HEROS - Alliance history

April 2021
13/04/21The alliance WARse (today: HEROS) was founded.
Founding members:: ischenkoalex, trythisbox, jumangez, VORENO, carmauta, Smash, legionar, Vuuya, jok, Bdsmka, cvaker, dobarbe, sanchusrex, Woozy, hunchi, Sanches, Gimli.DK, serval, tzu, perrelito, Dzingutis, DEFFF, Rozii, Cougar57, PedrooBhoy1, nugga, Jägarn, Flexman, Fabian23, HARRY 666, El Che, Starbot, FORCE, Sketalis, Nevo, Andol, Msl, nakata095, nawer, sukyy, space_jumper, blacksnow, Korsar, napr, Šmikis, Nerone, iugin, Vergerot, Klofe, The Emperor, Dairy, Vanlydochanh, Simonmalou, Zizou, thor 2, EduardoCA, Kleri, Aaron, Мимошел and Skid Rowder.
Leaving of:Sketalis.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
14/04/21Joining of:Atasmrf.
Leaving of:jumangez Jägarn nawer blacksnow and The Emperor.
Deletion of:DEFFF.
15/04/21Joining of:chan12 and Masina.
Leaving of:Smash Gimli.DK FORCE Nevo space_jumper Klofe Dairy Vanlydochanh and Skid Rowder.
16/04/21The alliance is now known as HEROS.
Joining of:Lobbo, Rottiskill, EtiSebb, Katana, gyda, jeffejens, Mormegil, Arlock, Huanita, Jägarn, Work Hard and Memos.
Leaving of:iugin and Simonmalou.
Deletion of:legionar.
17/04/21Joining of:Teletubbie, KAMIKAZE. and Fnys.
Leaving of:Arlock.
18/04/21Leaving of:KAMIKAZE..
Deletion of:trythisbox.
19/04/21Joining of:iugin and Api666.
Leaving of:Dzingutis.
20/04/21Joining of:DeadBull, GeoNull and hongzhang93.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
21/04/21Leaving of:Мимошел Atasmrf and DeadBull.
22/04/21Joining of:Malaria.
Deletion of:El Che.
23/04/21Joining of:frogish and Vox Populi.
Leaving of:dobarbe.
Deletion of:Teletubbie.
24/04/21Joining of:Gimli.DK, Skid Rowder and Simonmalou.
Leaving of:nugga and hongzhang93.
Deletion of:iugin.
25/04/21Leaving of:ischenkoalex VORENO sanchusrex EduardoCA Katana Api666 and Vox Populi.
Deletion of:Šmikis.
26/04/21Joining of:SWFjoda, Heidi, Vaniak, Эльс Бар Ригон, Jazz, choy08, KIT, Fox, g4to, Vixo and МИРНЫЙ ГЕРЦОГ.
Leaving of:carmauta cvaker and Nerone.
27/04/21Joining of:Sova96, Nuggets and DARTAÑAN.
Leaving of:Andol.
28/04/21Joining of:myPPandI.
Leaving of:Starbot.
Deletion of:Flexman Vergerot and МИРНЫЙ ГЕРЦОГ.
29/04/21Joining of:Swinger and Severi420.
Leaving of:Severi420.
Deletion of:Bdsmka.
30/04/21Joining of:TheCatalan.
Leaving of:frogish.
The alliance have their first conquest.
May 2021
01/05/21Joining of:numb87, blimey and VerinokkaJaakko.
Leaving of:Memos Jazz and Swinger.
Deletion of:PedrooBhoy1.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
02/05/21Joining of:stan1014.
Leaving of:Rozii.
Deletion of:tzu.
03/05/21Deletion of:Malaria.
04/05/21Leaving of:hunchi gyda and Fnys.
Deletion of:serval.
05/05/21Joining of:Nibalo, Lluis64, Kudi, QueenOfFire, Marginal and Urby.
Leaving of:Woozy and Aaron.
06/05/21Leaving of:Kleri.
07/05/21Joining of:Plågan, Chips and Pie.
Deletion of:Fabian23 and Lobbo.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
08/05/21Deletion of:Vaniak.
10/05/21Joining of:Harlott.
Leaving of:Mormegil.
12/05/21Joining of:ArendG and Danger.
Leaving of:Nuggets.
13/05/21Joining of:aston75 and Asdruval.
14/05/21Joining of:Gor.
Deletion of:Danger.
The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
15/05/21Leaving of:myPPandI and Gor.
Deletion of:stan1014 and Lluis64.
16/05/21Leaving of:Jägarn and choy08.
17/05/21Joining of:Quedeque and JokerMG93.
Leaving of:chan12 and VerinokkaJaakko.
Deletion of:Cougar57 and thor 2.
18/05/21Joining of:Zvijer, Zanuc, Duba1 and WarDog.
19/05/21Joining of:Gabriel221, Festimbolo, graft1k, Johnsweden, Dodger, IKS, VerinokkaJaakko, For_Lex and rico.
20/05/21Leaving of:Urby and JokerMG93.
21/05/21Joining of:Luoppa.
Leaving of:Festimbolo.
Deletion of:KIT and Marginal.
22/05/21Joining of:Кактотак and smailik.
23/05/21Leaving of:nakata095.
Deletion of:Work Hard.
The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
24/05/21Deletion of:g4to.
28/05/21Deletion of:DARTAÑAN.
29/05/21Deletion of:Zvijer.
30/05/21Leaving of:jok HARRY 666 Msl Masina Sova96 TheCatalan aston75 and Quedeque.
Deletion of:Heidi.
31/05/21Joining of:I am Doc, kantima, Aloe, Mantoskis, tomas5, Vesta, dasa, Kaydala, pingu, Digon1000, Lew79, strekoza and kayot.
Leaving of:Duba1 and WarDog.
June 2021
01/06/21Joining of:Delija, Stasyan and Masina.
Leaving of:Masina.
02/06/21Joining of:frogish.
04/06/21Leaving of:Rottiskill.
Deletion of:VerinokkaJaakko.
The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
06/06/21Leaving of:Vesta.
07/06/21Joining of:gad007.
Deletion of:Kaydala.
08/06/21Leaving of:perrelito.
10/06/21Deletion of:Kudi.
11/06/21Leaving of:Aloe.
14/06/21Leaving of:numb87.
16/06/21Joining of:olimpio.
19/06/21Leaving of:Gimli.DK Skid Rowder and Simonmalou.
20/06/21Leaving of:SWFjoda QueenOfFire Zanuc Delija and frogish.
23/06/21Leaving of:sukyy Korsar napr Zizou EtiSebb GeoNull Fox Vixo Asdruval Johnsweden rico Luoppa and Stasyan.
Deletion of:smailik.
24/06/21Leaving of:Harlott graft1k Mantoskis pingu and kayot.
Deletion of:Кактотак.
25/06/21Leaving of:kantima and Digon1000.
26/06/21Leaving of:ArendG strekoza and olimpio.
29/06/21Leaving of:Sanches.
The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
30/06/21Leaving of:Plågan Chips and Pie.
July 2021
02/07/21Leaving of:IKS For_Lex and dasa.
11/07/21Leaving of:jeffejens.
12/07/21Leaving of:Nibalo.
25/07/21Deletion of:blimey.