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Warzone (

Name: Warzone
Rank: 12 (3 raised)
Alliance: G.O.
Villages: 32 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Population: 33,015 (+1,702)
Registered since: 08/12/21
Playtime: 211 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 32)
Log: (Entries: 32)
08/12/21Village (-99|23) settled.
16/12/21Village (-93|89) settled.
30/12/21Village (-93|90) settled.
11/01/22Village (-92|89) settled.
23/01/22Village (-92|90) settled.
03/02/22Village (-91|89) settled.
14/02/22(-92|70) conquered by Jalefure.
22/02/22(-94|93) conquered by Dannyyyyyyy.
06/03/22(-92|81) conquered by aliten32.
09/03/22(-91|102) conquered by Natars.
16/03/22(-87|106) conquered by wensputt (OMFG).
23/03/22(-92|110) conquered by Neyo88.
29/03/22(-86|86) conquered by Natars.
10/04/22(-105|33) conquered by Drace.
13/04/22(-86|80) conquered by Natars.
20/04/22(-73|92) conquered by Natars.
24/04/22(-84|75) conquered by Natars.
30/04/22(-85|88) conquered by Natars.
07/05/22(-97|26) conquered by Natars.
09/05/22(-76|77) conquered by Natars.
15/05/22(-61|77) conquered by Natars.
23/05/22(-32|28) conquered by Natars.
26/05/22(-108|114) conquered by Natars.
02/06/22(-35|29) conquered by Mirador.
05/06/22(-36|21) conquered by Mirador.
10/06/22(-89|95) conquered by Flatkicket (-A-).
13/06/22(-93|88) conquered by Randinium (~GR~).
17/06/22(-99|96) conquered by Randinium (~GR~).
22/06/22(-101|98) conquered by Randinium (~GR~).
26/06/22(-100|100) conquered by Natars.
30/06/22(-102|98) conquered by Randinium (~GR~).
04/07/22(-88|31) conquered by Bujajo.
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  08/12/21 till 09/12/21  (2 Days)
GO  10/12/21 till 31/03/22  (112 Days)
G.O.  since 01/04/22  (98 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (18 entries)
WarZoneon Server 50 ( (Villages: 3)
WarZoneon Server 3 [] ( (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 6 ( (2023) (deleted)
Warzoneon ( (2023) (deleted)
Warzoneon Glory of Sparta x2 ( (2023) (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 8 ( (2023) (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 5 ( (2023) (deleted)
WARZONEon Glory of Sparta ( (2022) (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 31 ( (2022) (Villages: 13)
WARZONEon ( (2022) (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 30 ( (2022) (deleted)
WARZONEon Server 2 ( (2022) (deleted)
warzoneon Server 21 ( (2021) (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 3 ( (2021) (deleted)
Warzoneon Server 1 ( (2021) (Villages: 18)
WarZoneon ( (2021) (deleted)
warzoneon ( (2020) (deleted)
WarZoneon ( (2020) (Villages: 9)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( -93|89 ) [02]Fá King1487(+64)(settledThu 16/12/21
( -99|23 )[O1]Mata Velha1123(+15)(settledWed 08/12/21
( -86|86 )[13]Celeiro'aGasól1075(+3)(G.v. NatarsTue 29/03/22
( -35|29 )[24]Faz Calor1071(+5)(G.v. MiradorThu 02/06/22
( -92|90 )[05]Santo Aginha1059(+4)(settledSun 23/01/22
( -86|80 )[15]Sportingay1057(+4)(G.v. NatarsWed 13/04/22
( -36|21 )[25]Musquita1053(+13)(G.v. MiradorSun 05/06/22
( -91|102 )[10]Redondinho1051(G.v. NatarsWed 09/03/22
( -91|89 )[06]Ho Ho Ho1051(+4)(settledThu 03/02/22
( -32|28 )[22]Concertina1043(G.v. NatarsMon 23/05/22
( -92|70 )[07]Gin Atómico1041(+4)(G.v. JalefureMon 14/02/22
( -73|92 )[16]Slbosteira1041(+6)(G.v. NatarsWed 20/04/22
( -108|114 )[23]O Herói Voltou1036(+19)(G.v. NatarsThu 26/05/22
( -105|33 )[14]Pisano Teuku1034(G.v. DraceSun 10/04/22
( -85|88 )[18]Tu Bias1034(+10)(G.v. NatarsSat 30/04/22
( -99|96 )[28]Tatas Aflitas1031(+37)(G.v. RandiniumFri 17/06/22
( -92|81 )[09]Manteiga no Lhó1031(G.v. aliten32Sun 06/03/22
( -92|89 )[04]Sapardos1030(settledTue 11/01/22
( -92|110 )[12]Tu é qu'és Fix1029(+15)(G.v. Neyo88Wed 23/03/22
( -61|77 )[21]TuNãoErasAssim1026(+8)(G.v. NatarsSun 15/05/22
( -93|90 )[03]Barril1025(settledThu 30/12/21
( -84|75 )[17]Fcporco1020(+5)(G.v. NatarsSun 24/04/22
( -94|93 )[08]Super Bike1012(G.v. DannyyyyyyyTue 22/02/22
( -97|26 )[19]Matombo1011(+10)(G.v. NatarsSat 07/05/22
( -76|77 )[20]Djemba1009(+5)(G.v. NatarsMon 09/05/22
( -87|106 )[11]Senta no Colo1009(G.v. wensputtWed 16/03/22
( -100|100 )[30]Borralheiro973(+104)(G.v. NatarsSun 26/06/22
( -101|98 )[29]Famaligato959(+48)(G.v. RandiniumWed 22/06/22
( -102|98 )[31]ÉpráGoela940(+111)(G.v. RandiniumThu 30/06/22
( -88|31 )[32]Estampilhas930(-26)(G.v. BujajoMon 04/07/22
( -93|88 )[27]CervIn899(+179)(G.v. RandiniumMon 13/06/22
( -89|95 )[26]Aniquilador825(+99)(G.v. FlatkicketFri 10/06/22

Player statistics