B.L. - Alliance history

December 2019
06/12/19The alliance B.L. was founded.
Founding members:: Kalinka, Khal Drogo, Romulusz, hangya, Sansa Stark, Dark Horse, Feketelovag, Éowyn, Huan, Oregsas, Makrancka, Mithrandir, Olympicus, Arya Stark, papesz, Névtelen, Smaug, Aratax, Barackobama, Mara Jade, Black Panther, Crossfix99, Fenrir, Honor, Mannoroth, Ghost&War, petrin, Ponciusz, Blade and Salvador Dalí.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
07/12/19Joining of:baszatási, Cilu, Csati81, G&M, Brolly, savage, Glorfindel, Klímaszerelő, Kaylin, Unic, AmonLegacyX, kulacsik, gauleiter, csaba, Dobri, bubó, Sliccc, bubucsek, Flexus, Sir Nicko, csoki, Emperor, Bableves, Testőr, Alma, petiii9 and vegyeslinzer.
Leaving of:Unic.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
08/12/19Joining of:r101, Mzperiksz, Keresztes vitéz and bratan.
Leaving of:Khal Drogo and Honor.
09/12/19Joining of:Sahi and mobrob.
10/12/19Joining of:Sandra and Peaky Blinders.
Leaving of:Dobri and Bableves.
11/12/19Leaving of:Klímaszerelő and Sahi.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
13/12/19Joining of:Banános Joe.
14/12/19Leaving of:Fenrir and mobrob.
15/12/19Joining of:Villanykutya and Bajamar.
Deletion of:Black Panther.
16/12/19Deletion of:hangya.
17/12/19Leaving of:baszatási.
Deletion of:Testőr.
19/12/19Deletion of:Kaylin.
20/12/19Joining of:The 300.
Leaving of:Sandra.
Deletion of:Salvador Dalí.
21/12/19Leaving of:r101.
25/12/19Joining of:SecretOTCave.
27/12/19Joining of:portikusz.
Deletion of:csoki.
28/12/19Deletion of:csaba.
29/12/19Leaving of:gauleiter.
31/12/19Joining of:Imp.
January 2020
01/01/20Joining of:Sandra, Fenrir, revizor and Chang.
02/01/20Joining of:omegastar and White Wolf.
Leaving of:vegyeslinzer.
03/01/20Joining of:Clayde01, sneci and Infidel.
04/01/20Leaving of:Sir Nicko.
07/01/20Leaving of:Kalinka.
08/01/20Joining of:Agamemnon.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
10/01/20Leaving of:bubucsek Flexus omegastar Clayde01 and Infidel.
11/01/20Joining of:shenkick12, DyroSS, fntc, DrKG, Takida, Bütyök kapitány, jani6748 and Relax.
Leaving of:revizor and sneci.
12/01/20Joining of:pff and Masta.
13/01/20Leaving of:Névtelen Sandra and shenkick12.
14/01/20Joining of:Khal Drogo.
15/01/20Joining of:GARDASIL.
19/01/20 The alliance have their first conquest.
21/01/20Leaving of:White Wolf.
24/01/20Joining of:Bettykutya.
Leaving of:AmonLegacyX kulacsik and Bettykutya.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
26/01/20Leaving of:Ponciusz.
28/01/20Leaving of:GARDASIL.
Deletion of:Agamemnon.
29/01/20Joining of:Lawliet.
February 2020
03/02/20Joining of:Zelma.
04/02/20Joining of:lopakodo62.
06/02/20Joining of:faszagyerek.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
08/02/20Leaving of:petiii9.
12/02/20Leaving of:Romulusz.
13/02/20Leaving of:The 300 portikusz and Zelma.
14/02/20Leaving of:Emperor and Chang.
15/02/20Leaving of:Sliccc.
16/02/20Joining of:adamka.
Leaving of:Cilu.
19/02/20The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
20/02/20Joining of:selyemfiu17.
22/02/20Joining of:picidark.
28/02/20Leaving of:DyroSS.
March 2020
02/03/20Leaving of:adamka.
03/03/20Joining of:Bercy, Klímaszerelő, Solygabesz, Potykaaaa, rin, Daishi, Ricsardgir, mobrob, bamhalazs, Joker and qwert893.
Leaving of:petrin and Alma.
05/03/20Joining of:Névtelen.
06/03/20Joining of:Xhyzors.
13/03/20The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
16/03/20Deletion of:Xhyzors.
17/03/20Leaving of:picidark.
23/03/20Joining of:hunpapa.
24/03/20Joining of:Rihanna.
Leaving of:Rihanna.
27/03/20Joining of:Rihanna.
29/03/20Leaving of:Mara Jade.
31/03/20Deletion of:SecretOTCave.
April 2020
01/04/20Joining of:Álomhozó.
Leaving of:Ricsardgir and bamhalazs.
02/04/20Joining of:Mara Jade.
04/04/20Deletion of:fntc.
05/04/20Leaving of:rin Daishi and mobrob.
Deletion of:Fenrir.
09/04/20Leaving of:Banános Joe.
10/04/20Deletion of:Takida.
11/04/20Joining of:Honor.
13/04/20Leaving of:Smaug and Barackobama.
14/04/20Joining of:Blokkos, Vaklárma, sneci, Gyilok, jaguris and kelpi.
15/04/20Joining of:Bbbarna.
16/04/20The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
21/04/20Leaving of:bratan.
26/04/20Leaving of:Mannoroth.
27/04/20Joining of:Szvítbátpszájkó.
May 2020
01/05/20Leaving of:Rihanna and Bbbarna.
02/05/20Leaving of:Joker.
04/05/20Joining of:Joker.
12/05/20Leaving of:hunpapa.
14/05/20Leaving of:Ghost&War and Blade.
18/05/20Leaving of:papesz.
19/05/20Joining of:Cuchulain, kllzslt, Chang, portikusz, shenkick12, Kevike, Uljanov and Phalanxka.
The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
21/05/20The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
22/05/20Joining of:Zelma.
23/05/20Joining of:Karel.
30/05/20Deletion of:Keresztes vitéz.
June 2020
07/06/20Leaving of:qwert893 and Joker.
10/06/20Joining of:qwert893.
July 2020
06/07/20Joining of:Styfler01.
18/07/20Deletion of:kelpi.
19/07/20Leaving of:bubó and Bercy.