May 2024 |
07/05/24 | The alliance GPR 3 (today: uaPLV) was founded. |
| Founding members:: Steev, Sold, Tama_Zamora, Noxit, uros, soyfisher, Lietuvis, Vodkabacsi, Anto13, obarone, Mauz0, Tomis, Leng Tche, yuume, pixe, Jay, nikos1521, ddd, VoDi, kakamaka, MajkM, SPepe, Bembis, karabilal, wolfein, Antony, scutarel, Pig, Nicollas, tattoomaster, RockInTheShoes, Nikola Negovan, Sämäler, gege, leehwikr, Asardex, Mouuzarttt, CalaveraVieja, NELLO, caravella, crixinhu, MoNSTeRKH, allobar, Thirsty, Alexia, Tysonky, ArchangelSlayer, Diktatura, glesaen91, Game over, phalanx, Filip13, Xuj and Spartan. |
| Leaving of:Alexia and ArchangelSlayer. |
| The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000. |
08/05/24 | Joining of:RG_INOX290773, Tridente and UrGanik29. |
09/05/24 | Joining of:MaderaPalo, cosminicu and genius. |
| Leaving of:Bembis Antony Asardex CalaveraVieja glesaen91 phalanx and Filip13. |
10/05/24 | Joining of:FeuLies, data, EGE45EGE, M4krd3n1, Shadows and furgut. |
11/05/24 | Joining of:DeathCommander. |
| Leaving of:nikos1521. |
| Deletion of:pixe and MajkM. |
12/05/24 | Joining of:Jawor. |
| Leaving of:allobar. |
13/05/24 | Joining of:avlon1973, CRYS71, DrBernhard and GrafBukkakula. |
| Leaving of:Tomis Leng Tche and RockInTheShoes. |
14/05/24 | Joining of:balamir06, ayaz06 and ceset06. |
| Leaving of:UrGanik29 and Shadows. |
15/05/24 | Joining of:KaraBoska. |
| Leaving of:Mauz0 Spartan and data. |
16/05/24 | Joining of:kobak, Börchi and Puskitas_junior. |
| Leaving of:SPepe and Nikola Negovan. |
17/05/24 | Joining of:rfrm. |
| Leaving of:karabilal wolfein and Tysonky. |
18/05/24 | Joining of:Dylandog, louloupzh18 and lomerone. |
| Leaving of:Anto13 and ddd. |
19/05/24 | Joining of:Légo, Megalodonte, followsup and Blondi. |
| Leaving of:gege and cosminicu. |
| Deletion of:Jawor. |
| The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000. |
20/05/24 | Joining of:MysticmausS and Uzay. |
| Leaving of:Noxit obarone Jay leehwikr and EGE45EGE. |
21/05/24 | Joining of:Tkice, gavroche and Molay. |
22/05/24 | Joining of:Ciseppe and Juanrodolfo. |
| Leaving of:yuume VoDi and Xuj. |
23/05/24 | Joining of:Hinac04. |
| Leaving of:Diktatura. |
24/05/24 | Joining of:mousesoldier and Churups. |
| Leaving of:scutarel MoNSTeRKH and followsup. |
25/05/24 | Joining of:Amonaman and tadas12. |
| Leaving of:DrBernhard. |
26/05/24 | Leaving of:Blondi and MysticmausS. |
27/05/24 | Leaving of:genius. |
28/05/24 | Joining of:Sef and MooNie. |
29/05/24 | Leaving of:uros DeathCommander and tadas12. |
June 2024 |
01/06/24 | Joining of:tadas12 and Decom. |
| Leaving of:Steev tattoomaster and furgut. |
02/06/24 | The alliance have their first conquest. |
04/06/24 | Joining of:Alegria and Gamer. |
| Leaving of:GrafBukkakula and Légo. |
05/06/24 | Joining of:JoZ44. |
| Leaving of:Ciseppe. |
06/06/24 | Joining of:matja666, Woland, Elidas, onbası seyit and Poweris. |
| Leaving of:kakamaka and NELLO. |
07/06/24 | Joining of:syfer dias. |
09/06/24 | Joining of:Tysonky. |
| Leaving of:rfrm. |
10/06/24 | Joining of:Pin Pon. |
| Leaving of:lomerone. |
| Deletion of:M4krd3n1. |
11/06/24 | Joining of:v&p and Adama. |
| Leaving of:Elidas. |
13/06/24 | Joining of:daanyeffe. |
| Leaving of:Sef. |
14/06/24 | Joining of:Icem6n. |
| Leaving of:Nicollas. |
| Deletion of:caravella. |
15/06/24 | Joining of:Santuario. |
17/06/24 | The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000. |
20/06/24 | Deletion of:Puskitas_junior. |
21/06/24 | Deletion of:Hinac04. |
22/06/24 | Leaving of:avlon1973 and Börchi. |
23/06/24 | Deletion of:Santuario. |
24/06/24 | Deletion of:tadas12 and Gamer. |
25/06/24 | Joining of:jakeyy. |
26/06/24 | Leaving of:Uzay and Decom. |
| Deletion of:Thirsty and Poweris. |
27/06/24 | Joining of:kovboy3737, aFo61, ilhanmobilya, hun_fedaisi and Kargo. |
| Leaving of:Mouuzarttt. |
| Deletion of:Tama_Zamora and Sämäler. |
28/06/24 | Deletion of:Lietuvis. |
July 2024 |
02/07/24 | Leaving of:RG_INOX290773. |
03/07/24 | Leaving of:Vodkabacsi Pig Game over Tridente CRYS71 balamir06 ayaz06 ceset06 KaraBoska louloupzh18 gavroche MooNie and Icem6n. |
07/07/24 | Joining of:Ditobucato. |
08/07/24 | Joining of:utopie, Hunte88, Daniele Augusto, 林大旺, YECC, Bubba, jeannon, DitoMolesto, Tripeiro, zax and mindaugas13. |
09/07/24 | Joining of:wowcant, Gerrie, Aeris, tiruri, Tobis, lali, Hupe3006, Martyna and Gisela Rohrbach. |
| Deletion of:v&p. |
10/07/24 | The alliance is now known as π-PLV. |
| Joining of:bosna, duxx, pasa, lady, OBELIX971, stany70, DiavoloSkg and Thomas Wrangler. |
| Leaving of:soyfisher and bosna. |
| The alliance has done over 5 conquests. |
11/07/24 | Joining of:Alexios. |
| Leaving of:Adama. |
12/07/24 | Joining of:dzumandzi. |
13/07/24 | Joining of:asiruh. |
| Leaving of:Megalodonte. |
15/07/24 | Joining of:pikis. |
16/07/24 | Joining of:KODAMAN53. |
| Leaving of:KODAMAN53. |
18/07/24 | The alliance has done over 10 conquests. |
20/07/24 | Leaving of:Tysonky and duxx. |
21/07/24 | Leaving of:matja666 Daniele Augusto Bubba and DitoMolesto. |
22/07/24 | Joining of:sabino69. |
23/07/24 | Leaving of:Sold MaderaPalo onbası seyit kovboy3737 mindaugas13 and pasa. |
| The alliance has done over 20 conquests. |
24/07/24 | Joining of:Marie15 and Alim. |
26/07/24 | Deletion of:Tripeiro and Gerrie. |
27/07/24 | Leaving of:asiruh. |
28/07/24 | Leaving of:Hunte88. |
31/07/24 | Leaving of:Molay jakeyy ilhanmobilya Kargo utopie 林大旺 and YECC. |
August 2024 |
03/08/24 | Leaving of:Amonaman. |
04/08/24 | Deletion of:crixinhu. |
07/08/24 | Leaving of:syfer dias hun_fedaisi wowcant Hupe3006 and dzumandzi. |
08/08/24 | Leaving of:Woland tiruri Tobis and lali. |
09/08/24 | The alliance is now known as uaPLV. |
| Joining, Centinela, Samas265, Aladeen, Hannes2, Barysh, duo, Schwarzer Engel, fallagirare, ketut, KHA RATEKA, svm, Barao Vermelho and Ögat. |
| Leaving of:Juanrodolfo mousesoldier and stany70. |
10/08/24 | Joining of:Roman Reigns, Lord_Auris, ElGaucho, Yevhenii, Вольт, Tuscavda, Yrik, ste.25, hah, Dredislav, AL.TURCO, PimpfS, olena, Yellow, Hope, tonic, sakura, МРАК, Vikajz, terminus and Vortor. |
11/08/24 | Leaving of:Dylandog and |
12/08/24 | Joining of:theramorphus. |
| Leaving of:Alexios. |
13/08/24 | Joining of:ktorov. |
| Leaving of:DiavoloSkg. |
14/08/24 | Joining of:Dzonis. |
| Leaving of:Churups Alegria Pin Pon and pikis. |
| Deletion of:FeuLies. |
15/08/24 | Leaving of:Tkice. |
19/08/24 | Deletion of:ketut. |
20/08/24 | Deletion of:ktorov. |
21/08/24 | The alliance has done over 50 conquests. |
23/08/24 | Deletion of:Ditobucato. |
24/08/24 | Leaving of:terminus. |
26/08/24 | Leaving of:Gisela Rohrbach. |
27/08/24 | Joining of:Lewy. |
29/08/24 | Leaving of:Hannes2. |
31/08/24 | Joining of:manu01. |
September 2024 |
01/09/24 | Joining of:Antuxas. |
03/09/24 | Joining of:Blondi. |
04/09/24 | Joining of:Ster, YECC, lali, Jay, Schiaccia Sassi and Vizdak. |
| Leaving of:KHA RATEKA Ögat Tuscavda Vortor and Antuxas. |
05/09/24 | Joining of:dzumandzi, remler, Game over and Alexios. |
| Leaving of:hah. |
06/09/24 | Joining of:Stiven. |
| Deletion of:Yevhenii. |
08/09/24 | Leaving of:Samas265 and Lord_Auris. |
09/09/24 | Joining of:Juanrodolfo, Pin Pon, KamposCT and Alegria. |
10/09/24 | Joining of:leandro, Pig and Woland. |
11/09/24 | Leaving of:Jay. |
12/09/24 | Deletion of:Yrik. |
13/09/24 | Joining of:bamzi. |
14/09/24 | Joining of:pikis. |
15/09/24 | Leaving of:Schiaccia Sassi. |
| The alliance has done over 100 conquests. |
20/09/24 | Leaving of:aFo61 Martyna Barao Vermelho Roman Reigns tonic МРАК and theramorphus. |
21/09/24 | Deletion of:svm. |
22/09/24 | Joining of:tonic. |
| Leaving of:AL.TURCO. |
25/09/24 | Deletion of:Vizdak. |
27/09/24 | Deletion of:tonic. |
28/09/24 | Deletion of:Centinela. |
30/09/24 | Leaving of:Aladeen. |
October 2024 |
05/10/24 | Leaving of:pikis. |
08/10/24 | Deletion of:jeannon. |
17/10/24 | Leaving of:ElGaucho. |
| Deletion of:Pig. |
19/10/24 | Deletion of:lali. |
20/10/24 | Leaving of:Game over and Juanrodolfo. |
21/10/24 | Deletion of:zax. |
November 2024 |
12/11/24 | Deletion of:Alegria. |
15/11/24 | Deletion of:dzumandzi. |
17/11/24 | Deletion of:Thomas Wrangler. |