September 2021 |
02/09/21 | The alliance HC (today: FD-HC) was founded. |
| Founding members:: JustAsterix, Master Disaster, Anticlimax, Eliza, Timon&Pumba, Ravenhawke, AKZ, lex, josito45, Pico, SHIELD Y, Rim, Venganza, Hornet, FogYw, Cheeze, ---V---, dl2, Drixx, haavoittuva, plazeph, Friction, Artemis, Tenho, Papichulo and Vikings. |
| The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000. |
03/09/21 | Joining of: z0r. |
04/09/21 | Joining of: Christie, NORFA and TANACCHI. |
| The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000. |
06/09/21 | Joining of: Bane, LittleLim, Goedy, nibaron and CLP. |
| Leaving of: Timon&Pumba. |
07/09/21 | Joining of: Capper. |
09/09/21 | Leaving of: z0r. |
12/09/21 | The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000. |
13/09/21 | Leaving of: Christie. |
14/09/21 | Joining of: Enigma. |
| The alliance have their first conquest. |
15/09/21 | Joining of: Jetset, Judasblade, Phantom and tarasle. |
18/09/21 | Leaving of: Venganza. |
19/09/21 | Leaving of: Master Disaster AKZ lex Hornet Cheeze dl2 Friction Tenho Papichulo Goedy nibaron and Capper. |
20/09/21 | Joining of: ReverseFlash. |
21/09/21 | Joining of: Lonjemoco, Princesas, nibaron, Pal3stina, loren, Lugotorix, Capper, Nedjma, dose dupla, Feitizos, Dandy4, Cheeze, Hornet, LA FUGA, AKZ, espadita, lex, Master Disaster, Pegasiano, DARTAGNAN, Papichulo, One Piece1, one piece, Goedy, WOLFS_J&G, Maggia, Fürst Vlad, Naaaa, Elviejo and Augusta. |
| Leaving of: JustAsterix Enigma Jetset and Phantom. |
| The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000. |
22/09/21 | Joining of: Agram, dl2, Impale, Vvssvend, Mondra51, vvsjørn, rin and dr.ivo.karlovic. |
| Leaving of: Augusta. |
| Deletion of: rin. |
23/09/21 | The alliance is now known as FD-HC. |
| Joining of: Enigma and JustAsterix. |
| The alliance has done over 5 conquests. |
24/09/21 | Joining of: ingrato. |
| Leaving of: Drixx. |
| The alliance has done over 10 conquests. |
25/09/21 | Leaving of: Agram. |
26/09/21 | Joining of: Tuly15 and Laratajack. |
| Deletion of: Eliza and Hornet. |
27/09/21 | Leaving of: Anticlimax. |
| The alliance has done over 20 conquests. |
28/09/21 | Deletion of: Pico. |
October 2021 |
01/10/21 | Joining of: Mieken. |
02/10/21 | Joining of: BBnoir. |
03/10/21 | Joining of: ZyTe. |
| Deletion of: lex and Goedy. |
06/10/21 | Joining of: sota. |
| Leaving of: Rim ---V--- and Enigma. |
07/10/21 | Leaving of: Papichulo. |
| Deletion of: dl2. |
08/10/21 | Joining of: Carloslts, mr.curacho, curacho, Calzoncillo and sergio9900. |
| Leaving of: josito45 Vikings tarasle and Naaaa. |
| The alliance has done over 50 conquests. |
10/10/21 | Leaving of: WOLFS_J&G and dr.ivo.karlovic. |
| Deletion of: CLP. |
11/10/21 | Leaving of: Dandy4 and AKZ. |
12/10/21 | Leaving of: Ravenhawke SHIELD Y FogYw plazeph Artemis TANACCHI Bane LittleLim Judasblade nibaron Capper Cheeze Master Disaster vvsjørn JustAsterix Mieken and BBnoir. |
| Deletion of: ReverseFlash. |
15/10/21 | Joining of: Mieken, TANACCHI, BBnoir, Metsin and Patagonico. |
16/10/21 | Joining of: nokelainenen and FogYw. |
| Leaving of: Pegasiano and Vvssvend. |
| Deletion of: NORFA Laratajack and TANACCHI. |
20/10/21 | Joining of: Menulo. |
22/10/21 | The alliance has done over 100 conquests. |
24/10/21 | Deletion of: BBnoir. |
27/10/21 | Leaving of: Feitizos and Menulo. |
28/10/21 | Leaving of: Princesas Pal3stina loren Lugotorix dose dupla and LA FUGA. |
29/10/21 | Leaving of: One Piece1 Fürst Vlad Mondra51 Tuly15 ZyTe sota Carloslts mr.curacho curacho Calzoncillo sergio9900 Metsin Patagonico nokelainenen and FogYw. |
30/10/21 | Leaving of: Lonjemoco espadita one piece and Elviejo. |
31/10/21 | Leaving of: Nedjma Maggia Impale and ingrato. |