AMAZONS - Alliance history

June 2011
28/06/11The alliance AMAZONS2 (today: AMAZONS) was founded.
Founding members:: Dajan3 and Caveman.
The alliance reaches a population more than 100.
29/06/11Joining of:King 123, getit and souljumper.
30/06/11Joining of:westie72, DuallAcc, kiba, WatchMyDefence, Moùad and superproxy2k11.
Leaving of:souljumper.
The alliance reaches a population more than 1,000.
July 2011
01/07/11Joining of:thorin.
02/07/11Joining of:Pervert.
03/07/11Joining of:Yenilmez Armada.
04/07/11Leaving of:DuallAcc.
06/07/11Leaving of:WatchMyDefence superproxy2k11 and Pervert.
08/07/11Joining of:GreatWarrior.
Leaving of:Dajan3 and GreatWarrior.
09/07/11Joining of:S.W.A.T and viceroya.
10/07/11Joining of:Dajan3 and Tamera.
Leaving of:kiba.
11/07/11Joining of:SPEAR, Bizuu, yddevil and sooryaprasath.
13/07/11Joining of:Amorphis and sem.
Leaving of:King 123.
Deletion of:Amorphis.
14/07/11Joining of:maximos.
Leaving of:Moùad SPEAR and Bizuu.
15/07/11Deletion of:Tamera.
17/07/11Joining of:King 123 and Fascism.
Deletion of:Fascism.
20/07/11Joining of:moe.
Deletion of:thorin.
The alliance reaches a population more than 5,000.
22/07/11Joining of:Dragoune Rose.
24/07/11Deletion of:sooryaprasath.
26/07/11Leaving of:S.W.A.T and Dragoune Rose.
August 2011
03/08/11Joining of:ogee, GreatWarrior, bullsy, Bruins, Slovak, spaceballs, ptrw, skipplar, you dont know and Leonides 888.
Leaving of:yddevil.
The alliance reaches a population more than 10,000.
04/08/11The alliance is now known as AMAZONS.
Joining of:Selim Bradley and sowo1.
Deletion of:sem.
05/08/11Joining of:Meister and piku.
08/08/11Leaving of:ptrw.
Deletion of:Meister.
09/08/11Leaving of:GreatWarrior.
10/08/11Leaving of:Slovak.
11/08/11Deletion of:getit.
12/08/11Leaving of:Caveman.
13/08/11Joining of:Samsung Galaxsi.
Leaving of:spaceballs.
15/08/11Joining of:ASU.
20/08/11Joining of:gauls 1.
21/08/11Leaving of:Dajan3 and Leonides 888.
22/08/11Leaving of:Yenilmez Armada maximos moe skipplar and sowo1.
24/08/11Joining of:Mernieks.
27/08/11Deletion of:Bruins.
29/08/11Leaving of:you dont know.