T.C - Alliance history

June 2021
24/06/21The alliance T.C™ (today: T.C) was founded.
Founding members:: BeyazMelek, CptFl3xy, cfa, Komando38, fk08, Mehmethan, Geberduram, BandiiT, 42kartall42, D-100, AFYON, ferdi06922, sakin, arras, Jaquar 2, HSNSBBH, PALA, maximus_, BozKurt, wezir07, BARAN, KARAYEL, Kasabalı, Masteror, Romangg, erenegeulas, kokoliso19, Crimson, GlobelFantasy, DeepBreath, Karadavut, null, Ottoman İmp, Jaquar, Beawulf, ibo, EFELER, Taz Devil, Tequila, TV8, ilim, YeniKenT, AKİNTE, BURBU53, sakat, chouman, Berkut, HidZero, zorba, Poyrazlar, Napoleon10, raptor3615, TOKSTAN and HAREZMŞAH.
Leaving of:Mehmethan and TV8.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
25/06/21Joining of:mrjack.
Leaving of:Taz Devil.
Deletion of:arras.
26/06/21Joining of:Doqeboy, Capricorn, Deathwhisper, Darius and Bursa1617.
Leaving of:AFYON.
27/06/21Joining of:eras, Мавка and Türkiye.
Leaving of:BURBU53 and Capricorn.
28/06/21Joining of:PERSIAN and Sabırlı.
Leaving of:BandiiT and Deathwhisper.
30/06/21Leaving of:TOKSTAN.
Deletion of:chouman.
July 2021
01/07/21Leaving of:Ottoman İmp.
Deletion of:BeyazMelek BozKurt and Darius.
02/07/21Joining of:GaddarDavut, Destroyer and anadolu.
Leaving of:kokoliso19 and Sabırlı.
04/07/21Joining of:Liloon.
Leaving of:Jaquar 2 HSNSBBH and Masteror.
The alliance have their first conquest.
05/07/21Joining of:bluedevil.
Leaving of:Romangg.
Deletion of:CptFl3xy and BARAN.
06/07/21The alliance is now known as UN-T.
Joining of:Jaquar 2.
Leaving of:Geberduram sakin Kasabalı GlobelFantasy PERSIAN Liloon and bluedevil.
07/07/21Joining of:Adalı _90, BURSASPOR1963, EmperorAbdullah, Pza, labnal, Hans, EmpressYüksel, Pirata, Fede el Grande, Cheche, JujuHOE, William, César, Texaslı, Chadders101, cupertino and TrKarga.
Leaving of:mrjack.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
08/07/21Joining of:sinan.
Deletion of:D-100 and Tequila.
09/07/21The alliance is now known as T.C..
Joining of:Dutchy and Köle Lordu.
Leaving of:Jaquar.
11/07/21Joining of:Zenius and kestis.
12/07/21Leaving of:EmpressYüksel.
Deletion of:HAREZMŞAH.
13/07/21Leaving of:wezir07 and Jaquar 2.
Deletion of:DeepBreath.
14/07/21Leaving of:William.
15/07/21Leaving of:labnal.
17/07/21Leaving of:Adalı _90 BURSASPOR1963 EmperorAbdullah Pza Hans Fede el Grande Cheche JujuHOE César Texaslı Chadders101 cupertino TrKarga sinan Dutchy Köle Lordu and kestis.
Deletion of:PALA.
18/07/21Leaving of:Komando38 KARAYEL Crimson and null.
Deletion of:ferdi06922.
19/07/21The alliance is now known as .T.C..
Joining of:cemabi, MAVİKUŞ, legendlife, Aresek, kerajaan and thejenssenpro.
Leaving of:Aresek.
Deletion of:Poyrazlar.
20/07/21The alliance is now known as T.C.
Joining of:UQUS, JENNESSEE, DUKe, FKH2021, cancay, mylasa 35, Teacher, LionAli, Serdar444, bahramab, HORTLAK, tuisda56, trajanus, blackmr and isina.
Leaving of:HORTLAK.
21/07/21Joining of:tonyalı, Viking, Abdulaziz90 and kursar.
Leaving of:eras Türkiye and kerajaan.
Deletion of:isina.
22/07/21Joining of:Jazzo, Tomek82 and Gismo.
Leaving of:Gismo.
23/07/21Joining of:Jaquar 2, Show and Le Coq.
Leaving of:Jaquar 2.
24/07/21Joining of:Marckoss, PandA, Kipf and musafurkan.
Leaving of:Zenius and bahramab.
26/07/21Joining of:Swayer, thesu, HORTLAK, DskDragon and masal.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
27/07/21Joining of:deren.
28/07/21Leaving of:ibo and Jazzo.
Deletion of:DskDragon.
29/07/21Deletion of:maximus_.
30/07/21Joining of:Hades_NL.
31/07/21Joining of:WOLF_THRONE.
Leaving of:cemabi and MAVİKUŞ.
Deletion of:Abdulaziz90.
August 2021
01/08/21Joining of:BGorSC.
02/08/21Joining of:cemabi.
04/08/21Joining of:MAGENTA and Armin.
Leaving of:ilim Pirata FKH2021 and Tomek82.
05/08/21Joining of:SKMorefield and Zaoo.
07/08/21Leaving of:Bursa1617.
08/08/21Joining of:paivulan.
Deletion of:Le Coq and BGorSC.
10/08/21Leaving of:42kartall42 and Karadavut.
12/08/21Leaving of:Marckoss.
14/08/21Deletion of:erenegeulas and Napoleon10.
15/08/21Leaving of:Beawulf Berkut and Destroyer.
Deletion of:EFELER and YeniKenT.
16/08/21Leaving of:Мавка.
Deletion of:trajanus.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
17/08/21Leaving of:raptor3615.
Deletion of:WOLF_THRONE and cemabi.
18/08/21Leaving of:Kipf and HORTLAK.
20/08/21Leaving of:JENNESSEE.
21/08/21Leaving of:Serdar444 and kursar.
22/08/21Leaving of:sakat.
23/08/21Deletion of:masal.
25/08/21Leaving of:Doqeboy.
26/08/21Leaving of:AKİNTE.
27/08/21Deletion of:cfa and MAGENTA.
29/08/21Leaving of:fk08 HidZero zorba Show Swayer and Zaoo.
30/08/21Leaving of:blackmr.
31/08/21Leaving of:Viking.
September 2021
02/09/21Leaving of:mylasa 35.
03/09/21Leaving of:GaddarDavut anadolu LionAli tuisda56 and SKMorefield.
07/09/21Leaving of:legendlife.
08/09/21Joining of:Zehtro.
09/09/21Joining of:kifla.
10/09/21Joining of:Zanya a.
13/09/21Deletion of:Hades_NL.
14/09/21Leaving of:cancay.
15/09/21Deletion of:DUKe.
24/09/21Deletion of:kifla.
26/09/21Deletion of:thesu.
October 2021
09/10/21Deletion of:paivulan.
16/10/21Leaving of:UQUS and Teacher.
Deletion of:Zanya a.
22/10/21Deletion of:deren.
December 2021
02/12/21Deletion of:Zehtro.