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Technology calculator for Travian Legends

With this calculator, you can easily view how research affects your troops, and calculate the best times to increase research to a certain level. It will show you the exact amount of troops you need to benefit from an upgrade.


Travian server:
Travian version:

Effects of research

Base Researched value Base Researched value Base Researched value
Unit Attack 5101520 Def. inf. 5101520 Def cav. 5101520
40 43465054 35 38414447 50 54586367
30 32353840 65 70758188 35 38414447
70 75818894 40 43465054 25 27293134
0 0000 20 22232527 10 11121313
120 129139150162 65 70758188 50 54586367
180 194209225242 80 8693100108 105 113122131141
60 65707581 30 32353840 75 818794101
75 818794101 60 65707581 10 11121313