Watch-Us - Alliance history

March 2020
15/03/20The alliance Watch-Us was founded.
Founding members:: Sorena, Azure, bonaca, Kex, General V, xXmickepXx, car, Malac, Joe87, Styler, agato, strapelo, Danoninho, Zackzim, mega, ZyggI, Pkpk, psybeh, CrazyCatDude, Epsilon, marvis, Rhys, Jest3r, Jones, Moltisante, pixe, kebab, Meomun, Olympia, Stecas, DoUevenLift, S1423, mohchapa, kaleduvagis, ronin, qak, Lagertha, kkw012001 and anarchyknight.
Leaving of:Meomun kkw012001 and anarchyknight.
Deletion of:Olympia and DoUevenLift.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
25/03/20Joining of:ampere and DeepOne.
Leaving of:Rhys Jest3r Jones and Moltisante.
Deletion of:pixe kebab and Stecas.
The alliance have their first conquest.
April 2020
23/04/20Joining of:Rowan.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.