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Crop tool -

The crop tool allows you to easily support big troops with crop in a efficient and optimized way.
Suited for all cases: Big armies, spontaneous defense actions or defense of Wonder of the worlds. With the crop tool your troops won't starve.

Features of crop tool

  • Automatic parsing of information. Just copy your marketplace!
  • Detailed summarized graphical overview of all crop deliveries.
  • No limit: Create as many instances as you like.
  • Multiple delivery (x2, x3) are detected and saved server-side. So they will process while they aren't visible on their way back.
  • Calculation of crop storage and production. Will predict exact time of starvation and crop overflow.
  • Will provide a link for easy access. So players see their villages and can send crop directly to your village.
  • Easy handling for senders: Display of own villages with travel time, current predicted crop storage at arrival and a direct link to send crop.
  • Sitter handling: Your sitters can update all your instances without needing direct account access. Just add them as advanced sitter.
WW - Crop tool

Create / Update instance of crop tool

You need to login to use the crop tool.

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