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Spawn (

Name: Spawn
Rank: 44 (8 raised)
Alliance: SHDW
Villages: 15 (+2)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 10,432 (+1,061)
Registered since: 29/08/24
Playtime: 100 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 17)
Log: (Entries: 17)
29/08/24Village (46|28) settled.
03/09/24Village (73|48) settled.
13/09/24Village (72|49) settled.
21/09/24Village (80|45) settled.
29/09/24Village (80|47) settled.
12/10/24(67|51) conquered by Ahlipanman (BS).
17/10/24(81|44) conquered by ttt.
27/10/24(65|44) conquered by BajaVeliki (HYENA).
28/10/24(63|49) conquered by Harley Quinn (X).
04/11/24(72|62) conquered by QueenOfFire69 (HYENA).
05/11/24(75|57) conquered by Prophecy (HYENA).
16/11/24Village (93|-31) settled.
29/11/24(68|46) conquered by Natars.
29/11/24(93|-31) destroyed.
30/11/24(66|45) conquered by Arthur Fleck (X).
05/12/24(62|48) conquered by Natars.
06/12/24(72|57) conquered by Natars.
Alliance history:
SHDW  since 29/08/24  (101 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (27 entries)
Spawnon Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 2)
Spawnon Server 2 [] ( (deleted)
Spawnon Server 6 [] ( (deleted)
Spawnon Server 30 ( (Villages: 2)
Spawnon ( (deleted)
Spawnon ( (deleted)
Spawnon Server 4 [] ( (deleted)
Spawnon RU1 ( (Villages: 8)
Spawnon Server 7 [] ( (deleted)
Spawnon Server 31 ( (2024) (deleted)
SpawNon Server 30 ( (2024) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 20 ( (2023) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 7 ( (2023) (deleted)
spawnon Server 3 ( (2023) (Villages: 1)
spawnon Server 1 ( (2023) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 8 ( (2023) (deleted)
spawnon Server 30 ( (2023) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 39 ( (2022) (deleted)
Spawnon Glory of Sparta ( (2022) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 109 ( (2022) (Villages: 1)
Spawnon Server 4 ( (2022) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 30 ( (2022) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 10 ( (2021) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 19 ( (2021) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 21 ( (2021) (deleted)
Spawnon Server 50 ( (2021) (Villages: 1)
spawnon ( (2021) (Villages: 19)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 73|48 ) 00. Mordor1003(-29)(settledTue 03/09/24
( 46|28 )01. Angmar842(settledThu 29/08/24
( 72|49 )02. Eregion836(+30)(settledFri 13/09/24
( 67|51 )05. Imladris814(+12)(G.v. AhlipanmanSat 12/10/24
( 80|47 )04. Numenor806(-4)(settledSun 29/09/24
( 80|45 )03. Khazad-dum788(+15)(settledSat 21/09/24
( 72|62 )09. Minas Morgul781(+4)(G.v. QueenOfFire69Mon 04/11/24
( 81|44 )06. Rhun779(+14)(G.v. tttThu 17/10/24
( 65|44 )07. Isengard749(+3)(G.v. BajaVelikiSun 27/10/24
( 75|57 )10. Misty Mountains746(+8)(G.v. ProphecyTue 05/11/24
( 63|49 )08. Helm's Deep673(+3)(G.v. Harley QuinnMon 28/10/24
( 68|46 )11. Fangorn Forest419(+91)(G.v. NatarsFri 29/11/24
( 62|48 )13. Mirkwood408(+67)(G.v. NatarsThu 05/12/24
( 66|45 )12. Lorien395(+113)(G.v. Arthur FleckSat 30/11/24
( 72|57 )14. Valinor393(+70)(G.v. NatarsFri 06/12/24

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 93|-31 )11. Gondolin147 (destroyed Fri 29/11/24

Player statistics