ILM 1 - Alliance history

June 2021
10/06/21The alliance ILM 1 was founded.
Founding members:: Mourarj, Robin4, O TOLO, Toim, Kadooza, Tupac, WannaCry?, The Brothers, Kadu, Romans, Galactus, Djps, ALMOÇO, DARK, Doraaventureira, Batlelag, Eletrodoméstico, Ranger, Lulu, INSUPORTAVEL, 100Limite, Freyja, staaryh2s-, Viniwilkomm, Lord Lockdown, xicabia, Deggastar, Red Dragon, mikesilva, buganeme, SteelKnight, Yoly, Lavoisier, Kilmister, poiuy, Léu, Vandy, tomo789, Mclovin, Raizen, DayLygth, Lost, Titoo, darkhower, ze placido, Brasil, Killmonger, ruifsfreitas, ColdBloodKiller, JANTA, Viperman, korsun, Yochy, HakiroSensei, CabraDaPeste, Plutão, JoeMaMa, Dogão Duplo, Bogardan and Professor.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
13/06/21Leaving of:Dogão Duplo.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
14/06/21Joining of:CEREBRO.
16/06/21Leaving of:Tupac Romans and Batlelag.
17/06/21Joining of:Rott, Jade and Black_Bolt.
Leaving of:Mourarj.
18/06/21Joining of:scheylla.
Leaving of:Brasil and HakiroSensei.
Deletion of:Deggastar and Lavoisier.
19/06/21Joining of:Ycchan, SPARTANS, Muro and Morello.
Leaving of:100Limite.
Deletion of:xicabia.
20/06/21Joining of:Mariachi.
21/06/21Joining of:ThinkPT.
Deletion of:buganeme.
22/06/21Joining of:Muttley444.
Leaving of:Lulu Rott and scheylla.
23/06/21Joining of:O GAULÊS and Blackwater.
Leaving of:Toim Freyja staaryh2s- SteelKnight and Yochy.
Deletion of:Lord Lockdown and Kilmister.
24/06/21Joining of:suerte, Charlene, Primo Branford and abdullah.
25/06/21Joining of:Lord Ceifeiro, MADARA, Noturno and Alexander Magno.
Leaving of:Ranger Léu and tomo789.
26/06/21Joining of:AlexKid and Jonasgcs.
27/06/21Joining of:Borgas.
July 2021
01/07/21Leaving of:abdullah.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
02/07/21Leaving of:Kadu and Charlene.
03/07/21Joining of:WorldOfWarcraft, scheylla and DoMiNo.
04/07/21Leaving of:Borgas.
05/07/21Joining of:Trim.
07/07/21Leaving of:Doraaventureira and Titoo.
08/07/21Joining of:Rott and 100Limite.
09/07/21Leaving of:Rott.
12/07/21Joining of:Toim.
14/07/21The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
15/07/21Leaving of:Alexander Magno.
16/07/21 The alliance have their first conquest.
17/07/21Joining of:GaloNegro.
19/07/21Leaving of:ThinkPT.
20/07/21Leaving of:Muttley444.
27/07/21Leaving of:O TOLO ALMOÇO Eletrodoméstico Red Dragon JANTA SPARTANS and Muro.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
28/07/21Joining of:M4P, Fappie., Ariel, Charlene, Imortal, Borgas, Zero07 and Haywood.
Leaving of:Lord Ceifeiro.
29/07/21Joining of:postplayer.
31/07/21Joining of:Kadu.
August 2021
03/08/21The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
04/08/21Leaving of:ColdBloodKiller and scheylla.
05/08/21Joining of:Favelado and Alexander Magno.
Deletion of:poiuy.
08/08/21Joining of:xanxaras.
10/08/21Leaving of:postplayer.
11/08/21Joining of:Akrapovic.
12/08/21Leaving of:Viniwilkomm.
13/08/21Joining of:YOU NOT FARM.
The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
14/08/21Deletion of:M4P.
19/08/21Joining of:Lulu.
21/08/21Leaving of:Morello.
28/08/21Leaving of:GaloNegro.
Deletion of:Imortal.
30/08/21Joining of:Zero.
September 2021
06/09/21Joining of:madalia.
07/09/21Joining of:Lereu.
10/09/21Leaving of:Kadu.
12/09/21Deletion of:madalia.
The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
15/09/21Leaving of:Haywood.
17/09/21Leaving of:Lereu.
October 2021
05/10/21Joining of:Skulls.
10/10/21Leaving of:The Brothers Plutão 100Limite and Alexander Magno.
22/10/21The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
25/10/21The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
November 2021
06/11/21Joining of:Kadu.
11/11/21Deletion of:Black_Bolt.
14/11/21Deletion of:Akrapovic.
December 2021
06/12/21Deletion of:Fappie..
15/12/21Joining of:The Brothers.
17/12/21Joining of:Dest9.
31/12/21Deletion of:DoMiNo.
January 2022
19/01/22Joining of:FILHO DO CAPETA.