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roberttt (

Name: roberttt
Rank: 1284 (6 fallen)
Villages: 3
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 1,190 (0)
Registered since: 05/11/09
Playtime: 333 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 25)
Log: (Entries: 25)
05/11/09Village (16|87) settled.
24/12/09Village (15|86) settled.
04/01/10Village (24|90) settled.
22/01/10Village (27|87) settled.
10/02/10Village (14|87) settled.
18/02/10 (15|86) conquered by Ragnor (Prutsers).
04/03/10Village (2|117) settled.
05/03/10Village (2|119) settled.
07/04/10Village (2|118) settled.
11/04/10Village (2|116) settled.
26/04/10Village (0|128) settled.
07/05/10(3|117) conquered by Hupsel (Odin).
15/06/10Village (1|129) settled.
17/06/10(2|129) conquered by Amkabar.
20/06/10(16|90) conquered by Georg.
22/06/10 (2|119) conquered by mania (Doelloos).
22/06/10 (2|117) conquered by mania (Doelloos).
23/06/10 (2|118) conquered by mania (Doelloos).
23/06/10 (3|117) conquered by mania (Doelloos).
24/06/10 (0|128) conquered by Sterre (B&H).
28/06/10 (2|116) conquered by mania (Doelloos).
29/06/10 (24|90) conquered by fraser (lauw).
02/07/10 (14|87) conquered by Deadwood (Koel).
03/07/10 (16|90) conquered by Deadwood (Koel).
04/07/10 (27|87) conquered by Snoeppot (Private).
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  05/11/09 till 10/12/09  (36 Days)
ANGELS  11/12/09 till 29/03/10  (109 Days)
(No alliances)  30/03/10 till 31/03/10  (2 Days)
Kronos  01/04/10 till 18/05/10  (48 Days)
Kronos  19/05/10 till 26/06/10  (39 Days)
(No alliances)  since 27/06/10  (100 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (4 entries)
roberttton Server 8 ( (2012) (deleted)
roberttton ( (2010) (deleted)
roberttton ( (2010) (deleted)
roberttton ( (2008) (deleted)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 16|87 )1. Mazar979(settledThu 05/11/09
( 2|129 )3.1 Dutch haze168(G.v. AmkabarThu 17/06/10
( 1|129 )3.2 Jamaica43(settledTue 15/06/10

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 15|86 )Groningen0(c.t. Ragnor Thu 18/02/10
( 2|119 )2.1 Jack Herrer0(c.t. mania Tue 22/06/10
( 2|117 )2. White widow0(c.t. mania Tue 22/06/10
( 2|118 )2.2 Nepal0(c.t. mania Wed 23/06/10
( 3|117 )2.4 Sneeuwwitje0(c.t. mania Wed 23/06/10
( 0|128 )3. Mexican haze0(c.t. Sterre Thu 24/06/10
( 2|116 )2.3 Purple haze0(c.t. mania Mon 28/06/10
( 24|90 )1.2 Pollum0(c.t. fraser Tue 29/06/10
( 14|87 )1.1 Ketama0(c.t. Deadwood Fri 02/07/10
( 16|90 )1.4 De Groene Parel0(c.t. Deadwood Sat 03/07/10
( 27|87 )1.3 Zwarte Afgaan0(c.t. Snoeppot Sun 04/07/10

Player statistics