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Travian server list « Archive 2008 »

In the Travian server list are statistics to Travian servers all over the world. Beside the name, URL and version you will also find the first day date, count of players, player tribes distribution and many more. Further information, helpful statistics and detailed data are just a click away.
Currently are 116 active worlds on Getter-Tools available. You can also access information to one of the 4,885 archived Travian worlds on Getter-Tools.

Name URL Travian version Last update Running since Gameday Players Deleted Population​/Player Online Statistics Travian Classic 3 11/11/2008 8/10/2007 400 6,494 43% 31% 26% 78,834 3,878 Offline Statistics (OLD) Travian Classic 3 17/06/2008 1/01/2008 168 4,297 48% 20% 32% 477 2,303 Offline Statistics Travian Classic 3 29/12/2008 9/01/2008 355 6,749 42% 32% 26% 60,947 5,138 Offline Statistics (OLD) Travian Classic 3 2/07/2008 1/06/2007 397 9,290 42% 30% 29% 11,766 4,623 Offline Statistics (OLD) Travian Classic 3 5/09/2008 7/09/2007 364 8,064 41% 31% 27% 27,033 5,382 Offline Statistics (OLD) Travian Classic 3 13/11/2008 26/11/2007 353 6,935 42% 30% 28% 42,758 4,881 Offline Statistics (OLD) Travian Classic 3 Speed 3x 15/11/2008 11/07/2008 127 16,867 40% 36% 24% 71,198 2,936 Offline Statistics Travian Classic 3 2/12/2009 17/06/2008 533 6,972 56% 20% 24% 109,246 4,740 Offline Statistics Travian Classic 3 6/01/2010 20/12/2008 382 7,051 58% 19% 23% 204,305 4,542 Offline Statistics Travian Classic 3 6/01/2010 28/11/2008 404 1,901 45% 27% 28% 52,677 4,838 Offline Statistics Travian Classic 3 13/06/2009 10/06/2008 368 928 43% 29% 28% 33,007 12,344 Offline Statistics Travian Classic 3 15/10/2008 17/10/2007 364 6,093 39% 34% 28% 70,362 6,881 Offline Statistics