ББР - Alliance history

September 2017
23/09/17The alliance ББР was founded.
Founding members:: saxo_tattoo, Seek & Detroy, sret, Rex, roses, bbs, Банбуча, goshost, vasservice, boian4oto, niki82, Мира, e.iliev, цезар, Poundsnake, obeliks, gowop, dflex, DEMONA, Falcon, paty, AQXS, jades, gull68, кологого2, foxi, Дръгливото коте, bibonka, vidra, BONI, Pr0tect0R, NaStradamuz, aerosoul, Mi4on, Косача, saxo, No_Fear, Кристина, Flawless, lady_myriam, iv_pe23, Deshkov, galaharn, cezaris, bufera88, -krisi, Goltak 1, rumtzais, Зукито and Black Shadows.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
24/09/17Joining of:angry birds.
Leaving of:Poundsnake.
The alliance have their first conquest.
25/09/17Joining of:mimi_16.
27/09/17The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
28/09/17Deletion of:Pr0tect0R.
30/09/17Joining of:Buhalka.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
October 2017
03/10/17The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
04/10/17Deletion of:Косача.
06/10/17Joining of:Don Ros.
Deletion of:Deshkov and galaharn.
07/10/17Deletion of:iv_pe23.
16/10/17Deletion of:Goltak 1.
17/10/17Deletion of:cezaris.
20/10/17Leaving of:Buhalka.
22/10/17Leaving of:Flawless and angry birds.
Deletion of:vasservice.
23/10/17Deletion of:goshost.
The alliance has done over 50 conquests.