HF.開炮 - Alliance history

March 2023
19/03/23The alliance 向我開炮 (today: HF.開炮) was founded.
Founding members:: 代號007, Damimi, woyindan, 钢板日穿君, youngpanda, Black.J, Jack of Spades, Clam Chowder, 冰风谷勇士, longlong, 冒险岛, kings, jessycat, LILYGU, yyj366, 小鸡毛, 不再狂躁的囧爷, 吃泥啦, 诺德皇家侍卫, xianzhi, 好孩子, 红土-酉京, 又萌又呆又炸毛, 小笨笨吃粑粑, 小曼儿, dan, Gunnimaa, love, vic, 粗线条, magic, 四处乱射, 我上悠亚, Yinmaoh, 艾尔之盾, 一只铭铭子, kitty, hanhan, 大波紫, happytree008, toptiger and 素还真.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
20/03/23Joining of:月上眉梢, 西凉锦马超, 小西哥, GHOSTS, 东北烧烤 and naga.
21/03/23Joining of:崂山道士, 他是谁, 棉花糖 and 米兰之魂.
Deletion of:钢板日穿君 and Yinmaoh.
22/03/23Leaving of:大波紫.
23/03/23Joining of:宝妹叫我胖胖 and kiki.
24/03/23Joining of:bjliu, caliu, hclee, ytwangb, INT, ysyoung and YHY.
Leaving of:Jack of Spades.
27/03/23Joining of:天才宝宝 and 铁甲依然在.
28/03/23Leaving of:hclee.
30/03/23Joining of:Toys.
Leaving of:Gunnimaa.
31/03/23Joining of:Jack of Spades.
April 2023
01/04/23Joining of:雪泪花.
02/04/23Leaving of:Jack of Spades.
Deletion of:bjliu caliu ytwangb ysyoung and YHY.
03/04/23Joining of:呆呆银行董事长.
04/04/23 The alliance have their first conquest.
06/04/23Joining of:whhuang, cyyanga, stchen, TWH and AMY.
07/04/23Leaving of:艾尔之盾.
08/04/23The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
09/04/23Joining of:ray1.
12/04/23Leaving of:小笨笨吃粑粑.
14/04/23Joining of:007凌凌柒.
20/04/23Deletion of:Clam Chowder.
25/04/23Joining of:白胖高.
27/04/23The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
29/04/23The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
May 2023
08/05/23Leaving of:kitty.
09/05/23Joining of:newlifeoldsong.
13/05/23Leaving of:007凌凌柒.
17/05/23Joining of:曰你先人板板.
25/05/23The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
June 2023
05/06/23Deletion of:love.
12/06/23The alliance is now known as HF.開炮.
18/06/23Deletion of:cyyanga stchen TWH AMY and ray1.
22/06/23Leaving of:诺德皇家侍卫.
29/06/23The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
July 2023
19/07/23Deletion of:magic.
20/07/23Deletion of:红土-酉京.
26/07/23Leaving of:代號007 Damimi woyindan youngpanda Black.J 冰风谷勇士 longlong 冒险岛 kings jessycat LILYGU yyj366 小鸡毛 不再狂躁的囧爷 吃泥啦 xianzhi 好孩子 又萌又呆又炸毛 小曼儿 dan vic 粗线条 四处乱射 我上悠亚 一只铭铭子 hanhan happytree008 toptiger 素还真 月上眉梢 西凉锦马超 小西哥 GHOSTS 东北烧烤 naga 崂山道士 他是谁 棉花糖 米兰之魂 宝妹叫我胖胖 kiki INT 天才宝宝 铁甲依然在 Toys 雪泪花 呆呆银行董事长 whhuang 白胖高 newlifeoldsong and 曰你先人板板.
27/07/23The alliance is now known as HF.開炮.
Joining of:代號007, 棉花糖, jessycat, LILYGU, yyj366, 月上眉梢, 小鸡毛, 不再狂躁的囧爷, 吃泥啦, 米兰之魂, 西凉锦马超, INT, 他是谁, 白胖高, 呆呆银行董事长, Toys, 铁甲依然在, 天才宝宝, 雪泪花, 崂山道士, kiki, whhuang, newlifeoldsong, 宝妹叫我胖胖, 小西哥, xianzhi, kings, 我上悠亚, 四处乱射, naga, 又萌又呆又炸毛, 曰你先人板板, 小曼儿, dan, vic, 粗线条, youngpanda, 素还真, happytree008, hanhan, 冒险岛, longlong, Damimi, woyindan, Black.J, 冰风谷勇士, 好孩子, 一只铭铭子, GHOSTS, 东北烧烤 and toptiger.
August 2023
12/08/23The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
19/08/23Deletion of:youngpanda.
September 2023
18/09/23Deletion of:toptiger.