ELITe E - Alliance history

April 2020
23/04/20The alliance ELITe E was founded.
Founding members:: fofo33, toha, asdahmed632, tohaahmed476, ahmed.aly514, ba2ahmed, abaher42, باحر, aly868, asdashmawy, عكر, fofo44, ahmed848, aly592, hanm, tohaahmed185, asdnemr, ryda, ahmed19, tohaa and asdahmed109.
Leaving of:ahmed848.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
29/04/20Joining of:memo99.
May 2020
01/05/20Joining of:كوارث.
02/05/20Leaving of:كوارث.
05/05/20Joining of:spartx and ahmed848.
Leaving of:asdahmed632 ahmed19 and spartx.
07/05/20Joining of:killer zone1 and ghoda.
Leaving of:memo99 and ahmed848.
08/05/20Joining of:ahmed19, asdahmed632 and كوارث.
Leaving of:كوارث.
09/05/20Joining of:انتبه, ملوك الشمال, صك الحرب and الزير سالم.
10/05/20Joining of:كوارث.
11/05/20Joining of:memo99.
14/05/20 The alliance have their first conquest.
17/05/20Deletion of:memo99.
19/05/20Leaving of:killer zone1 ghoda انتبه ملوك الشمال صك الحرب and الزير سالم.
June 2020
10/06/20Leaving of:عكر asdnemr and ryda.
11/06/20Deletion of:fofo44.
12/06/20Leaving of:ahmed.aly514 abaher42 asdahmed109 and asdahmed632.
22/06/20Deletion of:ba2ahmed aly868 asdashmawy and ahmed19.
28/06/20Deletion of:tohaahmed476.