UN - Alliance history

February 2023
01/02/23The alliance RD (today: UN) was founded.
Founding members:: minion, Kawas, Beerus, MISSAKMANOUKIAN and bonya.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100.
02/02/23The alliance is now known as RE.
Joining of:Caprio.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
04/02/23Joining of:intex.
05/02/23Joining of:Úlfhéðnar and DeltaT.
06/02/23Joining of:noobson.
07/02/23Joining of:Posimcz, OnayM, Rephasoul and Pirates.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
10/02/23The alliance is now known as UN.
Joining of:Cake, Spast, Thunderbird, hallo, zurawienko, Biich3, Sevan, Good guy, Abb, BATON, Gunner, Moody, Fences, Fine Drops, Clayman, SacMadic, bellowatt, Nütztjaallesnix, atomic liquor, v7fa9o61jx2, Metty and Wildcat.
Deletion of:Fences.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
11/02/23Joining of:Biertonne, arbi, Fay, Mr Handyman and Spear.
12/02/23Joining of:Artos1242, Shit Happens, BlackMamba420, shexali3, majzright, Cip3991 and Savik.
13/02/23Joining of:Cerberus, Polo, Apollo and Theophrastos.
14/02/23Joining of:Akhyras and Jwmaximus.
Leaving of:Clayman.
15/02/23Joining of:kempachi and Pavelic.
16/02/23Joining of:RadioLT, Egis, Mamuks, DON, ZORRA and Maxider12.
Leaving of:Pavelic.
17/02/23Joining of:Highlander92jg.
Leaving of:Shit Happens.
18/02/23Joining of:Evil.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
19/02/23Leaving of:Cake.
20/02/23Joining of:Weedsupport.
Leaving of:Polo.
21/02/23Joining of:Lolia.
The alliance have their first conquest.
22/02/23Leaving of:Abb.
23/02/23Joining of:spidervepr.
24/02/23Leaving of:Rephasoul and SacMadic.
25/02/23Joining of:Hnk and Orderly.
Leaving of:Cerberus.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
27/02/23Joining of:Brutus85.
March 2023
01/03/23Leaving of:Biertonne.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
02/03/23Joining of:moetas.
Leaving of:Savik.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
03/03/23Joining of:XIM_as.
Leaving of:hallo and arbi.
04/03/23Joining of:rohelio.
Leaving of:Theophrastos.
Deletion of:Good guy.
07/03/23Joining of:Komatek23 and Abb.
Deletion of:Fay and majzright.
08/03/23Leaving of:Wildcat and Jwmaximus.
09/03/23Joining of:hazzard and Lothbrok.
10/03/23Leaving of:Caprio.
The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
11/03/23Joining of:Leopolt.
Leaving of:Úlfhéðnar.
13/03/23Joining of:SacMadic.
15/03/23Leaving of:Posimcz.
16/03/23Joining of:pastouret.
17/03/23Joining of:letsgetjaak.
18/03/23Deletion of:rohelio.
21/03/23Joining of:Azrael.
Leaving of:hazzard.
22/03/23Joining of:Knifemax.
Deletion of:Sevan.
The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
25/03/23Deletion of:Komatek23.
27/03/23Joining of:Ivan_office.
28/03/23Deletion of:Lothbrok.
30/03/23Joining of:Lord Nevyn.
31/03/23Deletion of:noobson.
April 2023
06/04/23Leaving of:spidervepr.
The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
11/04/23Joining of:Yegenn, mturgay, doguhanarilik, batihan and Yasin3361.
Deletion of:RadioLT.
17/04/23Leaving of:Spast and Egis.
18/04/23Leaving of:pastouret.
Deletion of:Thunderbird.
27/04/23Joining of:zator23 and krakow11.
29/04/23Joining of:Ronon.
Deletion of:Lord Nevyn.
30/04/23The alliance has done over 200 conquests.
May 2023
01/05/23Leaving of:Mamuks.
02/05/23Leaving of:DON.
03/05/23Joining of:zbeer and Aresss.
Leaving of:ZORRA and Ivan_office.
Deletion of:letsgetjaak.
04/05/23Leaving of:Leopolt.
05/05/23Leaving of:intex.
06/05/23Joining of:Leito.Nikopol.
Leaving of:Hnk.
07/05/23Joining of:reblo.
Leaving of:Highlander92jg.
09/05/23Joining of:Galyalı.
11/05/23Deletion of:bellowatt.
13/05/23Joining of:VRBINA.
Deletion of:Weedsupport.
29/05/23The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
June 2023
14/06/23Deletion of:zurawienko.
26/06/23Joining of:Simon Le Bon.
27/06/23Leaving of:Evil.
28/06/23Joining of:Markus808, tequila sunset, NoChoice, Highlander92jg, Dovahkiin and KGB.
29/06/23Joining of:MaciejPizza, Power of Nine and uiuiui.
July 2023
11/07/23Deletion of:Simon Le Bon.
20/07/23Leaving of:minion.
21/07/23The alliance has done over 500 conquests.
23/07/23Joining of:minion.
26/07/23Leaving of:Kawas Beerus MISSAKMANOUKIAN bonya DeltaT OnayM Pirates Biich3 BATON Gunner Moody Fine Drops Nütztjaallesnix atomic liquor v7fa9o61jx2 Metty Mr Handyman Spear Artos1242 BlackMamba420 shexali3 Cip3991 Apollo Akhyras kempachi Maxider12 Lolia Orderly Brutus85 moetas XIM_as Abb SacMadic Azrael Knifemax Yegenn mturgay doguhanarilik batihan Yasin3361 zator23 krakow11 Ronon zbeer Aresss Leito.Nikopol reblo Galyalı VRBINA Markus808 tequila sunset NoChoice Highlander92jg Dovahkiin KGB MaciejPizza Power of Nine uiuiui and minion.
27/07/23The alliance is now known as UN.
Joining of:BlackMamba420, tequila sunset, Akhyras, Orderly, Leito.Nikopol, shexali3, bonya, Lolia, MISSAKMANOUKIAN, Beerus, Kawas, Biich3, Cip3991, Power of Nine, NoChoice, zbeer, KGB, Aresss, VRBINA, Dovahkiin, krakow11, zator23, Azrael, reblo, BATON, Abb, Artos1242, Highlander92jg, MaciejPizza, moetas, Mr Handyman, Pirates, Galyalı, Spear, SacMadic, Apollo, Fine Drops, mturgay, doguhanarilik, batihan, Yasin3361, Ronon, kempachi, Knifemax, Yegenn, Nütztjaallesnix, OnayM, XIM_as, minion, Brutus85, DeltaT, Gunner, Moody, Markus808, uiuiui, Maxider12, Metty, v7fa9o61jx2 and atomic liquor.
August 2023
07/08/23Deletion of:kempachi.
10/08/23Leaving of:Knifemax.
11/08/23Joining of:SAdi, Scorillo and Zamolxis.
20/08/23The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000,000.
29/08/23Deletion of:Ronon.