红土-西厂 - Alliance history

June 2021
24/06/21The alliance 红土-西厂 was founded.
Founding members:: s54283, YuhanDs, loveangela, !!!, 吃饭睡觉打豆豆, yukikaze, 金币羊, xijingmeijiji, Rockbye, kutka, chaomian, 最不爱的人, xyz, King_Ghost, 太妃糖, 红土-西京, hynhy, MX22, Mx75, DoriS, tomysharyx12345, UNIZA, kit, 小曼儿, wwwmago, SAJUUK, 水岸哥, lz_ltw, msssi, martincool, Tom2016, 江山依旧三花猫, bommer, net_home, 垦丁机车, Siiickz, Mr.French, 林林总总, Clarence, Joe Trump, Ан73, INYOURDREAM, GHOSTS, 锦衣卫, 海洋商贸, 石不转, king, levy007, geelou, 爵士的灵魂, 农夫山泉, hellohelo, peterapp, julio, Farm, wanwan and Sky.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
25/06/21Leaving of:太妃糖 kit wwwmago SAJUUK 水岸哥 林林总总 and 锦衣卫.
26/06/21Joining of:星辰大海, Keris, ohmygod, Italico, KingdomOfHeaven, Amitai, lyf611520, Quintillius and Hye_na.
Leaving of:最不爱的人 小曼儿 msssi martincool net_home 石不转 king levy007 peterapp and Sky.
Deletion of:lyf611520.
27/06/21Joining of:KWC, hnhost and rickh.
Leaving of:bommer 垦丁机车 and 爵士的灵魂.
Deletion of:Mr.French.
28/06/21Joining of:YEH, NewPlayer, ironman and Boem.
Leaving of:KingdomOfHeaven.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
29/06/21Joining of:Longxiaobao, WTBC, Colonz, GASD and 小手锅热.
Leaving of:Amitai.
30/06/21Joining of:carmani, hsjyuen and cortex.
Leaving of:吃饭睡觉打豆豆 金币羊 Rockbye King_Ghost tomysharyx12345 江山依旧三花猫 GHOSTS 农夫山泉 hellohelo and Farm.
Deletion of:yukikaze.
July 2021
01/07/21Joining of:火雞兄, eric, ken96541, 張阿弟, APRIL, 四氧化三鈷, Elit3pt, 住撚鳩 and Mx44.
Leaving of:loveangela kutka DoriS Clarence 海洋商贸 geelou ohmygod WTBC Colonz GASD and cortex.
02/07/21Joining of:desentcare, Healer01, Healer, cola, andy920140, HalfEye, 红土-酉京, 月與笑犬, jjalex, Thimotepe, Lonely叮噹, cdongbo2, arron and windstory.
Leaving of:xijingmeijiji and lz_ltw.
Deletion of:rickh.
03/07/21Joining of:Dead, TAPSATIT, cy123 and Chelsea.
Deletion of:ironman and APRIL.
04/07/21Deletion of:xyz.
06/07/21Joining of:csy.
Deletion of:UNIZA and 月與笑犬.
07/07/21Leaving of:!!! and INYOURDREAM.
08/07/21Joining of:claem.
Deletion of:Siiickz Italico and HalfEye.
09/07/21Joining of:lokeyD and fhxy777.
10/07/21Leaving of:chaomian julio and NewPlayer.
11/07/21Joining of:LV MIN, 艾瑞克, Bermuda, samk, 草泥馬, Yanni, XOXO, tdgdgdl, subzero and DeathSmoke.
Deletion of:四氧化三鈷.
12/07/21Joining of:julio.
14/07/21Deletion of:Quintillius.
15/07/21Joining of:Jeremy.
Leaving of:carmani.
16/07/21Leaving of:YuhanDs.
17/07/21Joining of:J Y.
18/07/21Joining of:开个号备用.
19/07/21The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
20/07/21Deletion of:Tom2016.
22/07/21Deletion of:KWC.
23/07/21Joining of:YC-Chang.
25/07/21 The alliance have their first conquest.
26/07/21Joining of:Figgy01.
27/07/21Deletion of:Chelsea.
30/07/21Leaving of:开个号备用.
Deletion of:andy920140.
31/07/21Leaving of:Bermuda.
August 2021
02/08/21Leaving of:Joe Trump.
Deletion of:cdongbo2.
04/08/21Joining of:Joe Trump.
05/08/21Joining of:Baaple.
07/08/21Deletion of:desentcare.
08/08/21The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
09/08/21Leaving of:張阿弟 and 红土-酉京.
Deletion of:Mx75 and csy.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
12/08/21Leaving of:arron.
13/08/21Leaving of:Thimotepe.
14/08/21Joining of:Fenix.
Deletion of:MX22.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
16/08/21Leaving of:Lonely叮噹.
17/08/21Joining of:arron.
20/08/21Joining of:alloes.
21/08/21Joining of:cloudlow.
Deletion of:samk.
23/08/21Joining of:goleng, uncle lee, Alngm wasl and big655.
24/08/21Joining of:vena7777, Royalblue and Reivaj.
25/08/21Joining of:aubykddi.
27/08/21Joining of:jerry100001.
28/08/21Joining of:البرنسA.
The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
30/08/21Leaving of:Mx44.
Deletion of:TAPSATIT.
September 2021
02/09/21Leaving of:Longxiaobao.
04/09/21Deletion of:Jeremy.
06/09/21Joining of:Longxiaobao.
07/09/21Joining of:淹死的鱼.
08/09/21Leaving of:LV MIN.
09/09/21Leaving of:Longxiaobao.
12/09/21Joining of:Longxiaobao.
15/09/21Deletion of:Hye_na.
17/09/21Deletion of:jjalex.
18/09/21Joining of:outHandTest.
19/09/21Leaving of:Baaple.
23/09/21Joining of:Napoleon, JDY and Jeffrey.
24/09/21Joining of:martincool.
Leaving of:martincool.
26/09/21Joining of:進撃の洋平.
Leaving of:YEH J Y aubykddi and jerry100001.
Deletion of:Elit3pt.
27/09/21Joining of:Dust.
Leaving of:wanwan.
28/09/21Joining of:斗罗大陆.
Leaving of:ken96541.
29/09/21Joining of:春江花月夜, Defender and 9602artoo.
30/09/21Deletion of:البرنسA.
October 2021
02/10/21Joining of:HCQ.
Leaving of:小手锅热 and Longxiaobao.
07/10/21Leaving of:9602artoo.
09/10/21Deletion of:Yanni.
11/10/21Deletion of:lokeyD.
17/10/21The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
21/10/21Deletion of:Royalblue.
23/10/21Leaving of:Napoleon.
Deletion of:Alngm wasl.
25/10/21Deletion of:艾瑞克.
26/10/21Deletion of:alloes.
27/10/21Joining of:sl624, 威廉爺爺, Eric Lai, 妖刀魂, ss0705, mikumiku2468, mati, HUN, 随遇而安 and koedielo.
29/10/21Joining of:ASIA3.
November 2021
01/11/21Joining of:9602artoo.
02/11/21Joining of:团团团.
07/11/21Leaving of:Reivaj.
08/11/21Joining of:Krocan.
Leaving of:Krocan.
09/11/21Leaving of:koedielo.
10/11/21Leaving of:cy123 and Jeffrey.
12/11/21Leaving of:Ан73 住撚鳩 and julio.
13/11/21Joining of:MzM.
Leaving of:big655.
14/11/21Joining of:Hugi and Barring.
17/11/21Joining of:Asterix.
18/11/21Joining of:Mayla99.
21/11/21Joining of:abnoose.
23/11/21Leaving of:abnoose.
December 2021
01/12/21The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
03/12/21Joining of:Abang Raidyn.
04/12/21Leaving of:Abang Raidyn.
06/12/21Deletion of:Asterix.
23/12/21The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
January 2022
14/01/22Leaving of:随遇而安.