TKSB© - Alliance history

January 2023
30/01/23The alliance LOD*2 (today: TKSB©) was founded.
Founding members:: Kanec, Aquiles, wildjuc, Margola, Tex Willer, SIMIONATO, Saladino, arai, Gorax, rodryhaey, Naruto, nefrita, Whipster, tatuira, Andariel, 3 patetas, Conquistador, Shiryu, Joept, DooContra, Rabetões, BandoDos4, JiguyWild, Os Traquinas, daylygth, jafoste, TajMahal, cly, Ascaroth, Manollo, Dcman, Jeff, Druida louco, Ticomia, killergt, pitupitu, Lorddragon, Ronaldinho, Portuga12, PARAFUZO, AlcatraZ, DT2019, Romanos, Botafogo, xicabia, Sr Frajola, ArielPDR, panda, Lumberjack, viriathus, adr, Paulinszk, Marco Polo, JLPC, Reidacolina, Botas, Fréia, Ballantines and Stregobor.
Leaving of:Tex Willer and Fréia.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
31/01/23Joining of:jack, Magalhães 1 and Piqué.
February 2023
07/02/23Deletion of:Ronaldinho.
08/02/23The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
10/02/23Joining of:lelo.
Leaving of:DooContra.
11/02/23Joining of:Universo7.
17/02/23Leaving of:Lorddragon and Ballantines.
18/02/23Joining of:Garra.
19/02/23Joining of:nigrigenis.
20/02/23Leaving of:daylygth.
21/02/23Joining of:EthosxD.
24/02/23The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
28/02/23Leaving of:Saladino.
March 2023
01/03/23Joining of:Mangalhudo.
02/03/23 The alliance have their first conquest.
04/03/23Leaving of:Kanec Aquiles wildjuc Margola arai Naruto nefrita Andariel Shiryu Joept jafoste TajMahal cly Ascaroth Druida louco Ticomia killergt Sr Frajola panda adr Paulinszk JLPC Reidacolina Stregobor jack Magalhães 1 Piqué and nigrigenis.
05/03/23The alliance is now known as LOD™.
Joining of:Ops!, KarameikosSEK, Bradimus, SonOfDarkness, Wosvaldo, Tex Willer, Zoom, Pedregulh0, BohmeImperador, DarK.KiLLeR-, tugagt, Radatux, blink, rafaelcox4, Kushiner, Profeta, mauwitz, Hazard, A&P, Porto alegre, bunker, gasperli, EBVinfluenzae, Mylla, Waltao, Trilogy and Ipaqpowered.
Leaving of:Lumberjack and Zoom.
06/03/23Joining of:KevynKing1.
07/03/23Joining of:Nala.
08/03/23Joining of:Lumberjack.
Deletion of:Lumberjack.
09/03/23Leaving of:Dcman.
10/03/23Joining of:Aquiles.
11/03/23Joining of:Piqué.
Leaving of:Conquistador JiguyWild Garra Mangalhudo Profeta and Aquiles.
12/03/23Joining of:H-Ramos, Kamenderr and Big bang.
Leaving of:Gorax and Porto alegre.
13/03/23Joining of:Mangalhudo, cly, Aquiles, Paulinszk and Shakira.
Leaving of:SIMIONATO.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
14/03/23Joining of:Conquistador.
Leaving of:rodryhaey.
18/03/23Joining of:on_fire.
Deletion of:Marco Polo.
22/03/23Leaving of:H-Ramos.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
23/03/23The alliance is now known as SB ©.
Leaving of:tatuira Bradimus Wosvaldo Tex Willer Pedregulh0 Radatux mauwitz and KevynKing1.
24/03/23Joining of:wildjuc, jafoste and Rafanalu.
Leaving of:Manollo and Mylla.
25/03/23Joining of:sp1r1t and Kadooza.
Leaving of:Waltao Nala and sp1r1t.
Deletion of:Ipaqpowered.
26/03/23Joining of:Arrascabigol.
27/03/23Joining of:Иванушка.
Leaving of:rafaelcox4.
Deletion of:Kadooza.
28/03/23The alliance is now known as TKSB©.
29/03/23The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
30/03/23Joining of:nigrigenis.
Leaving of:Romanos and nigrigenis.
31/03/23Leaving of:Rafanalu.
April 2023
01/04/23Joining of:Xica.
04/04/23Deletion of:gasperli.
05/04/23Joining of:Ghost13, Joana dArc, Garra, Kanec, Utha, Zoom, TeutãoChacal, Alexizkgb and Tolueno.
Deletion of:Os Traquinas and cly.
06/04/23Joining of:el turco, Dragao vermelho and panda.
07/04/23Joining of:Coruja.
Leaving of:Arrascabigol.
08/04/23Joining of:Spycos.
Deletion of:tugagt.
10/04/23Joining of:Joept and adr.
12/04/23Joining of:Profeta.
The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
15/04/23Leaving of:Conquistador.
Deletion of:Xica.
16/04/23Joining of:killergt.
18/04/23Leaving of:ArielPDR and Иванушка.
19/04/23Leaving of:SonOfDarkness.
20/04/23Joining of:Rafateste and ericcampos30.
21/04/23Joining of:MarceloCosta and ninguém.
Deletion of:el turco.
23/04/23Joining of:JUKABALLA.
Leaving of:Zoom.
25/04/23Joining of:Marko.
May 2023
07/05/23The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
13/05/23Deletion of:Spycos.
15/05/23Joining of:Cuahtemoc.
Deletion of:Profeta.
17/05/23Joining of:Andariel.
22/05/23Leaving of:Garra.
23/05/23Joining of:Lobatosnyper.
24/05/23Leaving of:Lobatosnyper.
25/05/23Joining of:Conquistador.
Leaving of:DT2019.
The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
26/05/23Joining of:Ticomia.
30/05/23Leaving of:Kanec.
June 2023
02/06/23Leaving of:KarameikosSEK.
04/06/23Joining of:Tatagallo17 and cabe.
08/06/23Deletion of:Tolueno.
12/06/23Joining of:H-Ramos.
Deletion of:on_fire.
16/06/23Leaving of:Aquiles.
17/06/23Leaving of:jafoste.
18/06/23Deletion of:Alexizkgb.
The alliance has done over 200 conquests.
20/06/23Leaving of:Hazard.
22/06/23Joining of:L3cterMD.
28/06/23Joining of:Trucdedingue.
Leaving of:TeutãoChacal.
30/06/23Joining of:TeutãoChacal.
July 2023
02/07/23Leaving of:TeutãoChacal.
04/07/23Deletion of:DarK.KiLLeR-.
15/07/23Leaving of:blink.
25/07/23Leaving of:Whipster 3 patetas Rabetões BandoDos4 Jeff pitupitu Portuga12 PARAFUZO AlcatraZ Botafogo xicabia viriathus Botas lelo Universo7 EthosxD Ops! BohmeImperador Kushiner A&P bunker EBVinfluenzae Trilogy Piqué Kamenderr Big bang Mangalhudo Paulinszk Shakira wildjuc Ghost13 Joana dArc Utha Dragao vermelho panda Coruja Joept adr killergt Rafateste ericcampos30 MarceloCosta ninguém JUKABALLA Marko Cuahtemoc Andariel Conquistador Ticomia Tatagallo17 cabe H-Ramos L3cterMD and Trucdedingue.
26/07/23The alliance is now known as TKSB©.
Joining of:MarceloCosta, H-Ramos, Whipster, ericcampos30, JUKABALLA, panda, viriathus, Marko, Trilogy, Coruja, xicabia, Shakira, Andariel, 3 patetas, L3cterMD, Ghost13, Kamenderr, Cuahtemoc, Utha, BohmeImperador, Mangalhudo, lelo, Joept, BandoDos4, ninguém, EthosxD, Ticomia, killergt, Rabetões, Dragao vermelho, wildjuc, cabe, Tatagallo17, adr, Kushiner, Paulinszk, Botas, Rafateste, Jeff, Piqué, Conquistador, Universo7, EBVinfluenzae, bunker, pitupitu, Portuga12, PARAFUZO, A&P, AlcatraZ, Botafogo, Ops!, Big bang, Trucdedingue and Joana dArc.
28/07/23Joining of:Las Kardashians.
August 2023
02/08/23Deletion of:Trucdedingue.
05/08/23Joining of:Sr Frajola.
13/08/23Deletion of:Kushiner.
14/08/23Leaving of:Dragao vermelho.
15/08/23Deletion of:wildjuc cabe Tatagallo17 adr Rafateste Piqué Conquistador and Big bang.
16/08/23Deletion of:Rabetões and Universo7.
17/08/23Deletion of:Paulinszk and Botas.
18/08/23Deletion of:Jeff and Joana dArc.