VlLLAINS - Alliance history

January 2017
09/01/17The alliance ~V~ (today: VlLLAINS) was founded.
Founding members:: Fatman, Mara, Lord Voldemort, Count Dracula, Aviendha, Ahriman, Hans Gruber, Kadaj and Scary Terry.
Leaving of:Hans Gruber.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100.
11/01/17Joining of:Supernaturals, Fire_Aura, tahmid, nurse ratched, cheese333, Dreamstate, Mojo Jojo, Agent Smith, Scarecrow and BANE.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
12/01/17Joining of:SCP-Foundation, Hafeiz, ViolentDelights, Ravencrov, MiladyDeWinter, Robert Ford, smeagol, Snow White, sec, Powerpuff Girls, Genesis and Captain Black.
14/01/17The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
16/01/17The alliance is now known as VlLLAINS.
17/01/17Joining of:The hunters, Randall Flagg, Kira, Maleficent, MrMagic, Rook and Sauron.
18/01/17Joining of:Harley Quinn and Putin.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
20/01/17Leaving of:ViolentDelights.
21/01/17Leaving of:BANE.
22/01/17Joining of:shield, ROTK and Spartanz.
Leaving of:ROTK.
23/01/17Joining of:Vegeta, theonetruemoo, krebins, Jack the Ripper and Hellraiser.
24/01/17Joining of:DarkTaz.
27/01/17Leaving of:Jack the Ripper.
28/01/17Joining of:Mystique.
31/01/17Leaving of:Putin.
February 2017
03/02/17Joining of:Yoshi.
08/02/17The alliance reaches a population more than 50,000.
10/02/17Leaving of:Fatman Ahriman Kadaj Fire_Aura cheese333 Mojo Jojo Hafeiz Ravencrov smeagol Snow White Powerpuff Girls Kira Maleficent Rook Sauron Harley Quinn shield Spartanz and Hellraiser.
11/02/17Joining of:Kefka, spybot, liv13051, Euphoria, gauilitli, stan, Bhutoo, Ultros, Nibor, uction, Hans Gruber, F 35, hungweilo, godfather, JIGSAW, ViolentDelights, Gargamel and Ultimecia.
Leaving of:Agent Smith.
12/02/17Joining of:Avidius Cassius, Super Villain!, darkwing duck and Diabolik.
Leaving of:Scary Terry MrMagic Mystique and Yoshi.
13/02/17Joining of:sara.
14/02/17Joining of:Captain Hook.
16/02/17Joining of:solvex.
18/02/17Joining of:Zyxecc.
Leaving of:tahmid and ViolentDelights.
19/02/17Joining of:ThaDup and Defriezen.
22/02/17 The alliance have their first conquest.
23/02/17Leaving of:Captain Hook.
24/02/17Leaving of:sec.
26/02/17Joining of:sec.
Leaving of:sec.
28/02/17Joining of:sec.
Leaving of:sec.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100,000.
March 2017
01/03/17Joining of:Shanelle.
03/03/17Joining of:shield.
Leaving of:shield.
04/03/17Leaving of:Aviendha.
05/03/17Joining of:1_ilie and shield.
06/03/17Joining of:sec and Mihaela.
Leaving of:sec.
14/03/17Joining of:nacl and Earcrusher.
15/03/17Leaving of:shield.
21/03/17The alliance has done over 5 conquests.
22/03/17Joining of:trso.
23/03/17Joining of:Emeradii.
30/03/17Joining of:cheese333.
April 2017
03/04/17The alliance has done over 10 conquests.
06/04/17Leaving of:Super Villain!.
08/04/17Leaving of:nurse ratched.
14/04/17Joining of:nurse ratched.
Leaving of:Dreamstate.
15/04/17Leaving of:Genesis.
18/04/17The alliance has done over 20 conquests.
20/04/17Joining of:Drama Queen and Morpheus.
22/04/17Joining of:bgrady11.
23/04/17Leaving of:Drama Queen.
24/04/17Joining of:EnricoTanz.
Leaving of:JIGSAW and nurse ratched.
Deletion of:Hans Gruber.
26/04/17Joining of:AlexanderSnow.
28/04/17Leaving of:F 35.
May 2017
02/05/17Joining of:Dreamstate.
03/05/17Joining of:PseudoDog and GoodBoyLarry.
Leaving of:Avidius Cassius.
05/05/17Joining of:The Farmers.
08/05/17The alliance has done over 50 conquests.
09/05/17Joining of:General Zod and Deeds.
10/05/17Leaving of:Dreamstate.
11/05/17Joining of:leonguyen.
14/05/17Joining of:Dreamstate and Scary Terry.
15/05/17Leaving of:Dreamstate.
16/05/17Leaving of:GoodBoyLarry.
20/05/17Leaving of:bgrady11.
25/05/17Leaving of:uction.
26/05/17Joining of:wrokan.
27/05/17The alliance reaches a population more than 500,000.
29/05/17Leaving of:DarkTaz.
30/05/17Joining of:Ninocica and Dreamstate.
June 2017
02/06/17Joining of:Drama Queen.
Leaving of:Dreamstate.
05/06/17Joining of:Dreamstate.
06/06/17Joining of:ole and Big.
07/06/17Joining of:F 35 and MrMagic.
Leaving of:Big.
08/06/17Leaving of:Dreamstate.
10/06/17Joining of:Dreamstate.
11/06/17Joining of:Big.
12/06/17Leaving of:Dreamstate.
15/06/17Leaving of:Gargamel.
Deletion of:hungweilo.
16/06/17Joining of:Dreamstate.
18/06/17Deletion of:PseudoDog.
19/06/17Joining of:Gargamel.
24/06/17Joining of:Orion.
25/06/17Leaving of:Dreamstate.
27/06/17Joining of:Dreamstate.
28/06/17Joining of:elf.
29/06/17Joining of:Dr. Manhattan.
July 2017
03/07/17The alliance has done over 100 conquests.
05/07/17Leaving of:Orion.
06/07/17Joining of:Mojo Jojo.
16/07/17Leaving of:wrokan.
20/07/17Joining of:Powerpuff Girls.
27/07/17Leaving of:Ultimecia.
30/07/17Joining of:Agent Smith.
August 2017
11/08/17Deletion of:Mihaela.
12/08/17Leaving of:Scarecrow and solvex.
16/08/17Joining of:SAN.
Leaving of:Robert Ford.
19/08/17Deletion of:1_ilie.
20/08/17Joining of:FOR HONOR.
Leaving of:MiladyDeWinter and Randall Flagg.
23/08/17Deletion of:godfather.
September 2017
03/09/17The alliance has done over 200 conquests.