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Advanced active villages search for

The active villages search helps you to find new allies or partners in your world.

Travian server:COM1x3 ( - Change Travian server
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Range: Squares (max: 100)
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Min. population change:(Population change in the last 7 days.)
Player min. villages: up to
Player min. population: up to
Anti noob:
No alliance
Travel time display:
Speed / TS: / TS:

Result of the search

VillagePlayerKingdomVillagesPopulation+/-(1d)+/-(7d)PlaytimeTravel time
( -4|-3 )PPPPPeruskoooooPedro32839(+16)(+374)29 Days21m 26s
( -4|-4 )New PedrusskkoooPedro32839(+16)(+374)29 Days21m 26s
( -5|-9 )Pedro CentralPedro32839(+16)(+374)29 Days42m 51s
( -14|1 )ОТЕЛЛООТЕЛЛО21326(+22)(+630)52 Days1h 00 00s
( -15|-4 )A00 TesterTester1275(+0)(+7)52 Days1h 04 17s
( 9|13 )HoumlesákowMr. Nobody22219(+41)(+1446)54 Days1h 04 17s
( 15|-6 )Magdi's villageMagdi2273(+1)(+13)54 Days1h 08 34s
( 15|-7 )New villageMagdi2273(+1)(+13)54 Days1h 08 34s
( -17|-2 )C-003emocean693974(+45)(+18)54 Days1h 12 51s
( 3|-17 )SnoWFloK's PartySnoWFloK2781(-1)(+9)54 Days1h 12 51s
( 10|15 )New villageKolLekToR11052(+0)(+544)54 Days1h 17 09s
( -18|-1 )A-001emocean693974(+45)(+18)54 Days1h 17 09s
( -18|-2 )B-002emocean693974(+45)(+18)54 Days1h 17 09s
( 6|-18 )Münster CitySnoWFloK2781(-1)(+9)54 Days1h 17 09s
( 15|13 )ZapadákowMr. Nobody22219(+41)(+1446)54 Days1h 21 26s
( 19|-7 )Plus's villagePlus1253(+14)(+47)51 Days1h 25 43s
( 18|-12 )02 FriedenGandolf21379(+11)(+35)54 Days1h 30 00s
( 22|-3 )03 FriedenGandolf21379(+11)(+35)54 Days1h 34 17s
( 21|9 )gajardo [09]gajardo53410(+89)(+669)54 Days1h 34 17s
( 22|7 )gajardo [08]gajardo53410(+89)(+669)54 Days1h 38 34s
( 21|10 )gajardo [01]gajardo53410(+89)(+669)54 Days1h 38 34s
( 23|-5 )001 WHITE WALKERLEGION D'FER2526(+7)(+36)53 Days1h 38 34s