Tracia™ - Alliance history

July 2020
06/07/20The alliance Tracia™ was founded.
Founding members:: Loki, Ghildosu, NeoHackerul, tavi, Fokers24, Ahtum, Crackill, aja, Dekciw, duhul_rau, Halberica, Andys, k-dett, baldur, Picy, Cioara, Royal, Smoker, Pisicutza, il-man-x, Arrow, Hannibal, Beast, bibi79, Dj. B0B0, ROX, bigturumba, rom, Ivo, Moro, TotalWar, Chewbacca, Tiger, Heisenberg, Ignite, agile, Nelu and Alucard.
Leaving of:Pisicutza.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
07/07/20Joining of:darkinside, caine turbat, LouisXIV, MAO77, pisik, Pic&poc, Wile_E, okidoky, Sin brillo, Negrul, DionisBarbosu, Meh3, Fingolfin, tiboask, Decebal, TheGam3, lamitsu, Sava, Albeanu, SorynMG and Joe.
Leaving of:Andys il-man-x Moro TotalWar okidoky Sin brillo DionisBarbosu Fingolfin Decebal Sava Albeanu SorynMG and Joe.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
08/07/20Joining of:Arcasul, Batranelul, Aron.spook, Aiwa and eby.
Leaving of:duhul_rau and MAO77.
09/07/20Leaving of:k-dett.
Deletion of:Fokers24.
10/07/20Joining of:metal power, akashiro and Alex Gavruta.
Leaving of:aja and ROX.
11/07/20Joining of:Bad Omens, Generalul and sakura.
Leaving of:Royal and Bad Omens.
12/07/20Joining of:silviu100, Dorel and Padurar.
Leaving of:baldur.
13/07/20Joining of:dolly, ego, Nis31, Maximus Decimus, s.nae95, Gamelinx, HMPL and Sebbas.
Leaving of:Dj. B0B0 rom and ego.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
14/07/20Joining of:Liwas, Demon, Alexadz and gelusi.
Leaving of:Chewbacca TheGam3 and lamitsu.
15/07/20Joining of:john29, lighter and crys71.
Leaving of:tiboask.
16/07/20Joining of:KaizeR.
Deletion of:Ivo Negrul and dolly.
17/07/20Joining of:PaulWalker.
Leaving of:tavi.
Deletion of:Smoker Dorel and Padurar.
18/07/20Leaving of:Cioara.
Deletion of:Wile_E.
19/07/20Joining of:tavi and Papilion.
Leaving of:Aron.spook.
20/07/20Joining of:Flamenco.
21/07/20Joining of:wulfi and Mihai2006.
Deletion of:Demon.
23/07/20Joining of:bloodsyckerr, Ceris, Fahaka, hakan27, Yepy and aiurea95.
Leaving of:KaizeR.
Deletion of:Liwas and hakan27.
25/07/20Leaving of:Picy and silviu100.
26/07/20Joining of:Spuzzodrom, ma3 and Bubbanu.
29/07/20Deletion of:Crackill.
31/07/20Leaving of:lighter.
August 2020
01/08/20Leaving of:tavi and Spuzzodrom.
03/08/20Joining of:hox, Gabriel and FunTime.
05/08/20Joining of:Cell and vador.
Leaving of:eby.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
06/08/20Joining of:tiboask.
Leaving of:aiurea95.
09/08/20Joining of:Damacon and Vmp.
Leaving of:Cell and vador.
10/08/20Joining of:Marsuwas.
11/08/20Joining of:Whendol.
Deletion of:bloodsyckerr.
18/08/20Joining of:Ovidius.
Leaving of:Generalul Nis31 Gamelinx Papilion wulfi Mihai2006 and hox.
19/08/20Joining of:indragostiti, aiurea95, Hippolyta, lacusta, NKW, eby and silver.
Leaving of:Gabriel and tiboask.
20/08/20Joining of:Bruce Lee and Ryan1990.
Deletion of:Bubbanu.
21/08/20Joining of:Gabriel.
22/08/20Deletion of:Flamenco.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
24/08/20Joining of:Galapagos.
Leaving of:Ceris.
Deletion of:FunTime.
30/08/20Leaving of:Marsuwas.
September 2020
01/09/20Leaving of:s.nae95.
03/09/20Deletion of:Ghildosu and NeoHackerul.
12/09/20Joining of:Generalul.
14/09/20 The alliance have their first conquest.
17/09/20Joining of:Sava.
Leaving of:Sava.
18/09/20Joining of:MoonBlaze.
Leaving of:MoonBlaze.
22/09/20Joining of:Odi.
23/09/20Joining of:Septembrie.
26/09/20Joining of:TOTAL WAR and parlagica.
27/09/20Joining of:Leya.
The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
28/09/20Leaving of:Arcasul.
29/09/20Joining of:hox.
Deletion of:Ryan1990.
October 2020
02/10/20Deletion of:Gabriel.
04/10/20Joining of:gogu.
05/10/20The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
08/10/20Joining of:tiboask.
10/10/20Leaving of:Nelu.
11/10/20Joining of:Bad Omens.
19/10/20The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
20/10/20Leaving of:parlagica and Leya.
25/10/20Joining of:IronKing.
Deletion of:metal power.
November 2020
01/11/20Leaving of:Odi.
03/11/20Leaving of:Bad Omens.
05/11/20Deletion of:crys71.
11/11/20Leaving of:eby.
13/11/20Joining of:eby.
28/11/20Joining of:Voly.
29/11/20Leaving of:silver.
December 2020
02/12/20Joining of:Moracles.
The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
03/12/20Joining of:lupisor and Arya.
12/12/20Joining of:Kintija.
13/12/20The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
21/12/20Leaving of:Heisenberg.
29/12/20The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
January 2021
07/01/21Leaving of:Maximus Decimus.