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johnno (

*deleted* (31/01/20)
Registered since: 23/09/19
Deletion: 31/01/20
Playtime: 130 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 26)
Log: (Entries: 26)
23/09/19Village (-60|58) settled.
24/09/19Village (-51|7) settled.
24/09/19Village (-90|-31) settled.
04/10/19Village (-55|7) settled.
23/10/19Village (-86|59) settled.
30/10/19Village (-85|60) settled.
17/11/19(-80|58) conquered by Natars.
23/11/19(-81|55) conquered by ramon1314 (Ramon).
23/11/19Village (-150|-69) settled.
08/12/19Village (-138|145) settled.
09/12/19(-60|-7) conquered by Natars.
16/12/19Village (-92|-30) settled.
26/12/19Village (-119|93) settled.
05/01/20 (-60|-7) conquered by agas44 (PNA).
06/01/20 (-51|7) conquered by tra (PNA).
07/01/20 (-90|-31) conquered by ThaBrain (PNA).
08/01/20 (-86|59) conquered by bubunda (PNA).
08/01/20 (-80|58) conquered by Cerberus15 (PNA).
09/01/20 (-150|-69) conquered by Oljackrum (MG).
10/01/20 (-55|7) conquered by tra (PNA).
10/01/20 (-85|60) conquered by ThaBrain (PNA).
11/01/20 (-81|55) conquered by ThaBrain (PNA).
01/02/20Village (-138|145) deleted at player deletion.
01/02/20Village (-119|93) deleted at player deletion.
01/02/20Village (-60|58) deleted at player deletion.
01/02/20Village (-92|-30) deleted at player deletion.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  23/09/19 till 24/09/19  (2 Days)
PNA  25/09/19 till 01/01/20  (99 Days)
(No alliances)  02/01/20 till 31/01/20  (30 Days)
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (13 entries)
Johnnoon Server 6 ( (2021) (deleted)
Johnnoon Speed 3x ( (2021) (deleted)
johnnoon Server 1 ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Server 5 ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Server 4 ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Server 3 ( (2020) (deleted)
johnnoon Speed 3x ( (2020) (Villages: 2)
Johnnoon Server 6 ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Server 20 ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Server 2 ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Speed 3x ( (2020) (deleted)
Johnnoon Speed 3x ( (2019) (deleted)
Johnnoon Speed 3x ( (2019) (deleted)


This cities has been deleted at players deletion:
X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -60|58 )coorparoo1(settledMon 23/09/19
( -138|145 )Coorparoo 10(settledSun 08/12/19
( -92|-30 )New village(settledMon 16/12/19
( -119|93 )New village(settledThu 26/12/19

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -60|-7 )Coorparoo 11388(c.t. agas44 Sun 05/01/20
( -51|7 )Coorparoo21020(c.t. tra Mon 06/01/20
( -90|-31 )Coorparoo31021(c.t. ThaBrain Tue 07/01/20
( -86|59 )Coorparoo5850(c.t. bubunda Wed 08/01/20
( -80|58 )Coorparoo7632(c.t. Cerberus15 Wed 08/01/20
( -150|-69 )Coorparoo9486(c.t. Oljackrum Thu 09/01/20
( -55|7 )Coorparoo4881(c.t. tra Fri 10/01/20
( -85|60 )Coorparoo6757(c.t. ThaBrain Fri 10/01/20
( -81|55 )Coorparoo8567(c.t. ThaBrain Sat 11/01/20
( -138|145 )Coorparoo 10190 (deleted Sat 01/02/20
( -119|93 )New village34 (deleted Sat 01/02/20
( -60|58 )coorparoo1868 (deleted Sat 01/02/20
( -92|-30 )New village75 (deleted Sat 01/02/20

Player statistics