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Natars (

Name: Natars
Rank: 1 (no change)
Villages: 471 (-26)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 110,142 (+410)
Registered since: 29/08/24
Playtime: 106 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 1037)
Log: (Entries: 1037)
29/08/24Village (-50|50) settled.
29/08/24Village (0|50) settled.
29/08/24Village (50|50) settled.
29/08/24Village (-1|6) settled.
29/08/24Village (6|3) settled.
29/08/24Village (-6|1) settled.
29/08/24Village (-50|0) settled.
29/08/24Village (0|0) settled.
29/08/24Village (50|0) settled.
29/08/24Village (5|-4) settled.
29/08/24Village (-3|-6) settled.
29/08/24Village (-50|-50) settled.
29/08/24Village (0|-50) settled.
29/08/24Village (50|-50) settled.
01/09/24(-3|48) conquered by specks.
01/09/24(-2|46) conquered by Beer.
01/09/24(-28|38) conquered by jse.
01/09/24(28|38) conquered by hello5.
01/09/24(-3|36) conquered by Lole.
01/09/24(9|36) conquered by krokodilas.
01/09/24(-6|35) conquered by rt6.
01/09/24(31|35) conquered by hello4.
01/09/24(34|33) conquered by hello3.
01/09/24(6|32) conquered by Batordix.
01/09/24(-15|29) conquered by asd1.
01/09/24(-23|28) conquered by king tut.
01/09/24(23|28) conquered by furynight.
01/09/24(24|26) conquered by Traps.
01/09/24(-42|20) conquered by Mount Everrest (MM).
01/09/24(38|19) conquered by Try1.
01/09/24(-25|17) conquered by novzy.
01/09/24(46|11) conquered by zzzxd11.
01/09/24(43|6) conquered by Total.
01/09/24(44|4) conquered by zzzxd1.
01/09/24(-50|1) conquered by CRUELLA.
01/09/24(-43|-4) conquered by WITItmO3ur.
01/09/24(-44|-9) conquered by Wotan.
01/09/24(47|-10) conquered by Sopranos.
01/09/24(-47|-11) conquered by Aragorn104.
01/09/24(-42|-13) conquered by CamSog2hargh9.
01/09/24(29|-17) conquered by Viking.
01/09/24(38|-18) conquered by Ghostly.
01/09/24(-45|-19) conquered by General Clubs.
01/09/24(25|-23) conquered by Vartislav.
01/09/24(-32|-30) conquered by CiCh0thInG4m.
01/09/24(-2|-30) conquered by ereder.
01/09/24(14|-30) conquered by Coloso.
01/09/24(37|-30) conquered by 105DormsPokK7.
01/09/24(15|-32) conquered by Python.
01/09/24(12|-33) conquered by holyshit.
01/09/24(-25|-36) conquered by IRLG81Sper8o.
01/09/24(17|-37) conquered by Rein.
01/09/24(-1|-38) conquered by I.Q.
01/09/24(-23|-39) conquered by Buff4Tress2.
01/09/24(29|-40) conquered by Muralla_Dorada.
01/09/24(18|-45) conquered by kanuni.
01/09/24(12|-47) conquered by Dragón.
01/09/24(-14|-49) conquered by 109MagicalMe77.
01/09/24(10|-49) conquered by 100NamelaSed5.
02/09/24(-6|55) conquered by 111.
02/09/24(29|49) conquered by Maass.
02/09/24(-40|38) conquered by Partizan.
02/09/24(-53|25) conquered by 1two3.
02/09/24(40|15) conquered by Walof.
02/09/24(52|-2) conquered by Mutika.
02/09/24(51|-5) conquered by Atum.
02/09/24(50|-25) conquered by zevole.
02/09/24(46|-27) conquered by notoRious.
02/09/24(17|-52) conquered by R A F A Z I C A.
02/09/24(27|-53) conquered by jack.
02/09/24(-18|-54) conquered by The Weakest.
02/09/24(11|-55) conquered by nana.
02/09/24(6|-56) conquered by bony.
03/09/24(4|41) conquered by Hanvians.
03/09/24(44|25) conquered by Hvians.
03/09/24(44|-6) conquered by Fantomas.
03/09/24(38|-24) conquered by elbatat.
03/09/24(23|-35) conquered by cichyluki (EXP).
03/09/24(-14|-54) conquered by wwcbkijyfdryiil.
03/09/24(6|-59) conquered by Teutonicsteel (EXP).
04/09/24(-34|56) conquered by Chaotic.
04/09/24(36|53) conquered by derviş.
04/09/24(39|50) conquered by Rango.
04/09/24(-52|41) conquered by Thrall.
04/09/24(52|38) conquered by kahramanturk.
04/09/24(-37|30) conquered by santi.
04/09/24(-54|29) conquered by castellae.
04/09/24(58|26) conquered by hatir.
04/09/24(60|23) conquered by ziplatan.
04/09/24(62|15) conquered by korhan.
04/09/24(64|2) conquered by furkankerim.
04/09/24(-59|-30) conquered by OLDBUTGold.
04/09/24(-55|-37) conquered by AXE.
04/09/24(8|-64) conquered by Roting.
05/09/24(25|51) conquered by 聰明的憨憨.
05/09/24(59|35) conquered by Jewoy.
05/09/24(68|8) conquered by maximu.
05/09/24(43|-39) conquered by GuiSpeck.
05/09/24(-17|-65) conquered by August.
05/09/24(11|-67) conquered by TesT.
06/09/24(-19|68) conquered by ovb.
06/09/24(24|66) conquered by Turuse.
06/09/24(44|56) conquered by luk.
06/09/24(-61|11) conquered by kubid.
06/09/24(-56|9) conquered by zahmat.
06/09/24(-70|-5) conquered by Garin.
06/09/24(-40|-57) conquered by Niagara.
06/09/24(10|-57) conquered by azemat.
06/09/24(-16|-70) conquered by tempes.
07/09/24(-38|63) conquered by Rise.
07/09/24(-41|61) conquered by mia1907.
07/09/24(21|50) conquered by Com Truise.
07/09/24(68|26) conquered by qwertyuiop.
07/09/24(32|-35) conquered by Chakal.
08/09/24(50|54) conquered by Datrez.
08/09/24(26|44) conquered by Kappa.
08/09/24(-15|12) conquered by Tester (ATHOQ).
08/09/24(-70|-9) conquered by Americagreat.
08/09/24(-10|-56) conquered by mitatasan.
08/09/24(38|-58) conquered by Raestar.
09/09/24(41|30) conquered by mrdesktop.
09/09/24(-60|10) conquered by Ragdoll..
09/09/24(-51|-10) conquered by Max.
09/09/24(40|-29) conquered by Vbvb.
09/09/24(6|-54) conquered by Bavaria.
09/09/24(15|-75) conquered by test23332.
10/09/24(-60|51) conquered by Altzionor19.
10/09/24(3|30) conquered by aaar.
10/09/24(-34|13) conquered by VincG05.
10/09/24(-18|-28) conquered by th.rathunter.
10/09/24(-8|-32) conquered by Thorfinn.
10/09/24(-17|-34) conquered by Heracles.
10/09/24(36|-51) conquered by malpers.
10/09/24(-37|-54) conquered by gwegwe.
10/09/24(51|-59) conquered by AndorA.
10/09/24(31|-71) conquered by OldK.
11/09/24(2|50) conquered by Sparhawk.
11/09/24(15|34) conquered by CarolMartel.
11/09/24(-39|12) conquered by Lucifer.
11/09/24(-52|1) conquered by Hel.
11/09/24(37|-3) conquered by Hector.
11/09/24(-37|-8) conquered by VERCINGETORIX.
11/09/24(36|-8) conquered by ElChapo.
11/09/24(-41|-68) conquered by Lorena.
11/09/24(-12|-79) conquered by Elif1993.
12/09/24(-37|66) conquered by DrGKN.
12/09/24(-55|36) conquered by Pinkerton.
12/09/24(-57|29) conquered by Gus.
12/09/24(-81|-9) conquered by biertje.
12/09/24(58|-28) conquered by eneaman.
12/09/24(14|-58) conquered by Darkensy (ATHOQ).
13/09/24(4|83) conquered by Rakya.
13/09/24(5|64) conquered by XoLK.
13/09/24(26|64) conquered by KANU.
13/09/24(-34|61) conquered by Vohumanah.
13/09/24(34|61) conquered by havs.
13/09/24(-53|18) conquered by Qusaialahmad.
13/09/24(83|0) conquered by DeathRiderX.
13/09/24(-26|-15) conquered by Ian.
13/09/24(67|-19) conquered by ozy.
13/09/24(-73|-22) conquered by JUREKROMPIR (Türk).
13/09/24(-102|-23) conquered by Just4Practice.
13/09/24(-19|-29) conquered by Marcio.
14/09/24(-71|-13) conquered by Neejoh.
14/09/24(39|-14) conquered by GeneralMO.
14/09/24(-32|-78) conquered by ingoodfaith21.
14/09/24(8|-78) conquered by Momson.
15/09/24(-6|86) conquered by Keessari.
15/09/24(-8|74) conquered by Matix.
15/09/24(-37|43) conquered by Hannibal.
15/09/24(-34|27) conquered by aap.
15/09/24(-43|2) conquered by aal.
15/09/24(-42|1) conquered by aaa.
15/09/24(-85|-3) conquered by dod.
15/09/24(-45|-72) conquered by Company.
16/09/24(-62|58) conquered by 100_tempo.
16/09/24(15|48) conquered by Kaidann.
16/09/24(-70|26) conquered by NELMAKER.
16/09/24(-63|20) conquered by bijon.
16/09/24(56|0) conquered by Requiem (EXP).
16/09/24(-86|-16) conquered by spidooshc.
16/09/24(-83|-27) conquered by spidoosho.
16/09/24(-60|-45) conquered by Mookie.
16/09/24(-51|-50) conquered by Myamoto Musashi (Susa).
16/09/24(-49|-51) conquered by ahmed1993 (##).
16/09/24(-39|-59) conquered by Hussain (##).
16/09/24(-40|-65) conquered by jerjer.
16/09/24(38|-66) conquered by tazrigh.
16/09/24(-12|-75) conquered by zonbeh.
16/09/24(8|-76) conquered by parikal.
16/09/24(-1|-78) conquered by bimar.
16/09/24(6|-87) conquered by Top.
17/09/24(113|55) conquered by Saga (MG).
17/09/24(125|52) conquered by genes (MG).
17/09/24(-67|49) conquered by kiner.
17/09/24(-9|42) conquered by aau.
17/09/24(-41|16) conquered by aaab.
17/09/24(-43|11) conquered by aay.
17/09/24(-44|4) conquered by aaw.
17/09/24(-44|1) conquered by aav.
17/09/24(68|-9) conquered by F16.
17/09/24(68|-12) conquered by SilentKiller.
17/09/24(-54|-19) conquered by irmis (ATHOQ).
17/09/24(85|-24) conquered by aKi11.
17/09/24(64|-27) conquered by __TNT__.
17/09/24(-30|-52) conquered by Mad Cow (Susa).
17/09/24(9|-69) conquered by BlackList.
18/09/24(-7|87) conquered by Hraezlyr.
18/09/24(-34|48) conquered by DoidoMello (ATHOQ).
18/09/24(-30|32) conquered by aaag.
18/09/24(-42|17) conquered by aaak.
18/09/24(-47|-76) conquered by Leg1on.
18/09/24(-38|-81) conquered by PostApocJerry.
19/09/24(-36|83) conquered by Tanjiro.
19/09/24(-13|80) conquered by Lord Gover.
19/09/24(8|78) conquered by isra.ugu.
19/09/24(-38|68) conquered by JNB.
19/09/24(49|65) conquered by Uniy.
19/09/24(-20|35) conquered by Mek71.
19/09/24(54|22) conquered by Koordine (DELTA).
19/09/24(80|-6) conquered by FatWalrus.
19/09/24(79|-8) conquered by Kunt.
19/09/24(89|-9) conquered by jcornia.
19/09/24(77|-15) conquered by GodKhan.
19/09/24(74|-26) conquered by Duarte.
19/09/24(-74|-29) conquered by TChavez.
19/09/24(71|-36) conquered by HY13.
19/09/24(68|-39) conquered by Vulkan.
19/09/24(-60|-51) conquered by Rafaelu29.
19/09/24(21|-76) conquered by LordDaniel.
19/09/24(-51|-50) destroyed.
20/09/24(2|81) conquered by Edu.
20/09/24(12|80) conquered by Pedro.
20/09/24(-62|53) conquered by Sheypado.
20/09/24(19|52) conquered by Botas.
20/09/24(71|52) conquered by Tusvob.
20/09/24(58|50) conquered by Arisu.
20/09/24(-71|41) conquered by SILVERWOLF.
20/09/24(-76|31) conquered by Sly.
20/09/24(-71|31) conquered by D2LY.
20/09/24(-73|27) conquered by Abner.
20/09/24(-77|7) conquered by kaliente.
20/09/24(-78|-16) conquered by dfsdfssd (X).
20/09/24(-11|-36) conquered by Desert Eagle.
20/09/24(61|-46) conquered by paul.
20/09/24(31|-75) conquered by erebor.
21/09/24(-13|74) conquered by Thunder.
21/09/24(14|58) conquered by schmak83 (GE).
21/09/24(22|47) conquered by naga.
21/09/24(-27|46) conquered by Karen.
21/09/24(-18|41) conquered by zzd.
21/09/24(-50|19) conquered by Aaa11.
21/09/24(-37|-40) conquered by aaa333.
21/09/24(-31|-44) conquered by aaa11111.
21/09/24(-29|-46) conquered by aaa111.
21/09/24(25|-46) conquered by Aaa4.
21/09/24(-20|-50) conquered by Cccc.
21/09/24(-11|-53) conquered by Zzz.
21/09/24(27|-70) conquered by yanlizkurt.
22/09/24(-26|47) conquered by RuffMou5e (ATHOQ).
22/09/24(41|-3) conquered by Beogard.
22/09/24(45|-76) conquered by Corto.
22/09/24(29|-83) conquered by afsun.
22/09/24(22|-84) conquered by setad.
23/09/24(12|91) conquered by RuFo.
23/09/24(-15|89) conquered by eddy9343.
23/09/24(29|81) conquered by Liutankas.
23/09/24(-35|78) conquered by Vintastic.
23/09/24(12|75) conquered by Annibale.
23/09/24(56|64) conquered by tommy.
23/09/24(74|44) conquered by Nero48.
23/09/24(-82|42) conquered by BaaalyBR.
23/09/24(74|40) conquered by I00II0I0II0.
23/09/24(-78|35) conquered by SunkenPirate.
23/09/24(-85|-9) conquered by igorzes.
23/09/24(72|-41) conquered by Rasmus.
23/09/24(-73|-46) conquered by Jaskier.
23/09/24(58|-54) conquered by Evian (RDMP).
23/09/24(-57|-63) conquered by zMarcos.
23/09/24(66|-63) conquered by ChristianZZ.
23/09/24(-31|-77) conquered by bms.
23/09/24(-17|-84) conquered by TURGUT.REİS.
23/09/24(-23|-85) conquered by Pijes.
23/09/24(-15|12) destroyed.
24/09/24(-18|56) conquered by Akatsuki.
24/09/24(7|54) conquered by русь.
24/09/24(30|47) conquered by LOL.
24/09/24(43|35) conquered by FlagellumDei.
24/09/24(52|-33) conquered by Doom.
24/09/24(39|-38) conquered by Trusty.
24/09/24(-34|-44) conquered by SH is trash.
24/09/24(-5|-74) conquered by Smouler.
25/09/24(-2|93) conquered by SARUTOBI.
25/09/24(-39|84) conquered by PriestessNumina.
25/09/24(43|78) conquered by Gal.
25/09/24(57|74) conquered by Goobe.
25/09/24(52|70) conquered by seg.
25/09/24(66|56) conquered by ergerg.
25/09/24(-67|35) conquered by Vini.
25/09/24(-64|-24) conquered by SWEET (HONEY).
25/09/24(-74|-48) conquered by ewfge.
... All (1037)
Alliance history:
(No alliances)  since 29/08/24  (107 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1
Other worlds:
There are players with the same name on other worlds:
> Show list (100 entries)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 611)
Natarson Server 7 ( (Villages: 649)
Natarson ( (Villages: 50)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 505)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 424)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 1510)
Natarson Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 134)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 401)
Natarson Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 345)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 405)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1071)
Natarson ( (Villages: 432)
Natarson Server 100 ( (Villages: 52)
Natarson ( (Villages: 78)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 423)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 1784)
Natarson Server 6 ( (Villages: 469)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 87)
Natarson ( (Villages: 125)
Natarson Server 50 [] ( (Villages: 187)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 761)
Natarson Server 31 [] ( (Villages: 157)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 134)
Natarson Server 9 [] ( (Villages: 1392)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 454)
Natarson ( (Villages: 122)
Natarson ( (Villages: 365)
Natarson ( (Villages: 251)
Natarson ( (Villages: 613)
Natarson ( (Villages: 1199)
Natarson ( (Villages: 332)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 873)
Natarson ( (Villages: 100)
Natarson ( (Villages: 352)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 905)
Natarson Server 30 [] ( (Villages: 157)
Natarson Server 8 [] ( (Villages: 1348)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 331)
Natarson Server 30 ( (Villages: 356)
Natarson ( (Villages: 29)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 674)
Natarson ( (Villages: 39)
Natarson Server 4 ( (Villages: 245)
Natarson Server 20 ( (Villages: 140)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 946)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 237)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 529)
Natarson Server 3 ( (Villages: 149)
Natarson Server 20 [] ( (Villages: 152)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 604)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 267)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 427)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 419)
Natarson Server 2 ( (Villages: 40)
Natarson ( (Villages: 21)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 175)
Natarson ( (Villages: 44)
Natarson ( (Villages: 26)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 66)
Natarson Server 2 [] ( (Villages: 86)
Natarson Server 4 [] ( (Villages: 277)
Natarson Server 1 ( (Villages: 14)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 308)
Natarson Server 1 [] ( (Villages: 172)
Natarson Server 3 [] ( (Villages: 275)
Natarson ( (Villages: 220)
Natarson Server 7 [] ( (Villages: 59)
Natarson Server 6 [] ( (Villages: 436)
Natarson Server 5 [] ( (Villages: 476)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2024) (Villages: 118)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 36)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 73)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 37)
Natarson Server 8 ( (2024) (Villages: 23)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2024) (Villages: 42)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2024) (Villages: 101)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2024) (Villages: 35)
Natarson ( (2024) (Villages: 11)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2024) (Villages: 70)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2024) (Villages: 185)
Natarson Server 5 ( (2023) (Villages: 25)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 82)
Natarson Server 4 ( (2023) (Villages: 105)
Natarson Server 3 ( (2023) (Villages: 43)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 45)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 26)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 166)
Natarson Server 2 ( (2023) (Villages: 116)
Natarson Server 20 ( (2023) (Villages: 70)
Natarson Server 1 ( (2023) (Villages: 260)
Natarson Server 100 ( (2023) (Villages: 81)
Natarson Server 8 ( (2023) (Villages: 314)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 68)
Natarson Server 30 ( (2023) (Villages: 105)
Natarson Server 7 ( (2023) (Villages: 418)
Natarson Glory of Sparta x2 ( (2023) (Villages: 49)
Natarson Server 6 ( (2023) (Villages: 604)
Natarson ( (2023) (Villages: 37)
Natarson Server 50 ( (2023) (Villages: 62)
Natarson Server 5 ( (2023) (Villages: 255)


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Settled/
( 125|52 ) 01. Capital986(+12)(G.v. genesTue 17/09/24
( 68|-9 )06.860(+50)(G.v. F16Tue 17/09/24
( -54|-19 )4. Edingburgh857(G.v. irmisTue 17/09/24
( 0|0 ) Natars854(settledThu 29/08/24
( -83|-27 )VacaCualquiera841(+32)(G.v. spidooshoMon 16/09/24
( -73|-22 )6. Georgetown830(G.v. JUREKROMPIRFri 13/09/24
( 4|41 )07827(+30)(G.v. HanviansTue 03/09/24
( 2|50 )06824(+25)(G.v. SparhawkWed 11/09/24
( -6|35 )108 Fluorine822(+92)(G.v. rt6Sun 01/09/24
( 56|0 )06 Eisschmelze819(G.v. RequiemMon 16/09/24
( 50|54 )10 Deadpool817(-35)(G.v. DatrezSun 08/09/24
( 5|64 )09816(+27)(G.v. XoLKFri 13/09/24
( -26|47 ) D812(+18)(G.v. RuffMou5eSun 22/09/24
( 14|-58 )11 | Róma809(+6)(G.v. DarkensyThu 12/09/24
( -39|-59 )What The Hellven805(-58)(G.v. HussainMon 16/09/24
( -70|-9 )09804(+71)(G.v. AmericagreatSun 08/09/24
( 25|51 )Sup Tico Pret789(G.v. 聰明的憨憨Thu 05/09/24
( -60|10 )007785(+4)(G.v. Ragdoll.Mon 09/09/24
( 31|35 )Buh! M784(+65)(G.v. hello4Sun 01/09/24
( -52|1 )Dire Docks780(+19)(G.v. HelWed 11/09/24
( 51|-5 )102 101 101 10092774(+6)(G.v. AtumMon 02/09/24
( -25|17 )Kiwi 11 ----771(+38)(G.v. novzySun 01/09/24
( -30|-52 )9 Anastasia760(+3)(G.v. Mad CowTue 17/09/24
( -61|11 )10746(+6)(G.v. kubidFri 06/09/24
( -32|-78 )Minas Morgul741(+25)(G.v. ingoodfaith21Sat 14/09/24
( -41|-68 )La Hacienda740(+59)(G.v. LorenaWed 11/09/24
( 12|75 )A4734(+10)(G.v. AnnibaleMon 23/09/24
( -44|-9 )09 Fiù731(+2)(G.v. WotanSun 01/09/24
( -78|-16 )Edmonds725(G.v. dfsdfssdFri 20/09/24
( 40|15 )06-PET724(+29)(G.v. WalofMon 02/09/24
( 38|19 )07-PET s724(+54)(G.v. Try1Sun 01/09/24
( 43|-39 )[7]724(G.v. GuiSpeckThu 05/09/24
( 24|26 )03 yasmin721(+83)(G.v. TrapsSun 01/09/24
( -85|-3 )Aldea Nueva720(+81)(G.v. dodSun 15/09/24
( 36|-51 )[9]709(G.v. malpersTue 10/09/24
( -50|1 )11. Support 4#706(+38)(G.v. CRUELLASun 01/09/24
( 21|50 )Inuarashi703(G.v. Com TruiseSat 07/09/24
( -26|-15 )10. Deff Hammer701(G.v. IanFri 13/09/24
( 32|-35 )[005] shad0w699(+35)(G.v. ChakalSat 07/09/24
( -3|36 )109 Neon699(+77)(G.v. LoleSun 01/09/24
( 64|-27 )12. Chill697(G.v. __TNT__Tue 17/09/24
( 19|52 )8. WASSEYPUR695(G.v. BotasFri 20/09/24
( -14|-49 )Poison Tooth &688(+324)(G.v. 109MagicalMe77Sun 01/09/24
( 37|-30 )[006] shad0w685(+26)(G.v. 105DormsPokK7Sun 01/09/24
( 46|11 )08-PET s679(+78)(G.v. zzzxd11Sun 01/09/24
( -81|-9 )Aldea Vaquera677(+107)(G.v. biertjeThu 12/09/24
( -13|74 )14| Bold move674(G.v. ThunderSat 21/09/24
( 6|-59 )[M] - KPHz670(+2)(G.v. TeutonicsteelTue 03/09/24
( -2|-30 )Poison Tooth #668(+297)(G.v. erederSun 01/09/24
( -6|86 )&&&659(+6)(G.v. KeessariSun 15/09/24
( 50|-25 )14 - Nuno650(+111)(G.v. zevoleMon 02/09/24
( 68|26 )[013]646(+217)(G.v. qwertyuiopSat 07/09/24
( 54|22 )03 Natarians643(G.v. KoordineThu 19/09/24
( -23|28 )000+642(+70)(G.v. king tutSun 01/09/24
( 10|-49 )FOX-4641(+111)(G.v. 100NamelaSed5Sun 01/09/24
( 45|-76 )11. Topt641(+93)(G.v. CortoSun 22/09/24
( -15|89 )A4640(+74)(G.v. eddy9343Mon 23/09/24
( -54|29 )Natars -54|29639(+54)(G.v. castellaeWed 04/09/24
( 14|58 )0.00 Jin Kazama635(+75)(G.v. schmak83Sat 21/09/24
( 9|-69 )F1633(+80)(G.v. BlackListTue 17/09/24
( 12|-47 )12631(+119)(G.v. DragónSun 01/09/24
( 8|-76 )A8620(+108)(G.v. parikalMon 16/09/24
( 58|-54 )King Of Kings 5619(+57)(G.v. EvianMon 23/09/24
( 15|-32 )z13b6f5nat617(+78)(G.v. PythonSun 01/09/24
( -71|41 )11. Fontvieille616(-14)(G.v. SILVERWOLFFri 20/09/24
( 64|2 )12 Vulkanismus616(G.v. furkankerimWed 04/09/24
( 29|-40 )[007] shad0w615(+132)(G.v. Muralla_DoradaSun 01/09/24
( -32|-30 )Sancris608(+47)(G.v. CiCh0thInG4mSun 01/09/24
( -38|-81 )Vaqueras Powa606(+151)(G.v. PostApocJerryWed 18/09/24
( -7|87 )A6600(+126)(G.v. HraezlyrWed 18/09/24
( -102|-23 )M&F 6600(+6)(G.v. Just4PracticeFri 13/09/24
( 4|83 )Supply chain591(+128)(G.v. RakyaFri 13/09/24
( 15|48 )Eyes 9580(+47)(G.v. KaidannMon 16/09/24
( 2|81 )01 S.X.580(+85)(G.v. EduFri 20/09/24
( 58|26 )Jhia573(+34)(G.v. hatirWed 04/09/24
( 44|4 )09-PET571(+83)(G.v. zzzxd1Sun 01/09/24
( -42|20 )008565(+84)(G.v. Mount EverrestSun 01/09/24
( 18|-45 )[O] - KPHz552(+115)(G.v. kanuniSun 01/09/24
( -34|13 )11551(+111)(G.v. VincG05Tue 10/09/24
( 52|38 )Kyle550(+50)(G.v. kahramanturkWed 04/09/24
( 38|-18 )15 - Nobrex549(+145)(G.v. GhostlySun 01/09/24
( -37|-54 )12 Anastasia546(+97)(G.v. gwegweTue 10/09/24
( 39|50 )6. LUST538(+35)(G.v. RangoWed 04/09/24
( -15|29 )10534(+120)(G.v. asd1Sun 01/09/24
( 38|-58 )[12]532(+107)(G.v. RaestarSun 08/09/24
( -43|-4 )Rivaldo532(+89)(G.v. WITItmO3urSun 01/09/24
( 23|-35 )[009] shad0w528(+72)(G.v. cichylukiTue 03/09/24
( -8|74 )(0)527(+159)(G.v. MatixSun 15/09/24
( 47|-10 )102 101 101 10093525(+100)(G.v. SopranosSun 01/09/24
( 44|56 )16 Wolverine512(+61)(G.v. lukFri 06/09/24
( -1|-38 )[12]BatiWashi511(+81)(G.v. I.QSun 01/09/24
( -51|-10 )nineguda510(+92)(G.v. MaxMon 09/09/24
( -18|-54 )Yana503(+61)(G.v. The WeakestMon 02/09/24
( 44|-6 )9.Krimpen a/d ijssel502(+48)(G.v. FantomasTue 03/09/24
( 6|32 )09501(+43)(G.v. BatordixSun 01/09/24
( -85|-9 )Vaca Soltera500(+213)(G.v. igorzesMon 23/09/24
( -10|-56 )The Pianist497(+112)(G.v. mitatasanSun 08/09/24
( 58|-28 )14. Wow496(+46)(G.v. eneamanThu 12/09/24
( -45|-19 )14. Here i am UP494(+87)(G.v. General ClubsSun 01/09/24
( 58|50 )Runasig487(+165)(G.v. ArisuFri 20/09/24
( 15|34 )Z3R0 Tr3$486(+105)(G.v. CarolMartelWed 11/09/24
... All (297)

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( -51|-50 )Natars -51|-5072 (destroyed Thu 19/09/24
( -15|12 ) Natars -15|1211 (destroyed Mon 23/09/24

Player statistics