ВотТак - Alliance history

May 2012
31/05/12The alliance ВотТак was founded.
Founding members:: Uhtiybr, Упс and shtirlits.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
June 2012
01/06/12Joining of:чебурек and edvard.
02/06/12Joining of:Malushko.
Leaving of:edvard.
04/06/12Joining of:M&Mdems.
06/06/12Joining of:barinus.
07/06/12Joining of:horosh.
09/06/12Leaving of:M&Mdems.
Deletion of:barinus.
11/06/12Joining of:kreper1.
12/06/12Leaving of:чебурек.
13/06/12Joining of:Tornado, krekus, Shephart, tavyle, паранойа, Буря, ярмул and mrak666.
14/06/12Joining of:Wi-Fi, Sef and бурик.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
17/06/12Joining of:BigArt130.
18/06/12Deletion of:tavyle.
19/06/12Joining of:Атар.
22/06/12Deletion of:паранойа.
23/06/12Joining of:Juliat11, lexator, arbek, wer1, ClawZ, Andrey, Кастиэль and Feder.
24/06/12Joining of:NikonFrost, nasanka and римлянин02.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
27/06/12Joining of:_RAMZ_.
29/06/12Joining of:Gray_Tiger.
30/06/12Joining of:Никола-Мудр and PooL.
July 2012
03/07/12Joining of:СумрАК.
05/07/12Joining of:Sky838 and igork.
Deletion of:Feder.
06/07/12Joining of:Icona.
07/07/12Leaving of:kreper1 and PooL.
Deletion of:Кастиэль.
11/07/12Joining of:Cова.
12/07/12Leaving of:ярмул and nasanka.
Deletion of:Shephart.
13/07/12Leaving of:NikonFrost.
19/07/12Leaving of:Никола-Мудр.
20/07/12Deletion of:Sky838.
28/07/12Leaving of:BigArt130 and lexator.
29/07/12Joining of:IvanShihov.
Leaving of:Uhtiybr Упс Malushko Tornado krekus Wi-Fi Атар and wer1.
The alliance have their first conquest.
30/07/12Leaving of:Sef Juliat11 _RAMZ_ and Icona.
31/07/12Leaving of:horosh mrak666 and igork.
August 2012
02/08/12Leaving of:Буря.
03/08/12Leaving of:Andrey and СумрАК.
04/08/12Deletion of:Gray_Tiger.
20/08/12Leaving of:ClawZ.
September 2012
10/09/12Joining of:Uhtiybr.
Leaving of:Uhtiybr.
13/09/12Joining of:Uhtiybr.
Leaving of:Uhtiybr.
29/09/12Deletion of:римлянин02.
October 2012
01/10/12Leaving of:бурик.
31/10/12Leaving of:IvanShihov.
November 2012
15/11/12Leaving of:Cова.
December 2012
09/12/12Deletion of:arbek.