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The Masterplan (

Name: The Masterplan
Rank: 5 (2 fallen)
Alliance: .IT
Villages: 27 (+1)
Settled villages:
Conquered villages:
Lost villages:
Population: 22,704 (-619)
Registered since: 19/09/23
Playtime: 72 Days
Village history: Show log (Entries: 55)
Log: (Entries: 55)
19/09/23Village (89|-7) settled.
19/09/23Village (101|-10) settled.
19/09/23Village (109|-46) settled.
19/09/23Village (82|-69) settled.
19/09/23Village (77|-89) settled.
24/09/23(101|19) conquered by Bullhammer (.IT).
27/09/23Village (98|-109) settled.
28/09/23(126|-62) conquered by Natars.
01/10/23Village (-7|10) settled.
04/10/23(97|-108) conquered by ABS (WIC).
07/10/23(83|-49) conquered by Natars.
09/10/23 (77|-89) conquered by Shafi (WIC).
11/10/23(87|-92) conquered by SPACCA&BUTCHER (.IT).
14/10/23 (97|-108) conquered by الابيض ضميرك (WIC).
15/10/23(72|-56) conquered by ElemenT (.IT).
15/10/23(34|-22) conquered by ElemenT (.IT).
19/10/23(72|-12) conquered by ElemenT (.IT).
19/10/23(132|-42) conquered by ElemenT (.IT).
20/10/23(35|-25) conquered by THC_BarT (.IT).
22/10/23(97|-108) conquered by الابيض ضميرك (WIC).
24/10/23(99|-107) conquered by BetterAfter (.IT).
24/10/23(72|-13) conquered by Dr dr (.IT).
28/10/23 (34|-22) conquered by القبطان دودي (WIC).
28/10/23 (35|-25) conquered by القبطان دودي (WIC).
29/10/23(-125|75) conquered by Khawaja (WIC).
29/10/23(-124|73) conquered by Natars.
29/10/23(-61|66) conquered by The Prince.
30/10/23(98|-114) conquered by Darwish (WIC).
30/10/23(-127|75) conquered by Alucard (WIC1).
31/10/23(-121|74) conquered by Natars.
04/11/23(-121|72) conquered by Khawaja (WIC).
04/11/23(-120|72) conquered by Khawaja (WIC).
06/11/23(-124|68) conquered by Aldo (WIC1).
07/11/23(-122|67) conquered by RealBrok (WIC).
09/11/23(-127|69) conquered by zuikutis (WIC1).
11/11/23 (98|-109) conquered by AE_ (WIC).
12/11/23(98|-109) conquered by AE_ (WIC).
13/11/23 (-124|68) conquered by BOOM (WIC).
13/11/23(-115|75) conquered by KSA (WIC).
13/11/23(-114|75) conquered by KSA (WIC).
13/11/23(-127|69) destroyed.
14/11/23(-106|85) conquered by MNO (WIC).
16/11/23(-68|57) conquered by AhmadZiad (WIC).
17/11/23 (-121|74) conquered by Abu yazn (WIC).
17/11/23(-122|67) destroyed.
23/11/23(-121|72) destroyed.
24/11/23(13|26) conquered by داعس (WIC).
24/11/23(12|19) conquered by القبطان دودي (WIC).
25/11/23(172|157) conquered by ghelman (WIC).
27/11/23(-120|72) destroyed.
28/11/23(-120|71) conquered by Naga (WIC).
28/11/23(96|-43) conquered by Hanach (.IT).
30/11/23 (-115|75) conquered by داعس (WIC).
30/11/23 (-114|75) conquered by RealBrok (WIC).
30/11/23 (101|19) conquered by القبطان دودي (WIC).
Alliance history:
.IT  since 19/09/23  (73 Days)
GetterMap 2.1: See GetterMap 2.1


X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)KingdomSettled/
( 89|-7 ) 01 BERZOBIS FELIXV1430Berzobis(settledTue 19/09/23
( 82|-69 ) 11 Delphi Egizia1334(+12)Delphi(settledTue 19/09/23
( -124|73 )20 NEW RESISTANCE1063(+17)Durnonovaria(G.v. NatarsSun 29/10/23
( 109|-46 )04 SAMOTHRAID IX1056(+6)Samothrace(settledTue 19/09/23
( 99|-107 )13 Better ⚓ Sparta1048(+14)Sparta(G.v. BetterAfterTue 24/10/23
( 97|-108 )14 Isolotto ⚓ Sparta976(+18)Sparta(G.v. الابيض ضميركSun 22/10/23
( -106|85 )27 Londinium III965(+28)Londinium(G.v. MNOTue 14/11/23
( -61|66 )18 Bagacum Gallica955(+9)Bagacum(G.v. The PrinceSun 29/10/23
( 98|-114 )17 Nathandog⚓Sparta933(+32)Sparta(G.v. DarwishMon 30/10/23
( 72|-56 )10 Apollonia Romana917(+19)Apollonia(G.v. ElemenTSun 15/10/23
( 126|-62 )06 Samothracest911(+18)Samothrace(G.v. NatarsThu 28/09/23
( -127|75 )22 Durno IX Romana891(+8)Durnonovaria(G.v. AlucardMon 30/10/23
( 72|-13 )08 Ulpiana 41BisT887(+18)Ulpiana(G.v. Dr drTue 24/10/23
( 101|-10 )03 ZappappopolisT853(+11)Philippopolis(settledTue 19/09/23
( 132|-42 )05 Fazenda ⚓ Pontica851(+24)Apollonia Pontica(G.v. ElemenTThu 19/10/23
( 87|-92 )12 Spaccaluna Park850(+39)Sparta(G.v. SPACCA&BUTCHERWed 11/10/23
( 172|157 )TOP SECRET827(-50)Hyperborea(G.v. ghelmanSat 25/11/23
( 72|-12 )07 Ulpiana Style800(+33)Ulpiana(G.v. ElemenTThu 19/10/23
( -125|75 )21 DurnonovariaGalla751(-138)Durnonovaria(G.v. KhawajaSun 29/10/23
( 83|-49 )09 XVlpiana Unna III746(+3)Ulpiana(G.v. NatarsSat 07/10/23
( 13|26 )16bis Aquileia Egypt689(+3)Aquileia(G.v. داعسFri 24/11/23
( -68|57 )19 Bagacum Romana649(-67)Bagacum(G.v. AhmadZiadThu 16/11/23
( 98|-109 )15 Old Resistance587(+142)Sparta(G.v. AE_Sun 12/11/23
( -7|10 )16 Disney T? Venezia560(-228)Aquileia(settledSun 01/10/23
( -120|71 )22bis Bello Bello538(-446)Durnonovaria(G.v. NagaTue 28/11/23
( 12|19 )16ter Aquileia Egypt447(+64)Aquileia(G.v. القبطان دوديFri 24/11/23
( 96|-43 ) 03bis WIC SPY190(-1345)Philippopolis(G.v. HanachTue 28/11/23

Lost villages

X | YVillagePopulation+/- (7d)Conquered by
( 77|-89 )06 Sparta ⚓894(c.t. Shafi Mon 09/10/23
( 34|-22 )17 Salona ⚓ Nord T929(c.t. القبطان دودي Sat 28/10/23
( 35|-25 )18 Salona ⚓ Culona634(c.t. القبطان دودي Sat 28/10/23
( -124|68 )24 Roma ⚓ Durno III804(c.t. BOOM Mon 13/11/23
( -127|69 )25 Roma Durno IV376 (destroyed Mon 13/11/23
( -121|74 )22 DURNO UNNA957(c.t. Abu yazn Fri 17/11/23
( -122|67 )25 Durno ⚓ Egizia851 (destroyed Fri 17/11/23
( -121|72 )23 Roma Durno I675 (destroyed Thu 23/11/23
( -120|72 )24 Roma Durno II573 (destroyed Mon 27/11/23
( -115|75 )26 Londinium II435(c.t. داعس Thu 30/11/23
( -114|75 ) 25 Londinium998(c.t. RealBrok Thu 30/11/23
( 101|19 )02 Gherla XVnna912(c.t. القبطان دودي Thu 30/11/23

Player statistics