הכל פתוח - Alliance history

July 2019
15/07/19The alliance הכל פתוח was founded.
Founding members:: raulllllll, amitai, Lawap, soheil126, talnc, rudibilevi, Matrix, shimon, Raptor, נאבי ארנבי, mlkyl, o.m.g2019, Shadow, Hen2406, Akita, שלומי, asd and יאירצבי.
Leaving of:amitai o.m.g2019 Shadow and Hen2406.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
16/07/19Joining of:ShahafPas, תמני, Insomenia2, Toaru, ee00 and orjacob.
Leaving of:raulllllll soheil126 shimon נאבי ארנבי mlkyl asd יאירצבי תמני ee00 and orjacob.
17/07/19Leaving of:Lawap talnc Raptor Akita ShahafPas and Toaru.
Deletion of:Matrix.
18/07/19Leaving of:Insomenia2.
September 2019
04/09/19Deletion of:שלומי.
25/09/19Deletion of:rudibilevi.
The alliance הכל פתוח was canceled.