DELTA - Alliance history

March 2023
05/03/23The alliance DELTA was founded.
Founding members:: Malchior, CORISMA, neo, Kabelim, Dragon, wyllyamis, Fargo, Jdiablo, Jehungir Agha, Fabrini, Nobre&Urfer, Torres11, Scorpijo, Idoso, Tabordix, ndpp, Freelancer, Popeye, Smokemachine, Litro, Poumas, Tchorix, Mythi, Robsonh242, zack, Peras, Ragnaroc, Kid bengala, Klemesk, FJunior, Four Horsemen, Joana dArc, Jtopia, Cauni, Blackcat, Z3R0n3, Domain Of Evil, Mr.D, PaiDoGui, Gonpaty, Toshiro, Brigate, Laplace, zaretak, Tired, ChiefWarlord, Cybertron, catatalbr, Viniciuspqp, ThiagoSCF, OSORIO, ragnar, TREVAS, Beredoor, DR7, We are Legends, Bravos, Ron_Mico, Skywalker and Dass.
Leaving of:Tired.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
06/03/23Leaving of:Tchorix.
07/03/23Joining of:barbar0 and RFMB722350.
Leaving of:Jehungir Agha zack and PaiDoGui.
08/03/23Joining of:Simba, Toulousee and Donach.
Deletion of:Nobre&Urfer.
10/03/23Joining of:XIIN.
11/03/23Leaving of:catatalbr.
12/03/23Leaving of:Fabrini Poumas Robsonh242 and Joana dArc.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
13/03/23Joining of:ETA Porr4.
The alliance have their first conquest.
14/03/23Joining of:xtar7.
15/03/23Leaving of:Kid bengala and FJunior.
16/03/23Joining of:PEACE, Fabrini, Mali buda, Zvek and Marke2.
Leaving of:Scorpijo.
17/03/23Joining of:El lechero.
22/03/23The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
23/03/23Leaving of:neo and Fargo.
25/03/23The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
28/03/23Joining of:Lhua.
April 2023
01/04/23Leaving of:wyllyamis.
02/04/23The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
04/04/23Joining of:Crazydemon.
06/04/23Deletion of:Brigate.
07/04/23Joining of:terrysamy and Hoch.
09/04/23Deletion of:xtar7.
12/04/23Leaving of:Fabrini.
13/04/23Leaving of:Viniciuspqp.
The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
17/04/23Joining of:Redx.
Leaving of:Peras.
19/04/23Joining of:andrei.
20/04/23Joining of:dnluni and Valengs.
24/04/23Deletion of:Torres11.
25/04/23Joining of:Dalibor.
27/04/23The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
May 2023
10/05/23Leaving of:Mythi.
11/05/23Joining of:Sandy.
19/05/23The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
26/05/23Deletion of:Redx.
27/05/23Leaving of:terrysamy.
Deletion of:Mr.D and zaretak.
30/05/23Joining of:Morbius, Pickup and Zhees.
31/05/23Joining of:Dell.
June 2023
04/06/23Deletion of:Morbius.
06/06/23Joining of:Shavo.
The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
09/06/23Leaving of:Zhees.
10/06/23Deletion of:Smokemachine.
12/06/23Deletion of:Skywalker.
13/06/23Joining of:Harry Botter and Klor.
16/06/23Joining of:lavitz419.
23/06/23Leaving of:Klemesk.
24/06/23Leaving of:Crazydemon.
25/06/23Joining of:Ryan_kun.
Leaving of:ragnar and Lhua.
26/06/23Joining of:pepa.
Leaving of:Dell.
27/06/23Joining of:ragnar.
Leaving of:XIIN.
29/06/23Joining of:sonic92.
Deletion of:andrei.
July 2023
03/07/23Joining of:Dener.
04/07/23The alliance has done over 200 conquests.
06/07/23Deletion of:Ryan_kun.
08/07/23Leaving of:Pickup.
09/07/23Joining of:Modi and GaulStone.
16/07/23Joining of:PapaLeguas and catatalbr.
25/07/23Leaving of:Malchior CORISMA Kabelim Dragon Jdiablo Idoso Tabordix ndpp Freelancer Popeye Litro Ragnaroc Four Horsemen Jtopia Cauni Blackcat Z3R0n3 Domain Of Evil Gonpaty Toshiro Laplace ChiefWarlord Cybertron ThiagoSCF OSORIO TREVAS Beredoor DR7 We are Legends Bravos Ron_Mico Dass barbar0 RFMB722350 Simba Toulousee Donach ETA Porr4 PEACE Mali buda Zvek Marke2 El lechero Hoch dnluni Valengs Dalibor Sandy Shavo Harry Botter Klor lavitz419 pepa ragnar sonic92 Dener Modi GaulStone PapaLeguas and catatalbr.
26/07/23The alliance is now known as DELTA.
Joining of:Z3R0n3, pepa, Klor, Toshiro, sonic92, Valengs, Dragon, PapaLeguas, Hoch, Ragnaroc, Dalibor, Popeye, GaulStone, Jtopia, Sandy, Shavo, ETA Porr4, DR7, catatalbr, Harry Botter, RFMB722350, Dass, OSORIO, ThiagoSCF, Malchior, Idoso, Tabordix, ragnar, ChiefWarlord, Bravos, Beredoor, Ron_Mico, We are Legends, El lechero, lavitz419, barbar0, TREVAS, Cybertron, ndpp, Freelancer, Litro, dnluni, Simba, Blackcat, Dener, Domain Of Evil, Gonpaty, Modi, Laplace, Cauni, Jdiablo, Mali buda, Donach, PEACE, Toulousee, Kabelim, CORISMA, Zvek, Four Horsemen and Marke2.
Leaving of:El lechero.
27/07/23Leaving of:pepa.
29/07/23Joining of:pepa.
31/07/23Deletion of:Sandy.
August 2023
03/08/23Joining of:The Killers.
06/08/23Joining of:MC..
10/08/23Deletion of:We are Legends.
11/08/23Leaving of:RFMB722350.
30/08/23Deletion of:ChiefWarlord.
31/08/23Deletion of:TREVAS.
September 2023
01/09/23Deletion of:DR7 and Tabordix.
03/09/23Deletion of:Idoso.
04/09/23Joining of:Bubbleboy696, Lhua and punkstyl3.
Deletion of:CORISMA.
05/09/23Joining of:Iskandar and todesfazueli.
Leaving of:Popeye.
07/09/23Deletion of:Cybertron.
09/09/23Deletion of:ETA Porr4.
12/09/23Joining of:Kamikaze神風 and Nandrolona.
14/09/23Joining of:Apolomisa.