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Pan (

Name: Pan
Rank: 3 (no change)
Alliance: Olympus
Villages: 38
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 34,110 (-21)
Registered since: 25/01/21
Playtime: 233 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 46)
Log: (Entries: 46)
25/01/21Village (-37|11) settled.
03/02/21Village (-53|157) settled.
21/02/21Village (-35|10) settled.
28/02/21Village (-37|12) settled.
09/03/21Village (-37|8) settled.
14/03/21Village (-52|157) settled.
21/03/21Village (-52|158) settled.
29/03/21(-32|10) conquered by Natars.
04/04/21(-27|14) conquered by Castor (LoL).
05/04/21(-36|14) conquered by ANBE (HOWL).
14/04/21(-38|-2) conquered by Dunhares (VK).
14/04/21(-46|15) conquered by Honnski (HOWL).
15/04/21 (-38|-2) conquered by Tyr (Olympus).
18/04/21(-36|7) conquered by SirDeffington (KoF).
19/04/21(-39|6) conquered by SirDeffington (KoF).
22/04/21(-28|11) conquered by Kerberos (LoL).
30/04/21Village (-36|8) settled.
04/05/21(-45|16) conquered by Lausanne (HOWL).
05/05/21(-32|15) conquered by Arimnestos.
08/05/21Village (-50|158) settled.
16/05/21(-32|13) conquered by Thrax2 (HOWL).
18/05/21(-33|13) conquered by Thrax2 (HOWL).
19/05/21 (-33|13) conquered by Lumi52 (Olympus).
20/05/21(-34|18) conquered by Thrax2 (HOWL).
21/05/21 (-52|157) conquered by python (Olympus).
22/05/21(-52|157) conquered by python (Olympus).
26/05/21(-40|6) conquered by Jack Daniels (HOWL).
01/06/21(-67|140) conquered by Ulises (Olympus).
07/06/21(-40|7) conquered by Ulises (Olympus).
19/06/21(-36|31) conquered by Natars.
20/06/21(-48|1) conquered by Natars.
21/06/21Village (-51|158) settled.
25/06/21(-99|100) conquered by Tyr (Olympus).
02/07/21(-41|4) conquered by Jack Daniels (HOWL).
14/07/21Village (9|13) settled.
15/07/21 (-99|100) conquered by Lumi52 (Olympus).
16/07/21(-99|100) conquered by Lumi52 (Olympus).
16/07/21(-107|98) conquered by Oroborus.
26/07/21(-43|3) conquered by Jack Daniels (HOWL).
27/07/21(-38|14) conquered by Natars.
09/08/21(-40|-1) conquered by Natars.
15/08/21(-51|15) conquered by Natars.
16/08/21(-46|3) conquered by Natars.
19/08/21(-137|126) conquered by stoot.
29/08/21(-79|33) conquered by Lausanne.
06/09/21(-78|34) conquered by Lausanne.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  25/01/21 till 26/01/21  (2 Days)
pan  27/01/21 till 28/01/21  (2 Days)
Olympus  since 29/01/21  (230 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (42 entries)
Panon TR2x3 ( (Villages: 3)
Panon Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
PANon TRNx3 ( (Villages: 8)
PANon ( (deleted)
Panon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
PANon TR1x3 ( (deleted)
Panon Server 5 [] ( (deleted)
PANon bbash1 ( (Villages: 4)
PANon bbash2 ( (deleted)
Panon COM2N ( (deleted)
Panon COM3 ( (deleted)
panon ( (deleted)
PANon ( (2023) (deleted)
panon Server 97 ( (2020) (deleted)
PANon Server 98 ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon Server 58 ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon Server 33 ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon Server 48 ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon Server 20 ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon Speed 3x ( (2020) (deleted)
Panon ( (2019) (Villages: 17)
Panon ( (2019) (Villages: 2)
Panon ( (2019) (deleted)
Panon ( (2019) (deleted)
panon Server 4 ( (2019) (deleted)
Panon Server 20 ( (2019) (deleted)
Panon ( (2019) (deleted)
panon Server 2 ( (2018) (deleted)
Panon ( (2018) (deleted)
Panon Server 21 ( (2018) (deleted)
PANon Server 31 ( (2017) (deleted)
Panon ( (2017) (deleted)
panon Server 2 ( (2016) (Villages: 41)
panon ( (2016) (Villages: 6)
panon ( (2016) (deleted)
PaNon Speed 3x ( (2016) (deleted)
panon Speed 3x [] ( (2016) (deleted)
panon ( (2015) (Villages: 19)
panon RoA ( (2015) (deleted)
Panon ( (2015) (Villages: 21)
Panon Speed 3x ( (2015) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -52|158 )23| Argos1123(-4)(settledSun 21/03/21
( -37|12 )03| Persepolis1106(-5)(settledSun 28/02/21
( -53|157 )01| Athens1103(settledWed 03/02/21
( -37|11 )02| Sparta1080(settledMon 25/01/21
( -52|157 )22| Thebes993(G.v. pythonSat 22/05/21
( -67|140 )25| Capua965(G.v. UlisesTue 01/06/21
( -41|4 )28| Ithaca955(G.v. Jack DanielsFri 02/07/21
( 9|13 )29| Nothing is here936(settledWed 14/07/21
( -27|14 )07| Epidaurus929(G.v. CastorSun 04/04/21
( -51|158 )26| Dodona924(settledMon 21/06/21
( -28|11 )12| Amfipolis923(G.v. KerberosThu 22/04/21
( -99|100 )27| No Yoinks923(+3)(G.v. Lumi52Fri 16/07/21
( -36|14 )08| Syracuse922(G.v. ANBEMon 05/04/21
( -32|10 )06| Knossos921(G.v. NatarsMon 29/03/21
( -107|98 )30| W02919(-15)(G.v. OroborusFri 16/07/21
( -32|15 )15| Plataeae917(G.v. ArimnestosWed 05/05/21
( -35|10 )04| Delphi916(settledSun 21/02/21
( -43|3 )31| Alikarnassos915(G.v. Jack DanielsMon 26/07/21
( -46|15 )09| Pella909(G.v. HonnskiWed 14/04/21
( -37|8 )05| Alexandria900(settledTue 09/03/21
( -32|13 )16| Achai900(G.v. Thrax2Sun 16/05/21
( -36|7 )10| Rhodes899(G.v. SirDeffingtonSun 18/04/21
( -45|16 )14| Ephesus898(G.v. LausanneTue 04/05/21
( -40|7 )19| Cyrene890(G.v. UlisesMon 07/06/21
( -38|14 )32 | Apollonia887(G.v. NatarsTue 27/07/21
( -40|6 )18 Olympia882(G.v. Jack DanielsWed 26/05/21
( -36|31 )20| Eleusis871(G.v. NatarsSat 19/06/21
( -34|18 )17| Thessaloniki870(G.v. Thrax2Thu 20/05/21
( -50|158 )24| Eretria868(settledSat 08/05/21
( -39|6 )11| Corinth867(G.v. SirDeffingtonMon 19/04/21
( -36|8 )13| Amfissa851(settledFri 30/04/21
( -48|1 )21| Naxos850(G.v. NatarsSun 20/06/21
( -40|-1 )33 | Mycenae824(G.v. NatarsMon 09/08/21
( -51|15 )34 | Megara776(G.v. NatarsSun 15/08/21
( -79|33 )37747(G.v. LausanneSun 29/08/21
( -46|3 )35 | Aegina716(G.v. NatarsMon 16/08/21
( -137|126 )36 | Pilos698(G.v. stootThu 19/08/21
( -78|34 )38537(G.v. LausanneMon 06/09/21

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -38|-2 )Sehand is a noob624(c.t. Tyr Thu 15/04/21
( -33|13 )villa goes to lumi641(c.t. Lumi52 Wed 19/05/21

Player statistics