 (-190|222) conquered by Grueniii (W|Heart).
07/12/11Village (-76|61) settled.
11/12/11(-307|189) conquered by themarshin (W|Wolves).
14/12/11(-15|15) conquered by Nemesis (W|Heart).
17/12/11(-311|214) conquered by mobothor (W|Heart).
18/12/11 (-311|214) conquered by mobothor (W|Heart).
18/12/11 (-307|189) conquered by Dargo (W|West).
18/12/11Village (-14|16) settled.
20/12/11 (-298|229) conquered by Sub-Zero (W|CoW).
22/12/11(-298|229) conquered by Sub-Zero (W|CoW).
25/12/11(-76|61) destroyed.
26/12/11Village (-13|17) settled.
30/12/11 (-298|229) conquered by Sub-Zero (W|CoW).
06/01/12(-311|222) conquered by Sub-Zero (W|CoW).
10/01/12(-307|189) conquered by Mowgli (W|Heart).
11/01/12 (-307|189) conquered by Mowgli (W|Heart).
16/01/12Village (-10|17) settled.
22/01/12 (-294|228) conquered by Sub-Zero (W|CoW).
23/01/12(-294|228) conquered by Sub-Zero (W|CoW).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  07/06/11 till 09/06/11  (3 Days)
=W=  10/06/11 till 14/06/11  (5 Days)
=W4=  15/06/11 till 26/06/11  (12 Days)
=W3=  27/06/11 till 07/07/11  (11 Days)
W|CoW  08/07/11 till 19/07/11  (12 Days)
=W2=  20/07/11 till 25/07/11  (6 Days)
W|CoW  26/07/11 till 27/11/11  (125 Days)
W|Heart  28/11/11 
W|CoW  29/11/11 till 19/01/12  (52 Days)
WILD  20/01/12 till 21/01/12  (2 Days)
WILD  since 22/01/12  (25 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (79 entries)
Vortexon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
vortexon ( (deleted)
Vortexon ( (deleted)
Vortexon Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Vortexon Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Vortexon Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Vortexon Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 1)
Vortexon Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
Vortexon Server 30 [] ( (deleted)
Vortexon Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 1)
VorteXon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
VorteXon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Vortexon DE2N ( (deleted)
Vortexon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Vortexon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
vortexon Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 24)
Vortexon Server 1 [] ( (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2021) (Villages: 23)
vortexon Server 72 ( (2021) (deleted)
VorteXon Server 45 ( (2021) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 43 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
Vortexon ( (2021) (Villages: 29)
Vortexon Server 98 ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2020) (Villages: 29)
Vortexon Server 50 ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 34 ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 31 ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 2 ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 83 ( (2020) (deleted)
vortexon ( (2020) (deleted)
vortexon Server 48 ( (2020) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x ( (2020) (Villages: 2)
vortexon Server 29 ( (2020) (deleted)
VORTEXon Server 2 ( (2019) (deleted)
vortexon Server 15 ( (2019) (deleted)
VORTEXon Speed 3x ( (2019) (Villages: 1)
Vortexon Server 3 ( (2019) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2019) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2019) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2019) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Fire and Sand ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 5 ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x [] ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 2 [] ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 20 [] ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 80 ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 22 ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 2 ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2018) (deleted)
VorteXon ( (2018) (deleted)
Vortexon New Years Special ( (2018) (deleted)
VorteXon ( (2017) (deleted)
VORTExon Server 7 ( (2017) (deleted)
vortexon Speed 3x [] ( (2017) (deleted)
VORTEXon Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x [] ( (2016) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 1 ( (2016) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 2 ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 4 [] ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x [] ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 3 ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon RoA [] ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon RoA ( (2015) (Villages: 28)
vortexon Server 3 [] ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
vortexon Server 5 ( (2015) (deleted)
vortexon Server 1 ( (2015) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)
vortexon Server 2 ( (2014) (deleted)
Vortexon Speed 3x ( (2014) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 6 ( (2014) (deleted)
VoRTeXon ( (2014) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 4 ( (2014) (deleted)
Vortexon Server 8 ( (2014) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -15|15 ).19 Fiera Salvaje1235(+60)(G.v. NemesisWed 14/12/11
( -298|228 )02 La Mala1038(-23)(settledMon 27/06/11
( -15|16 ).17 El Infierno859(-126)(settledFri 02/12/11
( -303|235 )13 El Sol848(+6)(settledSun 16/10/11
( -301|239 )07 Sin Nombre*772(settledMon 15/08/11
( -14|16 ).18 La Tormenta772(settledSun 18/12/11
( -306|216 )12 La Luz750(settledThu 29/09/11
( -310|217 )15 Los Infieles740(settledMon 31/10/11
( -299|226 )05 Sendero Rojo716(settledSun 31/07/11
( -40|74 )01 El Juego713(-77)(settledTue 07/06/11
( -296|229 )04 Bajo Otra Luz711(-2)(settledWed 20/07/11
( -311|222 )21 Gato Malo645(G.v. Sub-ZeroFri 06/01/12
( -292|229 )06 Los Muertos634(settledSun 07/08/11
( -294|228 )09 Sierra Nevada558(G.v. Sub-ZeroMon 23/01/12
( -298|220 )10 Eva Luna543(settledSat 10/09/11
( -300|220 )11 Santa Clara503(settledMon 19/09/11
( -13|17 ).20 A Todo Corazon500(-8)(settledMon 26/12/11
( -297|243 )14 Sangre472(settledFri 21/10/11
( -295|243 )16 La Mentira375(+4)(settledSat 12/11/11
( -10|17 )New village44(-24)(settledMon 16/01/12

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -297|230 )08 Dulce Beat0(c.t. silvergrim Mon 17/10/11
( -156|166 )Unable to Connect0(c.t. Hip Abe Tue 18/10/11
( -308|223 )Castile698(c.t. wildwesty Tue 15/11/11
( -190|222 )WILD 01-(c.t. Grueniii Mon 05/12/11
( -311|214 )Hard Knocks594(c.t. mobothor Sun 18/12/11
( -76|61 )20 La Usurpadora164 (destroyed Sun 25/12/11
( -298|229 )03 Perdicion656(c.t. Sub-Zero Fri 30/12/11
( -307|189 )x126.Veridius370(c.t. Mowgli Wed 11/01/12

Player statistics