HL-LRD - Alliance history

February 2021
17/02/21The alliance LRD (today: HL-LRD) was founded.
Founding members:: Frenky Wild, Lécinetámagy, Ghost Town, mazsorete, Jacker95, inFlames, Boxos PeppaPig, Lottó, big2, SCHMIDTBENDER, M0ltez, LightGreen, crepleewolf, RyanOreily, Raziel, Fuvallat, Klaus von Burg, zsfranczen, iwannabeplay, Karmil, 50 cent, dudub13, Balint, Dr., pontifex, Biggi Boy, Vén Szenátor, ferencváros, kozmikus, Fing, Ficsu91, Nero, zsiványok, spamanglik, Gabszi, Shunleep, Élő20Ezres, Csakosmajszter, LAKATOS, jucus68, Kandisznó, ScorpionSuck, 6rka, GloryOfTheSnow, tread7777, Aranyhaj, Huncutpony, Lajoska, Dragonlord, killerpapa, Aszpar, Kocapapa, cdx, tlaci76 and vassfanni.
Leaving of:dudub13.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
18/02/21Joining of:Harakiri, Ludasiak, Hydro, Lopakodo and Pepsi.
Leaving of:ferencváros.
19/02/21Joining of:szuka and WanKia.
Leaving of:szuka.
20/02/21Leaving of:Lajoska.
21/02/21Joining of:lopakodo62 and szaffira.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
25/02/21Leaving of:cdx.
26/02/21Leaving of:6rka.
28/02/21Joining of:Morci and Szerbmigrans.
Deletion of:Lopakodo.
March 2021
01/03/21Joining of:Foot.
02/03/21Leaving of:big2.
04/03/21Leaving of:mazsorete.
05/03/21Joining of:Zsivány and Sparks.
Leaving of:Lottó.
06/03/21Leaving of:Balint and Kandisznó.
07/03/21Joining of:Borg, forintosi and ilyeslorand.
Leaving of:killerpapa.
11/03/21Deletion of:Zsivány.
12/03/21Joining of:Tsabi.
13/03/21Joining of:Dream Team.
14/03/21Leaving of:Lécinetámagy and vassfanni.
15/03/21Joining of:digidagi.
Leaving of:inFlames.
The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
19/03/21Leaving of:Szerbmigrans.
21/03/21Joining of:explorr.
Leaving of:Kocapapa.
22/03/21Joining of:Silvius, kojek and Patrik0124.
23/03/21The alliance is now known as HL-LRD.
25/03/21Deletion of:Dragonlord.
26/03/21Joining of:Überraschung.
27/03/21Deletion of:Frenky Wild.
30/03/21The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
April 2021
01/04/21 The alliance have their first conquest.
12/04/21Leaving of:Raziel kozmikus Nero WanKia and Foot.
13/04/21Leaving of:zsfranczen and Patrik0124.
14/04/21Leaving of:Fuvallat and Tsabi.
15/04/21Joining of:KárhozotLak.
Leaving of:50 cent and szaffira.
16/04/21Joining of:gyugyeik, Véletlen, Csubi50, EbiSere, Spartacus12893, Ariv, Drzhulk, Untouchables, Dikktátor and Mati.
17/04/21Leaving of:Dr..
18/04/21Joining of:imko94 and tinka851.
19/04/21The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
20/04/21Leaving of:Csakosmajszter.
21/04/21Joining of:Madridista.
23/04/21Leaving of:Borg.
25/04/21Leaving of:Dream Team.
26/04/21Leaving of:forintosi.
29/04/21The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
May 2021
01/05/21Leaving of:Mati.
03/05/21Joining of:Mati.
05/05/21Joining of:Moonlight.
09/05/21Deletion of:Véletlen.
10/05/21Deletion of:Dikktátor.
11/05/21The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
15/05/21Leaving of:Spartacus12893.
16/05/21Joining of:Hunyi3.
24/05/21Joining of:kolonc, Vizipaci and Lottó.
26/05/21Joining of:Robber Dogs.
June 2021
01/06/21Deletion of:Untouchables.
03/06/21The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
08/06/21Deletion of:Ariv.
09/06/21Deletion of:Jacker95.
16/06/21Leaving of:Drzhulk.
22/06/21Deletion of:EbiSere.
July 2021
03/07/21The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
06/07/21Joining of:Èpìtők, Salvus, Zozi, Eref and extrasystole.
27/07/21Deletion of:Ficsu91.
31/07/21Joining of:Kumiszter.
August 2021
08/08/21Deletion of:LAKATOS.
30/08/21Deletion of:gyugyeik.
31/08/21Joining of:BW2424.
September 2021
02/09/21The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
03/09/21Deletion of:Èpìtők.